Friday, October 18, 2013

Is Alex Dominguez the Anti-Ernie Hernandez?

Alex Dominguez with Campaign Manager Zeke Silva
When Alex Dominguez promises his supporters, corralled off in a corner of the Wink's Ballroom October 17th, that, if elected, he will not hire any of his relatives to work for the county, he is obviously aiming those remarks at his opponent, the incumbent Ernie Hernandez. Alex Dominguez bumper stickers bear the slogan "Vote Once, Vote Democratic," another not-so-subtle jab at Hernandez, notorious for using politiqueras to illegally harvest votes. The gentle slaps on the wrist received by two Hernandez operatives in his 2010 race against Ruben Pena, may stifle the voter fraud a bit in the coming election, although Ernie's refusal to bond out his former associates may have more impact.

In over two decades, holding several offices, Ernie Hernandez has used the city and county as his personal ATM machines, but has still been re-elected by fair means or foul. If Dominguez is running against Hernandez, in a way, Hernandez is running against his own track record. While Brownsville and Cameron County voters eventually tire of self-serving politicos, that weariness may take years to manifest itself in the vote. Very few vote. Even fewer keep up with much beyond name recognition.

Dominguez, a graduate of Rice University with a law degree from Arizona State, has worked as a teacher and as an attorney. He ran a hard campaign in 2012 for the Texas House of Representatives, losing to incumbent Rene Oliveira.


  1. Mr. Silva owns a trucking company, receives a salary as a full time employee of the District Attorney's office and now is campaign manager for Mr. Dominguez. Is his county job just payback for his campaign work for Luis Saenz?

    1. Ok, wait a minute here.... How is he juggling both jobs??
      Must add that one if his jobs is pd by taxpayers $
      Nope !! Nothing changes here

  2. Alex's biggest problem is using Zeke as his campaign manager. Zeke is a disgusting individual who is very hated in this community because of his bullying tendencies. This will hurt Alex. Just look at Alex's party last night. It was very poorly attended for being his kick off party. Zeke will hurt Alex just like he is a detriment to Luis.

    1. Agreed, Luis never did realize how many votes Zeke cost him.

    2. Luis WON!!!!! MASSO LOST. Get over it.

    3. Relax Melissa Zamora and Jessica T. Melissa you have a job because of Zeke Silva. You are still upset Alex didn't pay you to run his campaign through Elite Promotions. Jessica and Melissa you better quit beating up Men because Luis will prosecute your abusive ass.

    4. How many votes Zeke cost Luis????? Do you know how stupid that sounds especially since Luis WON......

    5. If I remember correctly at Luis Saenz acceptance speech he thanked two people that worked the hardest and he said and I quote: I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for my Brother Mario and Zeke Silva. I am here because they went beyond than just supporting me they scarified their time, money and family to help and guarantee that I became the District Attorney.

      To bad you can't handle that Melissa.

    6. Alex's biggest problem is using Zeke as his campaign manager. Zeke is a disgusting individual who is very hated in this community because of his bullying tendencies. This will hurt Alex. Just look at Alex's party last night. It was very poorly attended for being his kick off party. Zeke will hurt Alex just like he is a detriment to Luis.

      Hey Smelly Melly, blogging on the county dime?

  3. You better explain what "Rice University" is. To the Hernandez clan it is something that comes with a combo plate.

    1. Ha ha ha !!
      OMG! I can't stop laughing !!!
      Combo plate???

    2. I used Google to research what Rice University was. I found a pretty website that explained it was a university for rice. I used to tell my children we couldn't eat rice until it graduated. We shipped so many bags of rice to Rice University in hopes they would send us back some smart rice. They only sent me a cease and desist order. I cried for weeks. BW-C called me and offered to sue the owner for punitive damages, but my boyfriend, at the time, nor I knew what punitive meant because our internet was down. The next morning, I decided to divorce my boyfriend for not knowing the meaning of punitive. The clerk at the courthouse said something like, "I only give divorces to married people". I felt so discriminated against. Even worse, she asked to speak to my daddy. That turned into an awkward conversation, quick. That was the worst experience of my life.

    3. Melissa,

      What a bummer. I think you missed the point about rice. You were obviously shipping Mexican rice to Rice University. They only accept oriental rice, which is much smarter than the former. I think I can help on the definition of punitive. It is the noun form of the adjective puny. I learned that at Rice, the oriental one.

    4. I know what your saying and I sent both brown and white rice. I've never seen any yellow or Oriental rice before. Do you know where they sell it? Also, I don't think Mexican rice is stupider than Oriental rice. When I was in college I had many great professors who saw my potential and I used to hear my professors say that I was an "easy A", and this was before I turned in any work. As a young, Mexican woman in a predominately Anglo university, my professors saw my potential. I even had better grades than the Asians in my class. I was so proud. I wish I had more time to encourage young, Hispanic women to follow in my footsteps. I couldn't have done it alone, though. I was touched by many people in the process and I owe them all my success. Where I would be without them, quien sobby?

    5. Malissa,

      Sorry about the confusion with this rice thing. As counterintuitive as it sounds, yellow rice is not oriental rice at all! You are not going to believe this but oriental rice is WHITE. Yellow rice is white rice turned yellow by the addition of a spice called saffron, more commonly known as crocus cartwrightianus. Saffron has its origins in Crete, a rather large Greek island just off Egypt. However, I understand that a bi-cultural person like yourself may think that oriental rice is yellow. If that were true, then the Chinese would be eating paella every Sunday. Hope this helps.

      Regarding your illustrious academic career, I am sure it may possibly have a lot to do with your heritage. "Zamora is considered a Sephardic name, meaning that many of the people with this surname come from Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Some of these families may have become crypto-Jews, that is, Jews who outwardly took on the practices of Christianity but maintained Jewish traditions in the home, or who simply converted and then denied their Jewish ancestry. Many Jews settled in Zamora, Spain during the Middle Ages." As we all know, the Jewish people are highly intelligent and hold positions of importance on the Supreme Court and Federal Reserve, just to name two.

  4. Zeke isn't running for office Alex is. Alex is a qualified candidate and will WIN. All you haters are because you guys know Zeke stands behind good honorable people to move Cameron County Forward. He supported Luis Saenz and he won and so will Alex. It is evident that all these hater comments are from jealous fearful people. Go Alex. Way to go and stand up against corruption.

  5. I'm for Alex and supported Saenz but Zeke did and will cost them both votes

    1. If Zeke support Alex Dominguez, then we support Alex Dominguez.
      Alex Dominguez es mi gallo.

  6. Didn't Zeke run for something and lose????

    1. Zeke is a CONVICTED FELON.....he can't run for anything,,,, lol

  7. Go Alex, fight off those corrupt haters!

  8. If I have anything to say in these blogs, I will sign my name to the comment.

  9. To Anonymous at 7:57.
    You must have attended a different Meet & Greet and not the one at Winks for Alex. I was there and it was very well attended! So go blow your mouth off somewhere else. I can see that there are still a lot of Ernie Hernandez supporters who refuse to admit the obvious: this area is full of corruption and the Ernie Hernandez Clan & family have for over 20 years been an intergral part of this . They are one of the main reasons this area is stuck in neutral and can't move forward. The sooner people realize this the faster we can make changes. It will be a sad day in Brownsville and Cameron County if Ernie Hernandez is reelected again.... Alex Dominguez might not be able to do this alone, but he can be a start towards cleansing and restoring integrity to Cameron County government.

    1. I'm sorry...I was there too...I don't consider 50 to 60 people TOPS a well attended party....and the comments about zeke are true. Zeke will hurt Alex. Luis is a good DA, his only detriment is zeke.

  10. Alex will be a great county commissioner...

  11. WOW looks like a lot of people Love Zeke... I am voting for Alex Dominguez because I believe in Zeke judgment. They guy doesn't need the money and he has the right vision for Cameron County by helping the right candidates to move Cameron County Forward. More people should have the balls like him and not be afraid to endorse or support their candidates of choice. People are going to talk no matter what. Way to go Zeke Silva for standing up for what you believe in and the person you believe on. All the negative comments are from people that know Alex is the right person for the job.

  12. Alex, yes. Zeke, no. Got it?



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