From the editor: Former Mayor Pat Ahumada, never shy about sharing his opinion, commented yesterday to this blog about the performance of Tony Martinez as mayor.
Pat Ahumada |
"If, I had done one quarter of what this mayor has done, I would have been tarred, feathered, and lynched. One quarter of the scams or just the $2.3 million dollar scam would have had the Texas Rangers on me like a tick on a dog. I never micromanaged, never gave or ordered that jobs be given to friends of mine at the city or people fired because they were not supporters. I never went on spending sprees, but sought my own funding for my projects, paid a lot of my own travel and entertainement. I was accessible and was always engaged for the betterment of the city. All of which you Anonymous cannot dispute, but only offer hate. Why? Is it because your mother perhaps shared my bed or is it because you are pathethic and have noting to offer, so you must tear those who do down?"
Yeah, Pat, come back to us when Tony Martinez drives up to a bank and deposits a city check. LOL!!!!
ReplyDelete"Is it because your mother perhaps shared my bed"
ReplyDeleteWhat a classless thing to say. Shows you for what you are, Ahumada - an uneducated, self-absorbed baboso.
Oh, Patty-Pat-Pat-Pat. Revisit your statement and experience the arrogance with which present yourself and perhaps--just perhaps--you'll begin to understand your unpopularity. Then recall your equally arrogant behavior at city meetings--shouting folks down, interrupting their statements with belittling remarks, and so on. It doesn't matter if you might be --might be, not quaranteed -- the smartest guy in the room. When your apparent opinion is that no one else's opinion counts, well, then you might understand why most of us have had enough of your crap.
ReplyDeleteLet me add that I voted for you twice, Mr. Ahumada and met with bitter disappointment in your actual performance twice.
Delete--same guy
At least Mr Pat Ahumada has the courage to use his name and not just sling out B.S. Mr. Ahumada i salute you.
ReplyDeleteWe notice that you do not have that courage yourself, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous.
Delete"Is it because your mother perhaps shared my bed"
ReplyDeletePat keeps showing why the people voted him out by his own words. Who on earth would ever want a public official that speaks like this. Can't blame it on the booze, because he speaks like this even when he is sober, which by the way is not very often. Such a classless lump of excrement!
Say what you want, but your cowardice shows, along with your hate. I will vote for a shrimper any time over someone of your stature and supposedly refine class of maggots who contribute nothing, but are like leaches. And your hate, is it because of your mother and you cannot get over it? Or is it because you just a pendejo..
ReplyDeleteWhats wrong with shrimpers?
DeleteWhether I was popular or not amongst you, I do not care. I got voted twice in and did a good job, regardless of what you say. I took this city and PUB out of dire financial straits and put it in good sound financial footing, did a lot of capital improvements that would not have been possible in the condition the city was left before I got elected. I even got you over $50 million for water and wastewater projects, PUB was not going to get. We were getting zilch, but I got it for you and millions for the city. I exposed the developers, brought your utility rates down and taxes, built parks, brought you Continental, built you a police substation, got the city in the position to sell bonds for the library, streets, and was always engaged and transparent. No matter what you say, it was my initiatives that made these things possible, as the record clearly will reflect. Even the police union was against police substations at the time, but I got HEB to donate us the land to build the very first substation. Continental was not even a dream, until I introduced the initiative to bring them. So, haters, you can say all you want and put me down, but atleast you had someone working to protect the taxpayers interest and getting many things done. And, it eats you up.. Keep your class and refined ways, I rather genuine people who have the courage to be counted and not hide as Anonymous, while they stab you in the back. Again, give my best to your mother.
ReplyDeleteAll of this and yet people still think you're an asshole, Pat. Geez, could it be your unprofessional, vulgar way of talking and presenting yourself? Yep, that's what it is! Carry on Pat, you dig yourself deeper and deeper with your words.
DeleteBy the way, you are full of it. It was not I who took the public comments from the air and if you think it was me, correct it and get them back. I am no longer their, so get them back. It was Sossi... I had nothing to do with it. And so what, people voted me out because the concerted effort was to get me out by Chief Carlos Garcia, Villalobos, and Luis Saenz, along with Atkinson, Longoria and others who could not stand the fact that I atleast worked at being a mayor and they succeeded, but it was not the end of the world. I am fine, I did not lose, now I do not have to worry about all the things a working mayor worries about or have to put up with morons like Charlie Atkinson and Longoria. The job does not pay, but if you are in it for the wrong reasons, I guess it can pay, but no one can say I benefitted from the position. I just did my job, inspite of the haters who wanted to bring me down. I am fine, worry about yourself Anonymous, who I am sure will get what you deserve.
ReplyDeleteOh! Anonymous who voted for me twice and was greatly dissappointed, I cannot help you think you are stupid for doing so. That was your choice. You should have voted for Ernie.. To me being mayor was not about me or my ego, it was about being of service. Regardless what you say, I did a good job, more than you will ever admit, because you just like to hate. You would have preferred to continue paying high utility bills, taxes, and have a filthy city....Get a life!
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous, I figured who you are. You gave yourself away. Not only are you a maggot, but you are a maggot in a sack of manure. C-, you call me a thief and you are the one who litterally got caught stealing and was going to be arrested, until I intervened for you and paid for what you stold to keep you from getting arrested. You also were very thick with Villalobos trying all angles to seize on forfeiture properties that I am surprised the Feds did not indict you, or did you sell out your friend Villalobos to get off the hook. Your hatred resonates and poisons people, which you should be happy with. You got Tony M. elected, people should thank you and be happy. Now, I never mess with you, but you enjoy messing with me and I have a right to defend myself. Just remember, your turn is coming. Also, don't pee in your pants if you get a visit from my son, like you almost did before when he confronted you. I cannot control him, but you were warned. And, maggot look at yourself in the mirror before you call me a thief, because I know who you are, where you come from and who you associate with. You are vulgar and osicon...
ReplyDeleteAnd now we have a threat in writing...great move there, Pat!
DeleteCommon C- Shoot your mouth Osicon! Now that I know who you are, where are your cajones? Maggot!
ReplyDeleteYou did not let me down, as the coward that you are. Your poison you spute, but you do it as Anonymous because you are a maggot in a sack of manure. I had you pegged right and you proved many right as a thief with no doubt who was doing the stealing. I should had let them press charges and take you to jail. Unappreciative COWARD! Now you will get your's in November when your boss loses his job and you will be in the sewer looking for an angle to con or steal, thief!
ReplyDeleteYou're still a POS, Pat! mother says you have a shriveled up prune for a dick, quite disappointed to say the least, LOL! I guess that is what too much drinking will do to you, LIMPY!
DeleteWay to put a piece of shit in his place pat. Pinche osicon cagado no vale una chingada, his time will come pat dont waste your time going after worthless cowards, youre right come November he will be picking shit.
ReplyDeleteYou, I left him alone and ignored him for the longest time and my son got up set and paid him a visit, he about pooped in his pants. I figured the best thing to do was to ignore him, but I am not mayor any more and do have the right to defend myself and I will. Before, I held back, but now this maggot in a sack of manure is going to get exposed. We all know who C is, but let him come out if he dares, but I know he is a coward and man, how he blasted me when the proven thief was him. They might have accused me, but I proved them wrong in a court of law. This guy got caught and begged me to help him like a little worm that he is and I did. This is the way he repays me, but it is not surprising when he has the genes of a maggot. Es un Osicon sin pantalones o cajones.
ReplyDeleteA vote for Rivera or Ruben Pena is a vote against Maggots! Lets all vote to get this maggot in manure out..
ReplyDeleteJim, you can post the following: I believe in not messing with people, but when they keep attacking you, one must defend himself and after the vicious attacks against me calling me a thief and everything else to get Tony Martinez elected and to harm my family, I have decided to defend myself. Chris spread so much hate and venom, I turned the other cheek, but now it is time to respond. Let's set the record straight, I was aquitted by a jury of my peers over the charges of a check theft, when I did not even fill out the deposit slip and the money was returned immediately upon being informed the check was erroneously deposited by a Compass Bank teller into my account and the night depository crew did not catch. However, a corrupt former Police Chief Carlos Garcia seized the opportunity to bring me down as he had already targeted me to do this and with the help of Villalobos, Luis Saenz, and people like Chris Valadez pushing to criminalize me even after the Feds turned down the case they pursued to persecute and prosecute me. The jury saw through the false perception they were trying to create and aquitted me after two trials. Unfortunately, some people like Chris like to spread venom and keep spreading it, but fail to look at themselves in the mirror. Chris got caught stealing electricity by PUB inspectors and were going to have him arrested, I helped him out by intervening and making restitution so they would not press charges, so the only thief here is Chris Valadez, because I was proven to be innocent regardless of the venom Chris has been spreading and continues to do so in the blogs under Anonymous, because he is a coward who is vulgar and full of hate. It is now mission and I call all on my friends to vote for the Democrat Primary winner for county judge to get this person out who Cascos has associated himself with. Mr. Valadez likes destroying people in a cowardly way, then it is time to put him in his place by voting Cascos who chooses to have him as his assistant. My name is Pat Ahumada and I stand behind what I say, unlike people that hide behind annonymity.
ReplyDeleteSo you're saying that you aided and abetted someone to cover up their crime? Isn't that a crime itself? Hmmm, anything else you are covering up, Pat?
ReplyDeleteSounds like an abuse of power on your part, Mr. Ahumada. I am sure as Mayor this was possible, certainly any of us average citizens would not have been able to get this done.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you can accuse me of whatever you want and as you please, but did I help Chris, yes I did. How did I help, by making restitution which is what was being asked and the restitution was made. Chris alleges he did not do it, that his brother Gerry did it, but that I cannot attest to. If you want to blame someone, blame those who did not want to pursue the matter providing restitution was made and it was immediate. So, sue me.. I help Chris, like I helped many citizens with their problems. I did the same thing for Mr. Oscar Valdez, when his driver was arrested and wrongfully so and was released. I did the same thing for Letty Grazoria who the former Police Chief interjected himself in a civil dispute over a dog by skipping the process and intimidating her to gain access to her house and taking a dog she had under foster care. So, you want to find fault with anything and everything I do, go ahead, but I was always willing to help people by giving them the benefit of the doubt. PUB restitution was made, end of story. Now, what else ails you?
ReplyDeleteWell, I accept your explanation and I think it is commendable that you are willing to help people. However, when someone commits a crime, then they should be prepared for the consequences when they get caught. When you help someone like this, as the Mayor, it sometimes leaves a perception that there is something unethical and not right going on. Is that fair, probably not, but it exists and changing peoples minds about their initial perceptions of any situation is difficult. Have a good day!
DeleteBy the way anonymous, why are you so scared to use your name? Are you another Chris? Also know that the same guy I helped that was accused of stealing electricity got mad when I would not vote in favor of a zoning change for him. The utility theft was handled the same for Chris as it was for others, providing restitution was made. The zoning matter was voted based on the merits, not knowing who the owner of the property was, but regardles the merits dictated that it not be granted and he would not accept the fact that I voted not to approve the zoning requested. So, you help some times and other times you go against, but that is the way it is in public service. Not personal, but just trying to do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteLook there is something more unethical going on in a $2.3 million dollar purchase of a building that is worth approximately $700,000 or less. There is something more unethical when you former Police Chief Carlos Garcia used his office to selectively target people and violate their civil rights, as he did with me. A lot of people know he went all out to ruin me politically. This chief released the videoswhen he was being told not to do so and it had never been done before. Keep in mind Carlos Garcia went on TV to promote guilt, without giving me due process. The vindictiveness and crab syndrome here is very obvious when people like Luis Saenz, Villalobos, Limas, Carlos Garcia and others target people that gets in their way. They are worst than criminals and do more damage. Supposedly we have the best judicial system in the world, but it is not true. Many are wrongfully convicted and ruined by the supposedly good guys intentionally. Now, on the PUB matter and Chris being caught stealing electricity by way of meeter tampering, which he blamed his brother. I can only tell you that others were treated in the same way as Chris by giving them the opportunity to make restitution. This was not my policy, nor my call. I went and paid for him what was owed. If you have an issue, please take it up with PUB. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I am now convinced that Chris did it, because he was the one benefitting. Had any other citizen come up to me with the same issue, I would have done the same for them based on the policy. You cannot treat people differently, either they all go to jail or they are all give the same opportunity to make restitution. You want to look at what is obviously favortisim, look at Joey de la Garza who stole $150,000 from a Day Care Center and got special treatment. Compare that to the 30 years Luis Saenz was pushing to get me for a simple mistake made by a teller when he wrongfully filled out a simple deposit slip knowing it was not my check. That little mistake was made into a Sunami incident, which was seized to push for my resignation as mayor and to convict me as a thief. Luis Saenz knew what he was doing by going along with the former police chief Carlos Garcia who was being vindictive over dog. He could not get the FEDS to prosecute me, but conspired with Villalobos and Saenz to indict and prosecute me over a simple mistake that was immediately rectified when discovered. Look at the Assistant DA whose stepdaughter was caught stealing $8,000 while working in the District Clerk's office under Aurora de la Garza and nothing has been done to her. Look at the two Luis Saenz nephews who were involved in a hit a run and nothing to date. They accuse me of stealing when a teller makes a wrongful deposit, but look at the stench to high heaven of favortisim and selective prosecution. Then look at the District Clerk's office, who is known to have been fixing cases to favor certain attorneys and nothing was done. Absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, NOTHING! Why? This has been going on for more than 20 years. Why? Could it, because it would expose how pathetic our legal system is and the chaos it would bring to the judicial system? Imagine the affected cases that were fixed? This implicates the FEDS to who chose to do nothing knowing cases were fixed. We are no different from Mexico's legal syste.Now, you want to make it an issue over restitution made on utility theft..Somehow, I think blaming me for Chris not being prosecuted is a little off. I was quiet and took the abuse on the blogs for a very long time, but not this time. Chris calling me a thief, when he was caught stealing utilities and is now working for the county should be an issue. I am voting for Cascos' opponent..
DeletePat Pat Pat, The emperor has no clothes. You blame everyone for your shortcomings, misteps, lapses in judgement, yet, you're the one that gets arrested, indicted, convicted. You harp on good government, integrity, character and trust. You allegedly help people that have broken the law, wouldn't that be obstruction of justice, yet another crime. But you justify it by "i help people". You are dilusional and you are so engulfed in yourself it's laughable. How anyone can take you seriously today is beyond logical comprehension. Bash people all you want to simply elevate yourself. You are an example of mediocrisy at its highest level. Lastly, learn how to spell.
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous your are right. You deserve what you get! I never said I was perfect, but the facts are what they are and you apparently did not hear, I was acquitted. Meaning, not convicted by the jury of my peers. As hard as Luis and Carlos Garcia wanted to convict me, they failed after two trials. You would think when the Feds said they would not pursue the request from former Chief Carlos Garcia, that it would be the end of it, but they went and used taxpayers money in the hundreds of thousands to prosecute me when no money was missing. As dillusional as you think I am, you would think after the first time they tried me they could not get a conviction, you would think that would end it, but know, they went at me again sparing no cost to go through a second trial. Again, it back fired, because the jury saw the over zelousness and the BS allegation when I did not even make out the deposit slip. So, I think the only dillusional person here is you and people like you who want to believe, because you prefer the refined thief who pokes your eyes with a dog and pony show and rapes the city coffers. I laugh alrigh, I laugh at the morons like you that exist and are to cowardly to put out their name by hiding as Anonymous when they have nothing good to say. Like I said, my father taught me to back up what I say and not be two faced, but that is what you like. Look at yourself in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteagain, caught, arrested, indicted, convicted (well, not yet). You won't disappoint. Illegality follows you, much like peanut butter, and you still can't spell...
ReplyDeletePat, anony is absolutely on point, by the way, OJ was acquitted too by a jury of his peers.
ReplyDeleteOk, Anonymous, I cannot win. We will apply to OJ theory for your satisfaction. You say I am a thief, why don't you come say it publicly with your name to back it up? But, you won't, but remember this, we all pay in the after life and people like you do a lot of damage because they choose to out of hate. You do not have one shred of evidence that I am guilty, just your loud mouth like Chris Valadez who promoted the same message as you. Look what turned up, while he was calling me a thief and hiding as cowards do, just like you do, knowing he was caught stealing utilities. Perhaps you and him are of the same cloth. No telling what your back ground is and are hiding behind Annonymous. Perhaps, you are a convicted pedophile, which is why you hide. Chris spread so much venom, but is being exposed for the worm that he is, which is why I am encouraging all my friends to vote for Casco's opponent. Knowing that Cascos, Chris Valadez and Villalobos were tight, I would not trust any of them.
ReplyDeleteJust saying, you imply that you were acquitted due to your non guilt, I just mention the OJ deal. You can infer what you want. I don't know about Chris Valadez's venom, or how tight Cascos, Valadez and Villalobos are or were, but you blame everyone for your screw ups. You encouraging your friends, albeit, thousands, to vote for Cascos's opponent displays the ignorance and hypocrosy you enjoy. Your true colors shine brightly through the dim room. The very fabric of corruption and compadre politics you claim to despise and oppose goes by the wayside because someone has hurt your feelings. If Valadez stole electricity, he should have been arrested, however, you, in your wisdom decided to cure the problem, obstruct justice and condoned theft. Well, you messed up. If you were as law abiding and respectable as you imply, the theft should have been reported to the authorities and dealt with within the parameters of the law. You are obviously free to support whomever you wish. If you truly believe either Rivera or Pena are best qualified to lead the county, then make the quantum leap. Continue with your poor judgement and reasoning. You demonstrate the whys you have lost credibility and trust of the people. In the end, we all do what we believe we must.
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous, one cannot reason with an idiot If you cannot sign your name to back up what you are so brave to lash out with, you do not deserve the time of day. You have nothing constructive to say and you want to be my judge, when it is obvious I do not fit the box you want me in and anything I say or do will never be enough for you or right. Be hones and let everyone know what it is that you do not like about me. You wanted me out, I am out. I am no longer mayor, so why does it eat you that I come to this blog to contribute what I can to the discussion on the purchse of a building that is not worth $2.3 million or issues of the moment affecting our city? I am entitled to provide my opinion, provide factual insight to the issues, but obviously you prefer not to hear them. So, what is it that eats you up? You do not want a discussion, but a crucifixion, just because your hate eats you or do you do this to everyone that you disagree with? Are you the type of person that is always right and knows it all? Obviously you were not at my trial and heard all the facts, but you persist in promoting my guilt and over what? What did I steal? Where is the pattern that I have stolen anything from the city or that I used my position for personal gain? Do you know of one friend of mine or relative that got a job with the city? Or, are yoy like Charlie Atkinson who just enjoyed being an asshole? Obviously you have some mental issues, from my perspective.
ReplyDeleteIdiot? As you have stated, look in the mirror. If you go back and read your commentary, you are all over the place. But no matter. You continue opining and producing your facts. Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question! What is it that irk's you? The fact that I introduced intitiatives cannot be disputed. The public record supports everything I said. For instance the police substation, the PD Union opposed my proposal. HEB came to my office when the could not build in Southmost. In exchange for my help, I asked for land to build the first of 5 police substations proposed by me. Bringing Continental Airlines, when we had no passenger service. Bobby Duffey, Irv Downing, and John Reed met with me and told me not to bring Continental Airlines, because Harlingen was the passenger airport and to focus on freight for Brownsville. My response was that I represented Brownsville and not Harlingen. The rest is history! When the city and PUB did not apply for stimulus money, because it was believed we did not qualify. I called Washington on the deadline date and was told that the plans and specs would be required if the projects were selected for stimulus funding and not before as believed. I then instructed Ben Medina, because our city manager was out of town and John Bruciak to submit everything they could for consideration. WE GOT MILLIONS! Does this kind of leadership irk you, that as a engaged mayor I did my job without pay or kick backs? I was not in it for the title or to compete in a popularity contest, but you rather focus on former Carlos Garcia's vindictiveness, instead of what I was able to do for you and our city. I stood up to the chief over a dog for Letty Grazoria or for a taxi driver for Fiesta Taxi owner Oscar Valdez and you prefer to overlook the overzelous effort to bring me down at taxpayers expense in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yes, I got arrested by Rick Longoria's brother when I left a friends house to catch a flight to Washington. You would have preferred that I miss my flight, get the city to buy me a new ticket, because I was too lazy to get up at that hour of the morning.You prefer to focus on an erroneous deposited check! You are blinded by your rage that you cannot concieve a bank teller making admitted mistake by filling out a deposit slip, instead of returning the check, which wuold have not resulted in the opportunity for Chief Carlos Garcia to push for my indictment and 30 years in prison.You wanted my blood and me out of office. Now be happy! You prefer to focus on the evil doings by others with intent to harm my family and me, than having a mayor who was enaged, transparent, and working constantly to improve the pet agenda, cleaning up your city, doing capital improvments, reducing utility and tax rates, promoting trade and infrastructure with Mexio and the many other things I worked hard at. You prefer the leadership like Imagine Brownsville at a tune of $850,000 and millions more with Carlos Marin. These are your type of community leaders and servants, who are always looking to use their position to make money. You prefer to waste millions on so many things and as long as Pat Ahumadaa is gone. Ask yourself, who is the idiot here? My Dad taught me to stand up for what is right, do not say something, you cannot say to the person's face. In other words, don't be a coward. I make statements, I back them up and am not afraid of a slander lawsuit, because I am willing to stand up to those I associate them to what I say. Do you have that kind of courage? You hide behind Anonymous! I recall when Billy Lopez was offered $5,000 to have me followed to bring me down. I recall when Sgt Rios stopped me and told me there was an effot to bring me down.Even Jose Borjon with the Herald will tell you I was being stalked.Do not tell me you are a Christian, because is is obvious you have poison in your veins.
ReplyDeleteDamn, you ramble...where did religious beliefs come into play? Like I said, you are all over the place. And I believe you are not afraid of slander suit, usually people that are judgment proof fear nothing. I am not angry, nor I am irked. Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteSo you say! I back up what I write. I have never been afraid of the truth.
ReplyDelete"You can't handle the truth".
ReplyDeleteI was in a hurry and did not respond to the religious beliefs and how they come into play. You deserve a response and it is as follows: As a christian, I have a very strong faith, which is what gets me through all the difficult times including the evil efforts by people like the former Chief Calros Garcia and Luis Saenz, because I firmly believe my Lord protects me from my adversaries and enemies. People like Chris Valadez and you, who enjoy spreading venom and for no real reason, other than what I believe is hatred, in the end get what is coming to them. As a christian, I am not afraid to use my name, stand up to my adversaries when need be, no matter what the political consquence and provides me the clear conscience that I have no ill will towards any one. But, I do have the right to defend myself and to expose those who in some instances use the perception that they are the pillars of this community or the people to trust, when some are worst than criminals because they conduct themselves with malice to hurt innocent people and I am not talking just about me, but in general. Some of these people have done a lot of harm to our community and to individuals, while they claim or pretend to be Christians, when Christians in my opinion will abide by the golden rule of doing unto others as you would do unto them and not to be afraid to back up what you say. I am by far not a Christian that goes to church, but I am a Christian that has a strong faith and have never acted out of malice. I came to this blog to contribute, but it seems it brings out the hate in people like you, who prefer to put others down and contribute noting. Perhaps it was my mistake to provide my opinions or facts as I know them. I am at peace, never cared about being mayor, but cared more about doing the right thing and as best I could a good job with all my human failings. And, I think, I did.
ReplyDeleteAnd what is the truth according to you?
ReplyDelete" is never having to say you're sorry"...
ReplyDeletePeople, spell check and grammar check before you hit enter! This is embarrassing! Oh, and here's a thought. Brownsville and Cameron County have been run by the Democrats since before the first railroad came to town. We were the poorest in the country then; and we're the poorest in the country now. Great progress! I know, I know, Tony Garza and Carlos Cascos. Come on man! Having 2 red grains of sand on a blue beach doesn't; oh you get the idea! Let's all agree that the Democrats have done a spectacularly awful job for over a century, OK? Wasted hundreds of million of taxpayer dollars, served decades in prison, etc. Just for fun, let's put the Republicans in office! They couldn't possibly do any worse, and they'd probably do a lot better! Plus, after a few years, if you don't like them, you can vote the old Democrats back in. Most of them will be getting out of prison about that time anyway!