Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why Is Carlos Masso Defending Accused Politiquera Margarita Ozuna?

Carlos Masso
Certainly the F.B.I. is not particularly concerned about jailing Margarita Rangel Ozuna, the 62 year old haughty politiquera recently charged with election fraud who is out of jail on $10,000 bail.  They are more likely interested in what Luis Saenz Campaign Manager Zeke Silva called the "head of the snake," Ernie Hernandez, or possibly even District Attorney candidate Carlos Masso or newly-elected Constable Abelardo Gomez, all who worked closely with the politiqueras in the last election.

The feds would prefer Ozuna simply talk about who, when and where.

Enter Black Knight Attorney Carlos Masso who offers to defend Ozuna, likely pro bono.  Masso, perhaps, has as much to lose career-wise as anyone
Election Judge Arcellia Villolon Conferring
With the Andrades from the Abelardo Gomez
Camp During Polling Hours
else if Ozuna spills her guts.  Across the  fence from the Cameron Park polling place last July during early voting, Carlos Masso and Abelardo Gomez had adjacent barbecue tents.  Margarita Ozuna and Herminia Becerra, the aunt of Democratic Chairwoman Sylvia Garza-Perez flitted from tent to tent like queens.

Margarita Ozuna with Her Partner in Crime
Herminia Becerra at Cameron Park
We had heard reports that busloads of elderly, mentally-challenged and disabled were being transported to Cameron Park with drivers paid for by Carlos Masso.  During polling hours,  Election Judge Arcellia Villalon was seen openly cavorting with the Abelardo Gomez camp, likely scheduling the vanloads of elderly, mentally-challenged and disabled voters.  The Erin H. Garcia campaign was closely involved, but reportedly cash-strapped at this point.  Masso was allegedly paying the home care workers driving the vans.

It's a weird conflict of interest, indeed, for Masso to be representing a client in a case where he himself is likely to be called as a witness, depending on which direction the case takes.

The Rented Van That Allegedly Transported
Elderly, Mentally-Challenged and Disabled
Voters to Cameron Park

While the newly elected District Attorney Luis Saenz focuses on Project Bishop to eradicate 8-liners, what about Project Clean Elections?

Carlos Masso Paying the Drivers?


  1. Carlos is a nice guy that got caught up with the wrong crowd. Just like you don't want your children hanging around with a questionable crowd, Masso started to hang around with the cool bullies in school and felt empowered. They could fix cases, extort, bully and manipulate the justice system. Whaaaa? I can hang around with you guys? You're so cool, can we be friends? These guys are mierdas and Masso was a fool to align himself with them.

    1. Your analogy is ridiculous. He started out with the crooked crowd long ago. He's been on the Port of Brownsville board of directors for years. He is no babe in the woods.

  2. Wasn't that van rented from the Andrade car lot?

  3. Masso is just covering his ass.

  4. Carlos paid Brownsville Cheezmeh and the politiqueras a lot of money, only to lose. Sad.

    1. Not sad idiot. They cheated and lost because they were only pawns for Norma to get her baby piglet the JP 2 seat.

  5. *please do not post question* (but really want the answer LOL)

    During election time, Carlos' son was involved in a DWI accident on Boca Chica/S. Frontage. Daddy Carlos arrived right away to provide guidance for Jr when the police would not budge from an arrest. Would you be able to find outcome of that case? I'm sure Villalobos took care of it right away.

    1. Jim, he asked you not to post it and you posted it? That's lame.

  6. all of the above comments are by Jim BARTON. He keeps faking his readers. CHeap, Jim.

    1. Yeah right....ya moron. This article about Masso and the politiqueras scare you? GOOD!

  7. The anonymous comments on Brownsville Blues are written by Jim "Balls" Barton. "We pay him $200 a month for at least ten comments a week," said Scott Steinbeck, Brownsville Blues' managing editor. "Each comment has to be at least 50-words long. We have been pleased with his product. If he is writing anonymous comments on his own blog, we don't know where he finds the time. Between patronizing La Movida and caring for his two grandchildren, I don't think he would have the time to respond to his own submissions although he is a man of many talents and even more opinions."

  8. Making up fake comments takes too much time and it is our feeling that Jimmy Barton budgets his time like Genghis Khan budgeted his wenches. The anonymous comments posted on Dos Frias come from TSC students slacking after being denied admission by UT-B. We pay them via Starbucks, where they are allowed a cup of the house blend after showing proof of the comment. Barton is a worldly dude who burst forth from the loins of Clara Barton. Why would he have to fake his comments. Obscenity!...

  9. Masso is defending Ozuna on behalf of the Dumbokratic Party and DA Luis Saenz. We knew Masso would be given a "special" assignment by the DA and the "Party" and now we know what it is....to defend the politiqueras and their election fraud. The Dumbokrats continue to practice their political voodoo and we are the victims.

  10. The FBI was asking questions at the rental car agencies at the airport. I wonder if there is any connection between their presence and those van rentals....

  11. Where's my comment?

    1. Your boring comment was passed on to Brownsville Voice, where it belongs. LOL!!!

  12. Lol, cabrones! The truth is a helluva pill



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