Rose Timmer |
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Today the United States launched a trade war against Canada, their closest partner and ally, their...

Dr. Lorenzo Pelly M.D., Lic. No. G2453, Brownsville On August 20, 2021. The Board and Lorenzo Pelly, M.D., 2012 Valley Baptist Physician ...
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By Rene Torres Mike Pizano today Mike Pizano is an old school barber that started his trade in 1984 at the tender age of twenty- five, int...
Please no! I would vote for Pat Auhmada before Mrs. Timmer, at least Ahumada will not tell us to not eat menudo or carnitas.
ReplyDeleteEven if you are attempting at a joke, I would vote for Pat Ahumada again. The only one that can stop Tenaska from happening, the only one that will speak up for the citizens, the only one that can lead with transparency. Run Pat, we are behind you.
DeleteNot another Rose, LOL! God help us!
ReplyDeleteDaniel Lenz for Mayor! After reading some of the things he has written on this blog in the past, which were well thought out and level headed views, he would definitely have my vote! Now, if only we can talk him into running! He would be a refreshing candidate! Mr. Barton, maybe you could pull up some archives of Lenz and repost them.
I watched Daniel Lenz speak at the town hall meeting on meter fees, very articulate, I was impressed!
DeleteLenz is a shallow dude, to-business and he's a zero on social issues that do not affect his bottom line. This Rose Timmer looks like she's ready for a tamalada, not the mayorship. Jim Barton has a losing habit of saddling losing horses...
DeleteIf she wins I leave town.
ReplyDeleteI will vote for you Pat, run sir!
ReplyDeleteRose Gowen and Rose Timmer do not come close to have what it takes to be Mayor. To be Mayor you have to be a leader, you have to be able to do the right thing, you have to be able to make the tough decisions. I'm sorry but I do not see that in both these ladies.
ReplyDeleteMartinez has none of the quantities above and he is mayor. Pat Auhmada for Mayor.
DeleteOh snap, Pat Ahumada is commenting on message boards again. He has my vote, but only because he is more amusing than a circus clown.
DeleteDon't blame me,mi voted for Pat Ahumada.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again! Go to sleep Pat.
ReplyDeleteLMAO! Yeah, I can just see it! The Shrimper, thief, drunk, and whatever else they can throw at me... We need some new strong blood who is not hungary for acceptance, but who has character, tenacity, and unafraid to do what is right. Simple! I am very dissappointed in the present commisison, because they all seem to be pleasers and not leaders, including Rick Longoria who really does nothing. Rick shows up at the meetings and that is it, votes and speaks on an issue, but is not a doer. Rick is driven by his ego. I remember when he clearly said, "I do not care if it is good for Brownsville, if you (Pat) introduce it, I will vote against it". That is not being a leader. I also remember when I sat Charlie Atkinson and Rick Longoria down at my house right after I got elected and said, "every team needs a quarter back and someone to catch the pass and someone to block. I will call the plays, you (Atkinson and Longoria) catch the pass and block to score the touch downs. Then we can all take the credit and accomplish a lot." Their response was immediate and pouncing on me, "why should you be the quarterback", we have senority." They did not get it and never did, because they were determined to want to be mayors without getting electected and determined to be jerks, which was our downfall. Had they worked as a team, you would have had solidarity against the freaking fence, the weir project, purchasing and restoring the El Jardin Hotel to revitalize the Capitol Theater and downtown. You would have already had by now a "no kill" animal city. The city would have saved approximately $21 million with the buy out plan for employees and created new jobs with new entry level employees. You would not have had Tenaska, Imagine Brownsville, the squanering of taxpayers money, higher taxes or utility rates. Sossi should not and would have not been appointed, but that is nor here, nor there. They wanted to be mayors, but do not have an inkling what it is to be mayor. It is not the photo op! I worked 24/7 and over worked, tired, stressed and constantly being sought to bring me down. I was hospitalized twice, paralyzed once over the scheduled I kept. So many things that need to be attended, initiatives to be introduced, and following up on things to make sure they get done. Just the $57 million I got for infrastructure under the Obama Stimulus Urbanization Money that the city was not even applying for, saved Brownsville a lot of local taxpayers money and allowed us to update our water and sewer system, plus other projects that would not have been possible. Do you think any of those you want to be for mayor would take the initiative to do something like this or the weir project, that I know would have been done, had it not been for all the undermining efforts by my commission. Hopefully, someone will rise to the occassion and run for Mayor.
ReplyDeleteAh, the burden of being Pat Ahumada. It would seem, from the tapeworm above, that Atlas was a wimp compared to Pat. I'm joshing, of course. Pat Ahumada is the Festus of Browntown.
DeleteJust tell the truth! You care more about dogs than the people of Brownsville. Erasmos Castro would be a better mayor than you.
DeleteAn empty seat on the commission would be better than Tony Martinez and wouldn't cost us as much. Ahumada might turn the Casa de Nylon into an 8-liner joint.....but it wouldn't be empty and would bring in some money. Do any of Tony's real estate investments pay the city anything????
ReplyDeleteThat is the reason Pat should be Mayor, He is right, Atkinson and Longoria did not want to work for the city but for themselves. Run Pat, there is no other with your knowledge, God will lead you.
ReplyDeleteBoth times, back in 1991 and 2007 the city was in shambles, financially crippled and with no direction. Both times, I put the city on good financial footing with drastic changes at PUB and the City, did capital improvements, build up fund balances, improved our ratings, and introduced many initiatives. Some of those initiatives got done, while some were lost at a huge expense to our city. One of those initiatives and we had it in the bag, was the international flights to Monterrey and Tampico with future expansion to Veracruz and Yucatan, but the naysayers were so against an individual (Carlos ?) that they preferred to listen to a pedophile than to their mayor and killed a great opportunity to capitalize on Mexico's problems by bringing people and their money to Brownsville. The mentality here is like Rick's was, I will not vote for anything you propose, even if it is good for Brownsville. The same thing happen, just because they did not like Carlos, they killed a great opportunity. It is called the crab syndrome. Then you have the time they arrested me when I left a friend's house at 4 am to go to Washington. Let me ask, who would arrest the mayor on this way to catch a flight to go to Washington? Only a vindictive Police Chief Carlos Garcia and Rick Longoria's brother, it made no sense. I should have just stayed at my friends house, let the city lose what it spent on my airline and hotel accomodations, but no, Pat had to do his duty and get up and go, but the vindictiveness prevailed. In case you do not know, which I am sure you do. There was a concerted effort by Atkinson, Longoria, Chief Carlos Garcia, and others whose feathers I ruffled to get me out and they did a lot of damage with people like Chris Valadez spewing venom and Jerry McHale, Brownsville Cheezme and others. Well, they succeeded and ruined me politically, but the price they are paying for it. The elected someone who does not give them the time of day, like I use to. You got your money's worth out of me, that is for sure. It is time for someone else to rise up from within you all who has a calling for the vocation to serve. If it is a vocation, as I felt it was mine, you will get someone who will make Brownsville the agenda and not himself or the personal interest of his friends. I made this city millions and saved this city millions, but I had too many adversaries working to destroy, because I did not fit in their box.
ReplyDeleteLook at the City Commission now. I am sure they are all nice people, including the mayor, but the city is not the agenda. It is their personal pet projects at the cost of the over all health of the city. For instance, yes, I love animals and am a strong advocate, but I did not put the city on hold and work only on the needs of animals. I attended to everything from getting stimulus money, to housing issues and worked to improve streets, services, morale, economic development projects, attended meetings. Check to see h ow many meetings any of these people attend other than their pet projects. Do they attend the LRGV Council Meetings. Does anyone take the intiative to build and improve the shelter? The MPO meetings are very important, but no one was at the Passenger Rail Service meeting in McAllen to represent and protect Brownsville's interest. I went, because I am the one who took the initiative to ask for a Passenger Rail Study for the LRGV, as noted by resolutions introduced at the city level and MPO. This was a crucial hearing for Brownsville and not one member from the commission was there. Pretty sad, when you are talking about the need for transporting masses of people during a disaster, which is why I took the initiative to request the study. The service will be great for service and transportation, but stop and think in case of disaster and the need to evacuate, what better way than the rail system, because the land highways will bottleneck as we saw in Houston in time of evacuation. After the Hearing, I took the time to write them a letter emphaizing on Brownsville's needs and copied the city, because it is important. The project may take 10 years, but we owe it to those who follow us to take these initiatives to make them happen. Just so you know..
ReplyDeletetrey mendez for mayor.
ReplyDeletePat is hot and so much easier on the eyes than the cacaroach that presently sits at the head of our city commission.
ReplyDeletePat would return phone calls and was
approachable. He would even come up to you.
Will he run again? Who knows? Would he have a viable chance? Time will tell.
Damn, Pat I was staring to like you again, but you had to bring back the Fly Frontera scam, how the hell where you going to fly those planes charging for a full flight half of what the fuel for one way trip to Monterrey cost
ReplyDeleteWho is Rose Timmer and what has she done for the city?????????????????
ReplyDeleteI would like to put a plastic bag over her head.
ReplyDeleteGet your own blog pat and quit trolling this one. You still have not explained that check you deposited.. You were either drunk, stupid or both. Pick one.
ReplyDeleteYou sure are fat rose for someone who preaches such a healthy lifestyle. I smell bullshit, and it don't smell like a rose.
ReplyDeleteThe safe guards were there to protect our investment and I am confident the flights would have been a success. I remember when people doubted Continental and look at it now. You are entitled to your opinion, mine is based on the merits of the proposed connections into Mexico and the potential market, not on a personal basis. What was your plan and how has it worked. Where is your plan?
ReplyDeleteTrey Mendez FOR Mayor