Sunday, May 5, 2013

Subplots Just Below the Surface of Pat Ahumada Gaming Arrest

Former Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada
If Pat Ahumada or his fellow investors thought having a readily identified name associated with their new internet cafe would be good for business, they may have been wrong.

More likely, the name "Ahumada" on the Certificate of Occupancy just issued April 24, 2013(although the business had been up and running several months) made newly elected DA Luis Saenz see red.  Saenz, after all, had been the prosecutor of record who lost the seemingly slam dunk case of Ahumada's deposit into his bank account of a $26,000 check intended for a city vendor.

Mean Mister Brownsville published this comment on March 29, 2012:

I'm only concerned with his two inept, ineffectual prosecutions of Pat Ahumada in the check theft case, because I think that was slam dunk case if clearly articulated to a jury. I'm told that at the time of Ahumada's depositing of the $26,000 from a vendor into his own personal bank account, his account was $180 in arrears. He proceeded to a trip to Tampico to "promote Brownsville" immediately after the deposit. When approached by the Brownsville Police Department, Ahumada stated that the money had already been returned to the city. That was a lie. It was returned later that afternoon. That timeline and sequence of events was not clearly presented to either jury. Instead, Saenz got tangled up in arguing whether or not Ahumada had his glasses when he made the deposit.(It was later learned that Ahumada spent $6,000 of the money before finally returning the amount in its entirety.  Does anyone with a bank account really think Ahumada was not aware of spending money not his own, especially when his account was in arrears at the time the deposit was made?)

Kori Marra
Yes, I think Saenz wants Ahumada, and, as they say, wants him bad.  Note how as soon as Saenz took office he went after former Harlingen City Commissioner, Kori Marra, a case he had once prosecuted, but was overturned by the 13th Court of Appeals on a technicality.  Saenz has a good memory.

Another name surfacing after this most recent chapter of the Operation Bishop saga is that of Juan Angel Guerra.  He is the former Willacy County Ditrict Attorney who once indicted Vice President Dick Cheney on organized crime charges and conducted county business outside the courthouse surrounded by goats and chickens. Guerra also appeared before Judge Banales in 444th District Court in Brownsville, seeking to have the indicted DA Armando Villalobos removed from office.  He brought along with him Trinidad Salinas, a 68 year old Combes resident who had his 8-liner business shut down by Villalobos.  So, is Guerra an 8-liner, gaming specialist?  Watching him in Banales' court, his lawyering seemed ineffective.  Judge Banales gave hime some time to "cure his affidavit," then finally ruled against him.  Seemingly, Guerra's elevator does not
Trinidad Salinas
go all the way to the top.


  1. Did Saenz ever take money from 8liners? He's been grabbed by the balls by the Feds for fixing cases as an 8 year special prosecutor for Villalobos. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

  2. No doubt DA Luis Saenz is using his position to reek political revenge. Unfortunately, it is ill advised and if Melissa Zamora is part of the revenge plan it will backfire. Luis Saenz is a DICK and continues to promote the politics of the Dumbokratic Party of Cameron County....nothing new in the DA's office except a another Dumbokrat, and a retread DA at that. The people can't get enough corruption, so a retread corrupt DA was elected to replace an indicted corrupt DA. What is in store for Luis and for the community.

  3. Saenz would have to be a total dumb ass not to prosecute this guy or anybody else involved in all of this.This is all part of a federal investigation.My guess is he doesn't need/want to the Feds off..

  4. "Cameron County, state and federal law enforcement agencies began a shutdown of all eight-liner establishments in the County Saturday upon the culmination of an 18-month criminal investigation known as Operation Bishop."

    18 months ago neither Luis Saenz or Melissa Zamora were at the DA's office.

  5. Read the McAllen Monitor

    Even the mayor says most of these people are not bad people. The DA seems to be puppet to Zamora who dislikes 8 liners. If it was a federal deal Luis wouldn't be prosecuting or coming out on TV all the time. I'm sure most of these people are not involved with any type of cartel or the like. The $300 million figure was pulled out of somebodys ass. The Cartel involvement is all hype so to make Luis look good. Luis is trying to wash his hands of the deal blaming it on federal agencies so he can shut them all down. Luis is the DA and doesn't answer to anyone until he answers to the public in a few years at election time. So his claim that it's the Feds doing it through him makes it sound like he's playing ball for his own indescretions. He was after all ADA for Villalobos for8 years. To me this only makes it look like he's being controlled by someone.

  6. You are so embarrassingly incorrect in so many ways in your comment, which is typical in the Internet tough-guy world, but it's how confident you sound in your wording "He was after all his ADA" alright Detective Caruso, you've cracked and solved the case, haha! Check your facts buddy.

    1. Oops my bad! He was a special prosecutor for Villalobos. First hand knowledge no Internet bozo!




From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...