Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Con Artist Quintanilla Visits Lehmann, Then Dines with Gal Pals Cata, Lucy, Christina

When Carlos Quintanilla steps inside Patrick Lehmann's Chinese Motorscooter/Scientific Trash Analysis showroom on Central Blvd., it is never good for Brownsville.  It's a wonder all of the bells and whistles of Lehmann's trash analysis business don't go off with both sleazebags in the building at once.  Brownsville may never see the likes again of these two "businessmen" who play BISD's $500,000,000 budget like their own personal fiddle.

Cata Presas-Garcia
Quintanilla has likely taken a leave from his race-baiting activities with Accion America in North Texas to slime his way south to prop up the perennially interim, yet inept Thompson Horton lawfirm, certainly a personal cash cow as well as income provider for the lunatic Cata Presas-Garcia.  At the last school board meeting where it initially appeared Thompson Horton had been ousted, Presas-Garcia squirted artificial tears in her eyes and made an emotional plea for the firm worthy of a Bollywood B movie.  The other loyal Q-ites, Saavedra and Longoria along with Cata formed the minority voting for the retention of Thompson Horton, fake doctor Escobedo having switched sides.  Eventually, the matter was tabled giving Q at least a temporary victory.

Later, at a restaurant near you, Q and his gal pals were seen yukking it up about their good fortune with Thompson Horton.  "The boys have done all right," the con man was overheard to say.  While Cata knows that employing the right law firm, can be profitable, Lucy Longoria may have a more personal reason for supporting his Q-ness.  "She's gone from calling him her brother to something more endearing," offered an observer.  "Let's just say she's divorced her hubby and has a new main squeeze, a sleazy one."


  1. BISD continues to be a "money cow" for the likes of Pat (15%) Lehmann and others who have no integrity or ethics and live off the scraps thrown out by companies doing business with BISD. Caty looks like she should skip a few of those meals with lobbyists and spend her lunch hour at the gym. Too much of our tax money is being wasted by these people...and not being used for education. BISD Trustees seem to only make policy on issues that benefit themselves and their retention of "power". Unfortunately, we elect these crooks and every voter should realize that the crappy governments we have here exist because of ignorant voters who put them in those positions. Sad state of affairs in BISD and the losers are the students and the community.

  2. Catita la rratita does nothing for free. You are correct in saying that Con Man Quintanilla was the one that brought current law firm for BISD. A soon as Caty, Lucy and Savvedra were elected, Lucy put the firm in place then on the agenda to terminate! Doing as boyfriend Quintanilla wanted, and they still protect the con man. You can bet Cata la rata is being taken care of from the current law firm,....she does nothing for free.....she gets on blogs calling everybody crooked, look in the mirror PENDEJA, you have the biggest crook of them all right there.

  3. Is that Vaseline that Caty has in picture? How fitting, she screws the taxpayers every time she gets. If Quintanilla is in town with Lehman you can bet one thing.....the insurance contract is up for grabs again. It makes perfect sense, that is why he met with them, to peddle his insurance firm from god knows where and you can bet that Cty is askingnfornher cut.

    1. That does look like vaseline! WTF?

    2. I thought it was a joke but it is vaseline!

  4. I saw those crocodile tears you mention Jim, she was crying because she thought those payments from The insurance company funneled throug Quintanilla were going to stop. I would cry too!

  5. It is all about Healthsmart! Those associated with Healthsmart are just criminals tampering with possible witnesses in a lawsuit against them. But do not worry, Healthsmart owns Cata, Christina, Luci and Enrique. They will never turn against Healthsmart. Why? Because healthsmart lined their pockets and their campaigns with money. Why else would Cata & Christina go crazy and have a meltdown when a new attorney was being proposed? Think about it.

  6. Since I have been in Brownsville, it seems that people run for the BISD Board of Flunkees only to make money from kickbacks or to influence the "special needs" of their own children. The BISD Board of Flunkees are consistently disassociated with the students and pander to the teachers and staff to get their votes. If the kids could vote, things might be different, but alas, students don't vote...this they are disenfranchised, especially because the parents don't get involved in the system. We see lines of cars outside the schools to pick up the children, but where are these parents when it is time for PTA meetings or parent-teacher conferences. Thus, the lack of parental involvement can be looked at as the main reason the BISD Board of Flunkees are too busy filling their pockets to provide good policy for the district. As long as parents don't care, the Flunkees won't care and the students want care. This scenario means BISD will continue to graduate students who are illiterate in two languages. So, sad that the community cares so little for education.

    1. Pandering to the Teachers and Staff? You have to be joking, CPG does not waste her time on the help, she has much bigger fish to fry. CPG has, in fact had it out for the teachers and staff; you are way off base.
      bruja culo chueco

  7. Sorry, Jim, but most of these comments have your writing style. You know, dense. What sayeth thou? are you posting anonymously. Tsk, tsk

    1. Yes, you are sorry and incorrect. You have some sort of agenda you are acting out very weakly. You need to pick up your game some.


    2. I don't know, Jim. I tend to agree with that guy. You tend to get these lengthy comments too often. it's you, dude!

    3. I suspected it was /DP-M charging me with writing anonymous comments to my blog, now his latest blog offering confirms it. It is almost exactly what he writes above. That was one of the only weaknesses of "Paz Files". It contained cute little comments of praise for the blog, each with a little name like Joe Blow or something else Paz made up. I don't know why he is so comment obsessed. He was always accusing Tony Chapa of making up comments. I don't know if Chapa did but obviously nearly all of the "Paz Files" comments were from Paz. As Cervantes indicated, /DP-M has an interesting style. Maybe this new incarnation will garner more attention.


    4. dpm is a dumbass!

  8. Cata La Rata is a the worst excuse for a woman on this planet! She takes women back 100 years with her conduct. Who on earth raised this LOSER? She does not even work for a living, so how does she pay for her vehicle, house, utilities, dining out, etc.? Her husband's salary as a teacher is all they have. How does that family support themselves? Just Wondering........................

    1. She does it by squeezing Vendors. I have heard that she has no shame and uses the excuse that it is for her kids chess tournament trips. Disgusting.

    2. Caty's had kids???????????????????/

  9. Barton you better stop defaming Luci by saying Q is her lover. Whoever told you they were seen with Q at a restaurant are feeding you garbage and you are stupid to be posting such crap. I hope Luci sues you and the other idiots making defaming allegations about her. Cut your shit out!

    1. Why so defensive Catita? Is it not true that Lucy got a divorce? Is it not true that there is a rumor that her an Quintanilla were, are an item? Did Lucy serve as Quintanillas personal choufer when he would come into town? Wouldn't she drive him everywhere at all times, pick him up at airport, drop him off, dinners, huh? I think that it is you that is making defaming allegations when you call Minerva Corrupt!

    2. Do not try to smoke screen the issue Catalina by playing the victim. You are overplaying this card mija. The fact is that Quintanilla did introduce you to the firm that ids representing BISD today. He is a consultant for that firm. Quintanilla gave you money when you ran. He gave Luci money. Both of you voted for the firm. Those are facts mijita.

    3. Cata es idiota!

  10. Luci is not divorced you dumb shit, you are defaming her. I already told you to cut your shit. FYI, I AM NOT CATY. I'M SOMEONE VERY CLOSE TO LUCI AND IF YOU ALL KEEP UP WITH YOUR SHIT we will see you in court!

    1. Did she reconcile with her hubby Caty? WOW.....And with a straight face you say these lies! I imagine the shakedown of vendors is a lie also Catita? No asking money for your sons tournaments? The corrupt one is you Mamasita! No work, but always with money,....vendors beware, you will go down to. Whoever has given Caty money for favors should be very cautious.

    2. "Luci is not divorced you dumb shit, you are defaming her"

      She has been divorced twice Catita (La del Barrio) Presas. So stop your bitching dumbass!

    3. Luci the flusie is know for her indiscretions....that is a known fact.

    4. Word is;

      Luci's indiscretions were with her first husband. Whom she had her one and only child. She lost custody of her son when she was caught in bed with her ex-husbands friend. She was not smart enough not to get caught.

      Caty is on her third husband. The only reason he does not leave her is because he adores his son and focuses all his energy on his son. Caty is the worst wife a man can have. She has identity issues and is always seeking attention from different men. That is why She dresses like a street corner hooker. Just notice her outfits.

  11. If Minetva isn't corrupt, how can she afford two Cadillacs?? And several properties which she owes delinquent taxes on? Didn't Rick throw some of his BISD tax dollars her way to keep hher mouth shut as Escobedo and Otis now doing with her?

  12. Jim Barton

    You continue to misinform your few readers. FYI I was not in Brownsville and have not been in Brownsville for some time. But let me tell you next time I am in Brownsville I will personally call you, then you can post in your blog that I was in Brownsville.

    I am wasting these few minutes of my time just to show how much a bulls hitter you are.

    Carlos Quintanilla

    1. Mr. Quintanilla will you please answer if you have ever been and still are a consultant for the BISD Law firm that is at BISD right now,...the ones that Caty Presas, and Luci Longoria voted for at your request? And please sir, remember you are under oath....

  13. What is a bulls hitter?

    1. someone that hits bulls dummy!! LOL

      Gil Gamboa

  14. If you watch the Board video of the law firm discussion, it is so obvious that particularly Cata and Luci have something very important at stake in retaining the current law firm. Such impassioned statements and such expertise of what constitues a well qualified law firm. They are so obvious it is laughable. As "Dr" Escobedo said "...you are am embarrasment..." Cata best watch her blood pressure - she appears about ready to blow!

  15. Catalina Presas is a dumbass!

  16. Caty, Lucy and Christy are the only ones looking out for the district. The guys Otis wants to hire Gus Acevedo has been fired from every valley district for excessive legal fee and misrepresentation, Mike Saldana=Walsh Anderson took the district for a huge ride $800+ legal fees every yr plus conspiring in firing people PLUS filing a frivolous lawsuit against Healthsmart. Get your facts before you shoot your mouth off.

  17. Fact;
    $14,000,000 in non payment of fee.
    Not frivolous.

  18. Your a crook Caty....

  19. You don't have all the facts...

  20. Do you know Gus Acevedo Caty?



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