Monday, June 17, 2013

"State of the City" Replay on Channel 17-12

Mayor Tony Martinez
Catching a bit of Tony Martinez' self-aggrandizing rhetoric to the paid audience of 500 at the "State of the City" in a replay on Channel 17-12, Tony made several references to God in the program.  He spoke of a mass given at his home by his son, a Catholic priest, during which he learned he had won the mayoral election without a runoff.  He cited "divine providence" that, because of several delays, the "State of the City" event occurred on May 14, the two-year anniversary of his election as mayor.

If there is a god backing Tony, it is likely the one referred to in 2 Corinthians 4:4 as the "god of this world."  Any god in cahoots with Martinez does not believe in representative democracy, inclusive government or caring for the needs of the citizenry.  Tony's "god" has led him to shut out citizens from participating in government or even knowing what the hell he is doing with their tax dollars.  For Mayor Tony it's about placating and further enriching those who have long ago sold their souls to the "god of this world," his affluent, influential mentors associated with the United Brownsville scam.

A smiling Commissioner John Villarreal opened the meeting by reminding the attendees that 'we are not alone" in fulfilling our dreams.  That was the segway to the invocation by Bishop Daniel Flores, who read heartfelt words to god from a handheld electronic device.

Melissa "Yes, I'm still Commissioner" Zamora followed with a brief reference to the tragedies in Boston and West, Texas and a need to honor our "first responders."  Then, she introduced Fire Chief Lenny Perez and County Sheriff Omar Lucio to a smattering of applause.

And, finally, Tony.  He let us know that the SpaceX decor of the auditorium was his choice, that the shirt he was wearing was gifted by SpaceX founder Elon Musk(demonstrating their affinity) and then quoted motivational words from former Astronaut Neil Armstrong.  Martinez yielded the floor briefly to IBC President Fred Rusteberg for some boasting about United Brownsville and a brief infomercial.


  1. Fire Chief "Mas Pendejo" Lenny got an applause ? That underscores the ignorance our citizens are enduring.

  2. Rey Guevara-VasquezJune 17, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    You wrote: "That was the segway to the invocation"

    That should be "segue," not "segway." It's a sad, sad error, but there it is.


    1. You may need to update your reference materials. An accepted definition of segway is: 2. To change the direction of a conversation. A non-sequitor.

      Rey, admit it. The language has passed you by.


    2. Rey Guevara-VasquezJune 18, 2013 at 7:12 AM

      Wrong, ya hack! Google it.

      "Segway or Segue: When you shift to a new topic or activity, you segue.

      Many people unfamiliar with the unusual Italian spelling of the word misspell it as “segway.”

      This error is being encouraged by the deliberately punning name used by the manufacturers of the Segway Human Transporter."



    3. Ain't it a shame when a self-appointed grammarian and wordsmith fails to keep up with the evolution of language?


    4. Rey Guevara-VasquezJune 18, 2013 at 2:16 PM

      Not evolution, Jim, ya hack. Right is right. Segway is not segue. You're stubborn to a fault. And there is no such word as "ain't." that should read "Isn't it a shame blah, blah, blah" Don't be nutty.


    5. "that should read 'Isn't it a shame blah, blah, blah'"

      You must have skipped the second grade when most of us learned to capitalize the first word in a sentence.


    6. Jim, he's got you, dude. Rey is right on this one. Again. JMHO

    7. Rey is right most of the time, but frequently wrong. He is simply a critic who cannot write.

  3. Vote Sarkis and shut this mess down

  4. Did he happen to thank any of the city employees for all the hard work it took put the city into the "state" that it is, or is it just him and united brownsville that get the credit?

  5. Here you go pendejos,

    This is the real "state of the city". Sales tax revenue year to date 2012 to 2013 comparison. Now, is that not great, McAllen is just shy of double Brownsville. How the hell did this happened? Fifty years ago, Brownsville was more than twice the size of McAllen. Who is responsible for running this dump even further into the ground? Yes, good, old Antonio should be a proud man in a long line of incompetent pendejos. Modern history has been very unkind to Brownsville and it is its own fault.


    2013 2012 increase

    17,249,444.84 16,973,391.37 1.62%


    2013 2012 increase

    32,028,351.85 30,090,457.91 6.44%



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