Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Marco Longoria for City Commission District 4?

Marco Longoria, Candidate for City Commission District 4
With Supporters at Vermillion


  1. Jim, if this is true, I have a hard time even considering him. My sources tell me he has a pending lawsuit agianst the city right now.

    1. Do you know anything about this Jim?

    2. The pending lawsuit is not so pending. The City has already lost it and is hiding it from the citizens in the appeals process at a higher cost due to active interest charges. This not a personal issue. It belongs to the International Fire Association of Brownsville due to his previous duty as Associaition President.

      Marco may just may make the perfect Commissioner in his knowledge of how the taxpayers are getting screwed. He would only serve well as a watchdog and not a player for personal gain.

    3. Gotta disagree. The guy is not that bright.

    4. At Anonymous at 8:11 PM, it's apparent to me you don't know Marco. Marco can hold his own on any subject and is well versed in how this city runs. The establishment will pull out all the stops in an effort to deny his election to Dist. 4 Comm. He is unafraid and will not be sidetracked. As the election date nears, there will be a lot of worried elites. Why? Because Marco Longoria cannot be bought.

    5. Put up or shut up.

  2. Marco Longoria has my vote, my relatives votes and my friend's votes.

  3. He has a lot of dirt that will come out. Not good

  4. 4:27am sounds so much like an hernandez Klan member.

  5. Rumors abound about this guy's flirtations with Lego sets. crazy stuff, like taht he spends hours erecting crazy shit. My sense is he does not have the brains to serve in public office. Le falta cerebro al Vato!

    1. Playing with Lego? OMG! How horrific! Is that you Lenny?


    2. Lego? Well, that does it. He ain't a-gettin' my vote.

  6. Marco aint running. Hes an idiot if he does. Allllllll of his dirty laundry will be hung to dry.

    1. He will win on his merits and not on any smear campaign you seem to value. District 4 issues will be the substance of his platform, things John Villarreal, the village dunce, can't even articulate.

  7. Marco will be running no doubt about it and he is the best option for District 4. Come on bring out the dirty laundry,you are running scared that's all. Marco is a well liked man in Brownsville and the support is overflowing.
