Friday, April 19, 2013

Letty Perez-Garzoria, Candidate for City Commissioner, District 4 Speaks...

From the editor:  Issues with the video recorder prevented us from getting the first part of Ms. Garzoria's speech.


  1. What I see is a woman getting in he way of some neat dirt biking video. LOL!!!


  2. What an awesome lady,watch out tony martinez,mrs letty is no pushover like john villarreal. I bet she will expose all the illegal dealings at city hall. tony is so scared right now that he is using his money to get john villarreal elected,tony martinez is shaking in his pants.

    1. Oh, shut up! that is the thinking of a naive loser. LETTY will not win.

  3. Mayor Martinez and the City Commission have abandoned their responsibilities under the City Charter and seem to have turned over the governance of Brownsville to a non-profit organization of non-elected persons who are funded by tax dollars given to them by elected officials. A confusing state of affairs. Mayor Martinez, et al, have shifted governance to United Brownsville....which means autocratic government. United Brownsville has been trained by the Kardenas Klan and is therefore well versed in manipulation of tax dollars and facism/autocracy...government by the few with little or no public input. Tony Martinez sees himself as the "massa" of this plantation and the citizens are to be seen and not heard. Tony Martinez, like his good friend Julieta Garcia are "royalists" or "elitists" in their own little minds and strut around the community looking down are the rest of us. The Mayor has turned his office into a real estate office, using tax dollars to buy property to give away to his friends. We wanted to get rid of Pat many want him back. Thanks Tony Martinez for leadership, no huevos and no public engagement. JOHN VILLARREAL IS A PUPPET FOR ERNIE,ERIN AND NORMA HERNANDEZ,TONY MARTINEZ,CARLOS MARIN AND THE POLITIQUERAS.
