Wednesday, May 7, 2014

City Commission Meeting, 5/6/14~More Spending From the AEP Texas Settlement Fund

Pastor Brad Burke
After the U.S. and Texas flags had received their pledges of allegiance, Pastor Brad asked "the Lord God" to bless the City Commission, after which he basked in the glow of a successful "prayer night for our country, city and state" at Sam's Stadium.  Not one to hog the credit, Brad made it clear that "others" had worked long hours to get God's attention at that event held May 1.

After Brad's prayer, the City Commission stuck a knife deeply in the backs of Brownsville taxpayers, more than doubling their parking meter fees downtown and giving away the development of the Port of Brownsville railway line to OmniTRAX, owned by a Denver high roller.  The railway giveaway was in the form of Resolution 2014-039, while the parking meter raise was cleverly concealed in the "Consent Agenda '"a" through "m."  It was Item "d," passed, without a whimper, despite 18 out of 20 speaking at a town hall forum being against it.(This City Commission does not listen to the citizens nor and blocks the broadcast of Public Comment.)  

Two higher ticket items dipped back into the AEP Texas Settlement Fund: The $115,000 earmarked for the remodeling of 609. 611 and 615 E. 11th Street, to be turned into a museum, a Downtown Revitalization Headquarters and a Brownsville Police Department substation.  I suspect the lease on the old Downtown Brownsville Revitalization Information Office at 1101-A E. Washington Street, leased from October 8, 2013 will not be renewed.  Also, $175,000 for the city's part in the shortfall on Brownsville Metro's downtown parking garage.

Commissioner Debbie Portillo
Commissioner Debbie Portillo asked Assistant Finance Director Lupe Granado how much was left in the AEP Texas Refund balance after the two large expenditures. Inexplicably, Lupe didn't know. Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, lately grandstanding, said:  "Well, we need to know," but didn't actually press the matter. It's just subtraction, Lupe, but subtraction the commissioners themselves should have been able to do.  Remember, it was Portillo, along with Commissioner Villarreal, who had questioned the mayor's spending from the $3,060,000 AEP Texas Fund January 27 with this agenda item:
2. Consideration and ACTION to acknowledge the expenditures paid from the AEP lawsuit settlement proceeds and to approve an expenditure budget from the remaining proceeds.(Commissioners J. Villarreal/D. Portillo)
At that time, the Mayor had spent nearly $400,000 our of the fund, so last night's two expenditures removed another $290,000, leaving about $2.37 million.  

Mayor Tony Martinez
Martinez seemed unclear as to which downtown parking garage was being funded, unless he was simply asking a rhetorical question:   "So, this is for the parking garage to be built across from the multi-modal facility?" he asked.  Actually, Martinez was probably jet-lagged as he was pictured on Facebook May 5th with outgoing UTB President Juliet Garcia in Washington D.C.  

Assistant Brownsville Metro Director Andrew Munoz, explained that the additional funds for the parking garage were "owner items," for "testing the concrete, the welds," etc. procedures not covered by the buildings initial funding.  He described the future garage as "4 stories, with the lower story committed to retail shops and restaurants."


  1. Damn Bozos! You can combine all seven and you still can't get enough to make one good City Council member. Worthless idiots.

  2. If Pat Ahumada was still alive he would take care of all of us.

  3. All those SpaceX promoters may wish to read the article below. Our billionaire friend's other project looks a little pallid. It might just be the next twitter.

  4. Battling prostitution has been a major focus for Harlingen City Councilwoman Nury Martinez, who has pushed to bolster police patrols, increase enforcement against johns and pimps, and boost diversion programs for prostitutes in her district.

    Now, in the quest to stamp out the sex trade in the area, Martinez is zeroing in on the strip clubs, massage parlors and liquor stores that line 77 Boulevard, aiming to prevent new "adult entertainment" businesses from opening along a nearly four-mile stretch of the street.

    The councilwoman wants to pass an ordinance to temporarily prevent new topless bars, liquor stores and other "adult-oriented uses" from opening along the targeted stretch of the Sunset Strip, as well as parts of Lankershim Boulevard and San Fernando Farm Road that leads to Combes. Existing shops would be allowed to stay open, but the restrictions would halt permits for new such businesses there.

    "Unfortunately, it seems like the vice activities feed on each other," Martinez said, adding, "We don't want these types of businesses to lure the pimps."

    1. If you want to go after the biggest pimps, try abolishing the Democratic Party. Or, do you not remember Wild Bill Clinton? Second in line would be the Republicans.

  5. The mayor and all the commissioners consistently appear to be like a "deer caught in the headlights" and lack preparation and understanding on issues. For people who represent the city and its citizens, they don't put forth much effort and prove with each meeting that they are close to being incompetent. Yet, the citizens are quiet....."ignorance is bliss" in Margaritaville.

  6. They need to pay the firefighters/paramedics the lawsuit the City of Brownsville just lost in the Appeals Court.
    Before it really affects the city's rating. Or, just keep listening to your all star legal team of Mark Sossi and Rick Navarro. Interest is being paid as we speak so just take your time if you think that is in the best interest of the citizens.

  7. No one should be surprise what dumbokRATS do. They're all worthless POS who all they do is spend money foolishly and wastefully. Name me one honest not corrupt democRAT? Name me one democRAT that earns a living in the private sector that doesn't suck the government tit? JUST ONE.

    1. Get a life you ignorant think Republicans don't do the same thing? Nothing to do with the party you belong to; if you're dishonest and corrupt.....that's on you.There are bad politicians on both sides......your stupid rants on "dumbokrats" are boring.....get a life.

    2. Anon of May 8, 2014 at 8:49 AM
      FYI I already know the answer. Try and google for an honest democrat cause NOT ONE NAME WILL POP UP LMAO LMAO LMAO



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