Back in June of 2004 the
Brownsville Herald declared that completion of an 8.6 mile toll road from the B&M Bridge to the Highway 77 flea market was "almost certain" at a cost of $100 million. The Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority had money burning a hole in their pocket, but cooler heads eventually prevailed through several public meetings and the toll road was ditched in favor of a bike trail. That was $179,000,000 plus typical overruns not going to the bottom line of Howard, Needles, Tammer and Bergendolf, the Kansas-based engineering firm noted for sports stadiums and freeway clover leafs. The toll road was a dumb idea from the get-go since the B&M Bridge does not support truck traffic. So, the toll road either takes car traffic from Mexico beyond Brownsville or simply charges West Brownsville citizens a dollar to go to the flea market or sports park when they can simply drive down Central Blvd. and connect to 77/83 for free,
Tonight's meeting of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation(BCIC), held on the fourth floor of the City Commission/Post Office building, dealt primarily with the Belden Trail, the new bike trail located where the old rail tracks used to connect Matamoros and Brownsville. In fact, in the executive director's report, she admitted that 75% of her efforts had been dedicated to the Belden Trail. Three door-to-door canvasses had been conducted to make certain all the folks living along the trail were on board, but still three families plus O'Reilly Auto Parts raised issues once construction started. Change orders to satisfy citizen complaints and other issues raised the original contract amount from $786,528,000 to $861,038.50.
B&M Bridge |
One agenda item dealt with travel expenses for the executive director to attend a Green Summit in October. No specific location for this summit was mentioned in the agenda and the BCIC board was nearly inaudible, but I did my research coming in. The California Green Summit features simulcasting. Why should a green advocate pollute the atmosphere with millions of jet fuel hydrocarbons to attend a Green Summit conference out of town, when they could enjoy a simulcast at the City Commission building? I wince when I repeatedly see Peter Goodman sent on the community dime to study film in Los Angeles, Pete Gonzalez to learn to count in Dallas or Doroteo Garcia to study engineering in New Orleans. Put the fools in the air-conditioning comfort of the City Commission building and let them study, honing their skills on a simulcast. Bring in an organicly grown salad and several bottles of Jack Daniels, but nip this horrendous travel budget in the bud. Don't get me started on Tony Martinez and his cronies traveling to Colombia to learn how to ride a bicycle on the public dime or Ralph Cowen and his Port of Brownsville cronies fattening themselves at every exotic port in the world. All of this travel is ridiculously expensive self-indulgence and does nothing for Brownsville.
One agenda item, that was eventually tabled dealt with a bill from the Whitley Penn accounting firm. Sports park audit? Who knows? The BCIC board speaks inaudibly so as not to be heard beyond the board table.(This lack of projection frustrates someone who taught public speaking for 30 years, but goes with the territory of auditing Brownsville board meetings. I won't waste my time with another BCIC meeting. Nena simply reads a book during such proceedings.) Anyway, Whitley Penn submitted a bill far exceeding their bid. While the executive director felt the company had done the work, they had multiple opportunities to mention they were using more auditor hours then projected. The BCIC board decided to table the consideration of payment until legal had ascertained their rights in this area.(Assistant City Attorney Allison Bastain was one of the few board member who could be heard.)
In another agenda item the board agreed to pay $19,500 annually for a firm to water 46 trees planted along the Belden Trail. The firm has done work for the city before and always watered when they said they would water.
i bought some pot from a shady dude in underground Atlanta back in 72. got that shit unwrapped back at the hotel and found out it was fake. it was a much better deal than the Belden Trail. but the providers were shady so whats the surprise.
ReplyDeletefrom $786,528,000 to $861,038.50.
ReplyDeleteSeven hundred eighty six million something to eight hundred sixty one something?
The numbers here have me confused.
bymmb"In another agenda item the board agreed to pay $19,500 annually for a firm to water 46 trees planted along the Belden Trail. The firm has done work for the city before and always watered when they said they would water."
ReplyDeleteJim, with all due respect, do you know Peter Goodman and what he has done for the City of Brownsville? Have you ever taken the time to speak to him about what the benefits are of his trip to LA? There has been millions of dollars spent here in Brownsville over the years because of Peter bringing in films. I personally have no problem with his travel expense, because the benefits overwhelmingly out-weigh the expense. Before you print something criticising his limited travels, please take the time and do some homework about who and what you are writing about, I think that would be fair, don't you? By the way, I can't speak for any of the other travels made by City personnel of which I have criticised myself, but I am sure there are some that are justified and others that probably are not. And I have learned that many times travels are approved through the City Commission but paid for through an outside entity and not the City of Brownsville. Anyway, I mean no disrespect to you Jim, but I am very familiar with Peter Goodman and the great things he has done for Brownsville, and never seeking attention for them. Therefore, I must speak up when I feel it is warranted.
Daniel Lenz
Blah-blah-blah------cabrones todos se tapan con la misma colcha.
DeleteA Taxpayer
Goodman is a strange man, on familiar terms with the weird. I speak for the rest of the town. We're getting ripped-off!
ReplyDeleteI doubt very much that you speak for the rest of the town. But for whoever you speak for, I am sure it is because of things you all have read, which in many cases are not always true, rather than taking the time to find out the facts. And I find it kind of cowardly that you and others have to remain anonymous when you post something. If you can't take credit for what you say, and all you have to say is bad things, then maybe you should not say anything at all.
ReplyDeleteTelosico!!!!!! Lambiscon!!!!!!
DeletePeter Goodman is a DICK and that is exactly what he has done for Brownsville...DICK! He takes care of Peter Goodman and should have been fired years ago. Just another leach on the city payroll.
ReplyDeleteOh...another brave "ANONYMOUS" soul spreads crap, LOL
ReplyDeleteLambiscon are you the paid mouthpiece?? So what that you use your name!! geeeesh!
DeleteJim, What is the point in allowing comments like the "lambiscon" and "dick" comments above on your blog? Just asking?
ReplyDeleteDaniel?--I presume. You become an easy target when you go postal on these blogs----menso.
DeleteBut go and post something relatively negative about el Duardo Paz Martinez and NOOOOO.