Saturday, January 4, 2014

Elvira Ortiz, Wife of Deposed Election Administrator Roger Ortiz, Pops Up As Cameron County District Clerk Candidate

Annoying those around me, I couldn't get the Oak Ridge Boys' tune out of my mind today:

"Elvira, Elvira
My heart's on fire, Elvira
Giddy up, oom poppa, omm poppa, mow mow
Giddy up, oom poppa, omm poppa, mow mow, heigh-ho Silver, away"

Yes, I know.  I annoyed myself, too.

But, of course, Elvira S. Ortiz is not the subject of that country foursome's song.  

If Mrs. Ortiz sets anyone's heart on fire, it is the heart of husband Roger Ortiz, the former Cameron County Election Administrator, who, for a decade, looked the other way while Gilberto Hinojosa, Ernie Hernandez, Jr. and the politiqueras ran roughshod over the democratic process in Cameron County elections.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ortiz was serving dutifully under the leadership of the incredibly crooked District Clerk, Aurora de la Garza, the facilitator of much of the corruption leading to the conviction of former Judge Abel Limas. The last two decades Ortiz was Aurora's Chief Deputy, the one Ms. de la Garza herself tried to install as her replacement upon her recent retirement announcement.  

To be fair, two other District Clerk candidates worked in de la Garza's office; Eric Garza and Rosie Sotelo.  The remaining candidate, Neida Ruth Soto-Grantland, is a longtime operative at BISD.  


  1. The reason why this town is in the toilet is because only TAX DOLLAR PARIAH DUMBOCRAT EMPLOYEES RUN FOR OFFICE. Are there any private sector dems that actually work for a living that are not tax dollar moochers? This why we'll remain the POOREST CITY OF TEXAS AND THE ENTIRE NATION. BOLA DE PEDEJOS.

  2. Childish. Your game is low-bar, barton.

  3. Pretty slim pickin's as far as candidates go. If people don't vote, not much will change. We need more federal oversight and investigations of all our politicians and public servants. And keep them here for about ten years until they can ferret out most of the corruption, incompetence and rampant and shameless nepotism that has paralyzed progress in this area for too long.

  4. Puro dedazo! Mexican politics!

  5. Elvira is as useful as tits on a frog Barton. She wouldn't win even if the only ones that voted were the people from the District's Clerk's Office....she is known an idiot amongst her own coworkers. She is just one person that listens to Joe Rivera and joins a that they will work to get him votes. Ignorant people.



              Where the work is done A group of us met and followed Tax Assessor/Collector Eddie Garcia and his wife single file, forming a ...