Tuesday, April 22, 2014

City Commission to Make Real Estate Decisions Without Citizen Involvement 5/24/14

From the editor:  If there's anything scarier for Brownsville's hardworking taxpayers than the City Commission making real estate decisions behind closed doors, it's doing so with the legal guidance of City Attorney Mark Sossi.  

While most blame Mayor Martinez, the Gomer Pyle of Brownsville real estate, the City Commissioners weren't elected to be mayoral lap dogs, but independent adults, representing their constituents with thoughtful, intelligent consideration of each agenda item, not simply a puppy-style roll over.  

Consider this:  The City of Brownsville's seven elected officials roughly two years ago purchased 11 aged downtown properties to be paid for by the taxpayers in a 20 year Certificate of Obligation.  10 of those buildings have lay idle for two years now with taxpayers paying mostly interest on the note.(One building, a former adult care facility, purchased for $195,101, was recently used for bicycle storage.)

With the mayor using the AEP Texas Settlement Fund of $3,060,000 as his personal piggy bank, another property was purchased on E. 11th St. for $42,000 and an office leased at 1101-A E. Washington St. for a downtown mayoral office.(When this taxpayer abuse was reported on this blog, the office space was converted to a Downtown Brownsville Revitalization Information Office, used perhaps three times since the start of the lease, October 8, 2013.)  City Manager Charlie Cabler knew of this misuse of funds, but was too afraid of losing his job to tell the mayor "No!"

City Attorney Mark Sossi's ethical standard and legal competence have been well documented in this blog over the last two years;  a $167,363 judgment against him by his previous employer, the Willette & Guerra Law Firm, for pocketing money not his, a similar judgement of $20,711.66 by the Texas Workforce,  a $100,000 tax lien by the I.R.S., two malpractice lawsuits by Brownsville citizens who foolishly retained Sossi's services in private practice, the suspension of his law license and his recent failure to register as the attorney of record for the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, etc.

This is the group that feels they can cut a better deal for the city behind closed doors!

EXECUTIVE SESSION: 5:30 P.M. April 24, 2014.
A) Discussion pursuant to Section 551.072, of the Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person, and pursuant to Section 551.071, of the Texas Government Code, on a matter in which the duty of the attorney, to the governmental body, under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, clearly conflicts with this chapter. (Mark Sossi – City Attorney – 15 min.)
B) Discussion pursuant to Section 551.072, of the Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person, and pursuant to Section 551.071, of the Texas Government Code, on a matter in which the duty of the attorney, to the governmental body, under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, clearly conflicts with this chapter. (Mark Sossi – City Attorney – 15 min.)


  1. Be prepared to see another high school level pie chart

    1. Sossi is so in the mix with whats happening at city hall that now they can't get rid of him even if he screws up royaly "black mail"?

  2. Uh, you "elect" representatives to "make" decisions. If you don't like the decisions, you elect someone else. What is it that you want, a decision made by 250,000 residents? Ha ha ha ha ha

    1. Even for Brownsville, the level of asininity for this comment is off the charts.

    2. that's democracy, asshole. @9:49 a.m. is right-on. The ass is YOU, baboso!

    3. You stupid shit at 8:03AM, democracy does not stop at the end of an election. There is continuous input and numerous mechanisms for voters to directly affect and change government AFTER an election. Ever hear of impeachment, you fucktar? Look up Recall of State Officials.

      "The Court of Impeachment, by a vote of twenty-five to three, removed Ferguson from office and made him ineligible to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit under the state of Texas. Ferguson declared that the legislature constituted little more than a "kangaroo court," but only a few months before, both the House and the Senate had refused to sustain charges against him, and his removal from office was far from certain when the legislature convened in special session. He resigned his office the day before the judgment was announced and contended that it did not apply to him. The question was eventually carried into the courts, where the judgment of the Court of Impeachment was sustained."

  3. Sossi and contract attorney Navarro should be horse whipped and taken off the payroll! They have mishandled everything they get their hands on. Look at the latest lawsuit they allowed ignorant department heads walk into with that private EMS company. What the hell do they give a shit about when they get paid for pushing litigation even for losing!



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...