Monday, June 3, 2013
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District Attorney Rene Guerra |
The story, of course, is not new, but has been firmed up over 53 years with new revelations, admissions, independent corroboration of statements, etc. The latest expose' by Anderson Cooper, The Beauty and the Priest, aired three times in the last 24 hours, brings many of the details already out there in The Best Crime Writing of 2006. One research article lists severalBrownsville Herald stories by Emma Perez-Trevino in its bibliography.
The story, related as succinctly as I'm able:
Irene Garza, a 25 year old former Miss South Texas and school teacher did not return from her weekly visit to the Sacred Heart Church in McAllen. The last person to see her alive, the 27 year old Reverend John B. Feit, chose to hear her confession in the rectory. While Garza's car remained in the church parking lot, her body was found four days after Easter just three miles away in an irrigation canal with a slide viewer belonging to the young priest and a candelabra from the church nearby. Police theorized at the time that the two heavy objects had been used in an attempt to keep Garza's body at the bottom with the cord of the slide viewer around her neck.
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Father John B. Feit in 1960 |
Several suspects to the murder submitted to lie detector tests including Feit. All, except Feit, passed. Of course such tests are not admissible evidence. Fifty years later, McAllen police, the Texas Rangers and other enforcement agencies believe Feit is the murderer.
So did Father Joseph O'Brien, the McAllen parish priest at the time of the murder. He admitted years later that he knew Feit murdered Irene Garza, but he was instructed to transfer Feit to the New Melleray Abbey in Dubuque, Iowa, where Feit attempted to attack a woman getting out of her car. Feit was transferred again to theOur Lady of Assumption Abbey in Ava, Missouri. There a monk named Dale Tacheny, but known as "Father Emmanuel," was told to take charge of the former McAllen priest: "The abbot called me in and said, 'There is a priest who murdered a woman in the guest house. He wants to become a monk. We are instructed to take him in.' "
When the Texas Rangers attempted to reopen the case in 2002, they ran into a stone wall in Hidalgo District Attorney Rene Guerra. Guerra discounted the testimony of Father Joseph O'Brien, who he described as
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Irene Garza |
District Attorney Rene Guerra finally gave in to pressure from the public and the family of Irene Garza to seek justice in the case, but he had a devilish, fuck-you ace up his sleeve. A grand jury was called in 2004 and convened for 15 days. Waiting to testify were Father Joseph O'Brien, former monk Dale Tacheny, Texas Ranger Rudy Jaramillo and others. But the only witness called by the reluctant District Attorney was a lady who testified for the defense in Feit's earlier trial years ago.
Who knows what Guerra is thinking or what motivates him? Is he protecting the Church, Feit or some sort of coverup? He claims that, after 30 years in office, he is not seeking re-election. If he backs off of that promise, hopefully the voters of Hidalgo County will put him out to pasture for fumbling the biggest criminal case in McAllen, Hidalgo County history.
After JoaquΓn "El Chapo" GuzmΓ‘n, major drug lord of the Sinaloa cartel, was apprehended yesterday in MazatlΓ‘n, details of his property and possessions are slowly being revealed as Mexican authorities begin investigations. With 43 vehicles, 16 houses, and 4 ranches, El Chapo did more than just live large.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Forbes:
The Mexican Attorney General reported that the operation lasted around a month and was triggered by intelligence that revealed that the kingpin was living in seven different houses which were connected by secret tunnels and sewers. In recent days, the Mexican press published pictures of Mexican Marines lifting sewer covers to look for El Chapo.
In addition to El Chapo's properties, authorities seized 97 long arms, 36 handguns, two grenade launchers, and one rocket launcher, and noted that 19 of his 43 vehicles were armored.
El Chapo managed to evade arrest by burrowing between seven of his houses, reinforced by steel doors, and whose tunnels were often found in the residences' showers. This arrest is the first time El Chapo has been seen by authorities in ten years, and when the news of his apprehension was leaked yesterday, it was before Mexican authorities had confirmed with certainty that it was him. This important detail has now been verified:
Mexico's attorney general, JesΓΊs Murillo Karam, said a later forensic exam made it "100 percent" certain the man was Mr. GuzmΓ‘n; the tests were done to avoid the kind of embarrassment Mexican officials faced in June 2012 when they announced the arrest of Mr. GuzmΓ‘n's son, only to later discover it was not him.
As of this afternoon, it was announced that the U.S. will seek extradition of GuzmΓ‘n, but Mexicans in MazatlΓ‘n are reportedly wary of the development, claiming that El Chapo was "keeping the peace."
The murder of Irene Garza by the Most IR-Reverend Feit is just another case in a LONG, LONG list of atrocities committed by those in charge of the Catholic Church. The protection racket run by the ruling class has for centuries kept both of them in power! EVIL, evil people.
ReplyDeleteNothing new.
Why do you harp on this case and Rene Guerra, when we have lots of examples of judicial malfeasance here in Cameron County: a failure to indict Aurora de la Garza, reliance on the Federal courts so the County DA can avoid "upsetting the Dumbokratic culture of judicial corruption, failure to convict Aurora's son for fraud, failure to investigate Sheriff Omar Lucio for corruption and giving favors to his supporters; et al. We have too many issues of corruption and political favoritism locally to try to play in Hidalgo County'e yard and focus on a 60 year old case up there.
ReplyDeletejust shows you the corruption by LATINOS who run most offices here in the valley. call me a bigot if you will, but sometimes the truth hurts. in regards to the catholic church??? heretics from day one. they've hidden the atrocities forever. but they will stand before a holy God, and see what kind of plea bargain He gives them. if celibacy was true, how come Jesus went into Peter's house in luke 2, AND HEALED PETER'S MOTHER-IN-LAW??? don't you have to have a wife to have a mother-in-law??? duh........... then there is the scripture that says: "there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." NOT THE LOCAL PRIEST IN CONFESSION, NOT THE POPE AND NOT THE VIRGIN MARY...............BUT JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS........HELLO! imagine that, me thinking a catholic will read their bibles.........then in san juan at basilica, you have all these side altars WITH IDOLS that you bow down to, and light candles for. the 2nd commandment says: "thou shalt make any idols like anything in heaven, on earth or below the earth." don't mean to be so harsh, but roman Catholicism is heresy of the worst kind. see there is a God of the bible, or the god of a man's imagination............when scripture bucks up against "catholic tradition" catholics THROW OUT THE SCRIPTURE...........TRAGIC!!!