Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Letty Perez-Garzoria Declares for City Commission, Place 4 Against John Villarreal

Letty Perez-Garzoria, Mean Mister Brownsville
Letty Perez-Garzoria, longtime nurse and Brownsville resident, has declared her candidacy for City Commissioner, District 4 against incumbent John Villarreal.

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, who pens the blog the BROWNSVILLE VOICE, is not that impressed with Letty Perez-Garzoria based on an interchange he pulled off Facebook.

"When she speaks people will realize just how misinformed and poorly educated she really is," is Bobby's knee-jerk reaction to the Brownsville native.  Bobby's hasty conclusion, based on such a small sample size likely has roots in his infatuation with Commissioner Melissa Zamora with whom Perez-Garzoria has the exchange.

My personal appraisal of Ms. Perez-Garzoria's skill level, based likely on a larger sample size than Bobby's is that she is easily more articulate, thoughtful than anyone currently on the City Commission including Mayor Martinez.   In several appearances before the City Commission, disrespectfully not included in the meeting's broadcast due to the cowardliness of the commission and City Attorney Mark Sossi, Perez-Garzoria always seems to bring something extremely rare on first and third Tuesdays; ideas.  She is, first of all, a community advocate.

Her gentle nudges to the commission frequently include the phrase "We can do better than this."  She has also encouraged the commission to "live within our means."

In a telephone conversation with the candidate this evening, she stated that while she has not prepared a platform at this stage, she sees a need to "shake the bushes for more industry." The District 4 resident, which includes downtown, does not envision a magic restoration for that area, but views the downtown as an opportunity for tourism.  

John Villarreal
Perez-Garzoria stops short of criticizing her young opponent, John Villarreal, saying that is simply not her style, but indicates a vote for Villarreal is a vote for Ernie Hernandez.  John Villarreal has long held close ties to the Hernandez's with Erin Hernandez initially his campaign treasurer in his last campaign until that was found to be a violation of campaign rules.  Last summer, at EarthFest, Villarreal went ballistic when he recognized someone who has opposed Ernie Hernandez, handing out voter registration materials.  Villarreal even threatened to cut off future funds for EarthFest.  

Former lawyer Bobby Wightman-Cervantes feels this will be an easy campaign for Villarreal:   

"If John loses he needs to move into a cave and live out his life in shame. She will not be able to raise money. When she speaks people will realize just how misinformed and poorly educated she really is."

Bobby may be correct about the monetary aspect, but he may also underestimate how disenchanted many are with such a weak city commission so easily bulldozed by Tony Martinez.  John himself weakly gave up his first board appointment to Tony which cost District 4 their representation.  

Brownsville may very well warm up to the idea of a mature, experienced person on the city commission, without the "deer in the headlights" we've noticed from several of our newer commissioners.  



  1. Letty would be great as a commissioner and would stand up to Tony. She has my vote.

  2. what happened to Letty Perez-Longoria? Did you make a mistake? ha ha ha

  3. I admire Letty's dedication toward her community at each monthly meeting, asking questions that need to be asked, while the rest of us sit at home blogging about how bad people are instead of joining her. I realized this the other day at the city meeting that I did attend and mentioned it to Letty. Now I see this and think how wonderful to have a strong independent critical thinker running for my district, which has been silent for too long. Kudos Letty...at least you care enough to be there for your community, unlike so many others.

  4. Letty will be an excellent City Commissioner ! John has proven to be as worthy as the photo of him on the wall at City Hall. Handsome polite Lad, but clearly a "limp dick". We all need to cut the political umbilical cord from the Hernandez scum. Letty is very articulate and always seeking answers.

    1. Exactly. What a huge disappointment.

  5. I voted for John but he just didn't do anything for Brownsville. He was just occupying a seat. I'm ready to give someone else a try.

  6. Letty and I do not see eye to eye politically however, she is not a COMMUNIST like Tonia Martinez who must be stopped!

    1. Now that is being mature and sensible. Thank you. We need more folks like you who understand the difference.

  7. frrrAnon-If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
    They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?

    Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo and his brother the 3million security system contract?

    Eva Arambula-Woodfin
    Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
    Small Dollar Loan Coordinator-

  8. EScooby do is getting Security camarss, most of them do not work, at the port, county, City and BISD.

  9. I voted for Letty last election and I'll do it again.

  10. http://bisd-kbsd-itv.pegcentral.com/player.php?video=0047b55f9945478b0cd990d1a42fa16c

    Check from 01:30:01 - 01:39:20
    Is Enrique giving the Loan Contract to Martin Arambula's Sister?

    Didn't Martin Arambula at the Port just gave a 3-5Million Security Camera contracts to Enrique and his brother

    Is this a conflict of interest?

  11. I realized and agreed this the other day at the city meeting that I did attend and mentioned it to Letty.

  12. I believe her opinions would drive "La Tony" crazy! Go Letty!



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