Saturday, November 30, 2013

Puppet Master Gilberto Hinojosa Tabs Joe Rivera to Run for County Judge

Joe Rivera, Immortalized by
Unapproved $2500 Portrait
Cameron County breathed a collective sigh of relief when Gilberto Hinojosa was elected State Democratic Party Chair.  "At least we'll be rid of him in Brownsville and Cameron County," many residents thought to themselves.

Not so fast!  Gilberto still has some scores to settle in the county.  His embarrassing defeat to Republican Carlos Cascos in 2006 gnawed at him enough that in 2010 his aggressiveness in finding votes for John Wood against Cascos resulted in a dozen affidavits of harassment and heavy-handedness from poll watchers.  Despite Hinojosa's and Roger Ortiz' "finding" of a bag of votes in the washroom, Gilberto's candidate lost again to Cascos.

Now, we've learned that Gilberto Hinojosa, fearing that neither Port Commissioner Martin Arambula nor former Cameron County Chair Sylvia Garza-Perez could actually defeat Carlos Cascos, has sweet-talked current Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera into running for County Judge.

Rivera, employed by Cameron County for over three decades, is thought to have a sufficient war chest to make him a formidable candidate.  Many readers may remember our report from a year ago of Rivera coercing his employees to sell raffle tickets to his campaign event at the court house on county time and his expensive self-ordered $2,500 portrait to immortalize himself on the walls of a county satellite judicial building.  These and other issues may resurface if Rivera defeats Arambula and Garza-Perez in the primary.

Cindy, Gilberto Hinojosa
We were also informed that the gist of Hinojosa's plea to Rivera to run for County Judge was "to unite the party."  That sort of flies in the face of recent developments within the Cameron County Democratic Party with Hinojosa's wife Cindy founding a splinter group, the Cameron County Texas Democratic Women, to offset then Cameron County Chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez' control of the local party.  That situation took care of itself when Garza-Perez initially resigned in favor of Carlos Masso at what proved to be an illegal meeting of precinct chairs.  At a subsequent meeting, Amber Medina, who many of Garza-Perez's supporters felt was a Gilberto Hinojosa plant, was elected County Chair.


  1. None of these people will get my vote, and I will work hard to see they are defeated! The manipulation was evident last time with the John Wood debacle, and will again be evident. Let's hope the new 'Elections Administrator' is savvy enough to put down this obvious scam in the making!
    Call in the Feds!

  2. If Gilberto Hinojosa wanted to unite the party all he has to do is round up all the local filth; Garza-Perez, Joe Rivera, Carlos Masso, Ernie, Norma & Erin Hernandez, etc, etc, include himself and follow some lemmings off a cliff. Then the party would unite in joy and hope, finally free of the weight of coercion and corruption! God help us.

  3. If democracy is defined as which little click can out chicken shit the other, then Brownsville is a glorious, vintage Athenian rebirth.

  4. Joe chose a unique way to end his career.

  5. Joe's run for County Judge will be like playing tennis with a ping pong paddle.

  6. Let send a message in 2014 ,let boot out and send joe rivera to enjoy his retirement.

  7. Corruption...the gift that keeps on giving. Taxpayer funded portraits, $2,500. Naming of a building, $5,000, taxpayer funded raises $25,000, Cameron County Travel Agency, $ 35,000....County Judge Joe Rivera, Priceless.

  8. With the LOW INFORMATION VOTERS that make up the bulk of the DUMBOCRAT VOTERS very possible this corrupt POS will win.

  9. democrats ARE BABY KILLERS. I'M SURE YOU'LL ENJOY THIS STORY ABOUT YOU ALL.......................

    1. chicken shit asshole! If your so proud of your child molesting priests then say so. A womans right to do with her body as she wishes is her decision. Your most likely an over 50 white, male. Sooo out of touch. I thought republicans wanted government out of our personal lives. Only when it suits your needs right? How many people are killed every day with guns? That's a battle cry you should embrace

    2. People like 9:36 make me want to workout even though I never do, just so I could hold them down and tea bag a teabagger. Nice and sweaty from chin to forehead.

  10. Anonymous December 1, 2013 at 9:36 AM....why not sign your name to your convictions? Are you so afraid to stand in the light of the public eye and claim your personal convictions? Your posts are nothing but hate fueled propaganda that carry no weight, because you hide behind "Anonymous" It is you who is vile and cowardly.

    1. saldivar I did respond to your delusional comment but I guess Jim Barton is being a chicken shit for not printing it since it was a brilliant comeback if I do say so myself.

    2. You make me laugh with your pathetic attempts to insult. Thanks for the funnies. I say again...sign your name, stand by your convictions or continue to be a meaningless coward. You are a celebrity in your own little mind, no one else's. Lol.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...