Friday, April 18, 2014

One Minute Question & Answer with Yolanda Begum~Part II


  1. The idea of bringing the court to the schools is nothing new in Cameron County. Judge Tullos held court in some of the local high schools a few years ago. If it made a difference I sure that all JP courts would be holding courts in the schools today. Don't get me wrong, I am open minded to new ideas that gets the students back in school. Bringing the court to the schools perhaps was not enough in making a difference in the truancy problem facing the schools.

  2. In other cities the j.p.'s do take courts to the schools and it is very effective. Sadly in Brownsville none of the J.P.s do. Dont want to waste time at the schools when they could be putting cash in their pockets with weddings

  3. This is a great plan! good luck.
