Thursday, December 19, 2013

Newly Upgraded Portway Acres Park Dedicated After Facelift

Upgrading Portway Acres Park on Austin Road has been on the mind of District 2 Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa since block-walking the area in 2011, seeing kids making a game of kicking garbage in the park. The commissioner, working with the Parks Department, City Manager Charlie Cabler and Planning Director Ramiro Gonzalez has orchestrated a dramatic facelift for the playground. An electronically controlled water geyser creates a cooling off area for those hot summer days, while the eastern end of the park has a gated dog run, larger than those in some New York City parks.

The elliptical soft surface track is perfect for walkers, joggers or bike riders. A posted wooden map shows the projected bike trails eventually connecting the park to schools, other parks and even downtown.  Polished concrete picnic tables, decorative concrete trash receptacles and solar lighting throughout are first time amenities to a Brownsville park.

A solid, unpainted heavy iron sign, looking like a Henry Moore Sculpture, with the name "Portway Acres Park" cut out using a high pressure water saw, identifies the park.  The cut out metal letters were not wasted but set into a concrete pathway at the entrance.  

Park Director Chris Patterson and Planning Director Ramiro Gonzalez expect the facelift of historic Washington Park downtown to be completed before Charro Days.  

Brownsville's park system is perhaps one of the few things state-of-the-art in the city.  Oliveira Park with its accomodations to special needs children is like no other in the state.  


  1. where is the park located?

    1. On Austin Road across from Perkins Middle School

  2. Ramiro's coat button....

  3. What a waste of money. I bet you most tax payers will not part take in the use of the park but, mostly illegal alien kids or anchor babies btw whose parents are the leeches of our community.

  4. AnonymousDecember 19, 2013 at 10:22 PM
    What a waste of money. I bet you most tax payers will not part take in the use of the park but, mostly illegal alien kids or anchor babies btw whose parents are the leeches of our community.

    * I am a 52 year old lady; I lived in the Portway Acres area for over 30 years. I am a U.S. citizen and unless you have proof that people that live in Portway Acres are anchor babies or that everyone in that community lives out of welfare you should not be generalizing in your "opinion". Are you even aware that there are "white" people that live in Portway Acres? Do you even know that the owners of the bait and tackle store on Padre Island Highway live in Portway Acres? I guess you consider the owner of the iron bars shop or the mechanic shop at Portway Acres, I guess you consider them "leeches of the community" for contributing with legal stores and paying their taxes. These people are third or fourth generation AMERICAN CITIZENS. Are you aware that Ms. Rincones, the lady running for judge grew up in the Portway Acres area? Her family still lives there.
    I grew up in that area; some of my friends and relatives still live there; they are all U.S. citizens and dont live out of welfare rolls. The park looks beautiful, children from the barrio have the same right as anyone living in other parts of Brownsville to have a beautiful place to play. Adults go do their morning walks and exercise; it is not a waste of money.

  5. It's disgusting that you feel a child's importance is based on the amount of taxes his or her parent pays. This park was built for ANY and every child of Brownsville.

    1. If you liberal bleeding hearts care so much for children why have you murdered over 55,000,000 million babies via ABORTION. You people are just a bunch of hypocrites.

  6. This park was built for ANY and every child of Brownsville.

    I totally agree with you that this park was built for EVERY CHILD of Brownsville, then why the "anchor" baby comment if for EVERY CHILD, why the comment about parents being leeches? Lets just leave it at that. The park looks beautiful, children and adults enjoy it and the comissioner was only doing her job.
