Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Juliet Garcia, Melissa Zamora, Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa No-Shows for Tony's UTB Fest

Tony Martinez
As I walked in the door at 4:39 PM, I flipped the tv to Time-Warner channel 17-12 to see if Tony's UTB Workshop was still in session. It appears I got home just in time as Tony was just starting his presentation.  Rose Gowen had been listed as one of the moderators but I suspect that designation was honorary.

UTB President Juliet Garcia was  expected to attend, but was called at the last minute to testify before a legislative caucus group.  Garcia is likely aware of how poorly she is regarded in Brownsville and Cameron County owing to a quarter century of egomania self-service.(Tony Martinez seems blissfully unaware of how his strong-armed, unilateral running of the city is perceived, seemingly living in a vacuum, but more on that later.)

In addition to Juliet Garcia getting cold feet, the gaping hole to Tony's right contained the empty chairs of Commissioners Melissa Zamora and Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa.  No alibi was given for their absences, although it's not difficult to guess.  The commissioners who did attend did not participate, except for Ricardo Longoria, who responded towards the end when Tony asked if the commissioners had any questions.  John Villarreal looked lost, Estela Chavez-Vasquez sullen and Rose Gowen, sporting a new, youthful hairdo, seemed sublime.

The dangled carrot in front of Brownsville, McAllen and Edinburg is the Permanent University Fund or P.U.F. The mineral rights, oil, grazing and other income producers on 2,100,000 acres of Texas land is earmarked for the University of Texas and Texas A&M systems.  If a UT or A&M affiliate school is connected to a non-A&M or UT school, they are ineligible for these funds which explains why UTB was never eligible.

Pastor Brad, a local minister who attends all City Commission meetings, and, more often than not blesses them, raised a pointed question:  "Why the snub?  With the millions Brownsville has given to UTB, the tremendous need in our area, why the snub?  Where was our congressional delegation?  Could they not have worked around or changed this technicality in some way?"  Martinez had no answer, except to say that he thought they had tried.

UTB Provost Dr. Alan F. J. Artibise
Tony yielded to UTB Provost Dr. Alan F.J. Artibise, a very smooth, assured speaker who gives the impression he could sell ice to the eskimos and likely has, considering his degrees come from the University of British Columbia and the University of Manitoba.

Artibise talked about various tracts of land the University of the Americas, Brownsville edition was considering.  He said the university currently owned 110 acres, but would likely need 300-400.  Martinez interjected more than once that his friend Abraham Galonsky who just sold the city the Casa del Nylon had 25 acres along Hwy 77-83 that he would "help" the university with.  Can Tony really be unaware of the furor  caused by his speculative real estate purchases with tax dollars?  It's difficult to imagine anyone with less political skill.  More than once it was emphasized that UT will be making a site selection in March.

At the end of the presentation, Mayor Martinez asked if the commissioners had any questions.  Ricardo Longoria, looking somewhat flabbergasted, paused and said:  "Well, it's difficult to formulate questions when this our first time hearing any of this," confirming what we all knew, that Tony has acted on his own in all of this.  Tony was unfazed, but Artibise, a bit sharper, tried to play it off.  "Well, I'm provost and I don't know the exact bidding figures and details of these properties."

Longoria was also concerned at the report that the administration for the new school would be in McAllen, not Brownsville, transferring 100 jobs there, especially considering all the millions Brownsville had already given to UTB and the bond indebtedness that stretches to 2034.   Artibise said, well, administration, yes, but Brownsville would have a fine campus with 20,000 students.


  1. Queen Juliet might not have been there in person, but her cadre of ass-kissers (including the current mayor of Brownsville) were there to do her bidding. This idea of a "urban university" is absurd...except to promote Juliet's dream of the Univ. of Matamoros in accommodate those who pay no taxes on this side. How would you like to have your daughter wandering around the "urban university" at night in downtown Brownsville...with rag pickers, drunks, druggies and felons wandering the lovely corridors that the city offers. We don't need an urban university, we need a safe environment for students with space and accommodations for visitors and room for expansion. Tony Martinez and Juliet Garcia are self-promoting facists who want to make decisions for us....not have citizens participate. Notice they had no real plan to present last night.

    1. [with rag pickers, drunks, druggies and felons wandering the lovely corridors that the city offers.]

      I thought only D-PM dissed our great city. Wassup?

    2. Duardo Paz-Martinez is doing well, and has a right to disse the City of Brownsville as he sees fit. By the way, what he writes is truth, or as the saying goes, la verdad no peca pero incomoda.
      I am surprise he has gone silent, and where is Rey Guevara, he to can be tough on Brownsville.
      One more thing why shouldn't they, look what queen citriana garcia and the mayor have done to Brownsville, ni fu, ni fa.

    3. Duardo has been banned by this blog and by Brownsville Blues. Why?

    4. Anon of January 16, 2013 at 1:39 PM, to add to your excellent comment, what is the point for more higher education when WE HAVE NO JOBS HERE WAITING FOR THESE EDUCATED STUDENTS TO REMAIN IN THE AREA AND BECOME PRODUCTIVE TAX PAYING RESIDENTS?

  2. The Legislature is actually considering a plan that would merge UT-B and UT-Pan American, with the new school having a single administration. It makes sense. UT branches do not co-exist with such proximity elsewhere in the state. Plus, Austin looks down on the RGV. Cost-cutting measure, see.

    1. When the bond issue was passed and permission obtained to fast track construction of buildings projected enrollment was 20,000 students by 2010.....never happened...not even close....beware of any projections by this UTB administration

  3. Extra,Extra read all about it. The DA Luis Saenz will prosecute the Cadriel,who is a family member of Ernie,Norma and Erin Hernandez.

    1. Calm down zeke...ur trucking company is about to be investigated....worry about that

    2. It was about time someone prosecute those bastards, they deserve nothing less but jail time.

    3. Who the fuck cares If he is related to know how many of us have fuckups in our family. Move on

  4. The only university of the Americas that I know of is in Puebla, Mexico. It is a private university and only rich mexicans can afford it.
    Why repeating a name?

    1. It's in local blood to copy things from elsewhere.

    2. I thought I had heard that name used before somewhere....

  5. Why do they need hundreds of acres. Planning trends around the country (and probably with UT Austin's Urban Planning Department) are toward denser, walkable communities. The days of urban sprawl are dying. Communities are building up, not out. The acreage that the University has should be adequate for a new densified walkable community. It could be a showcase of urban development by the state's largest university system. Many University students don't even come with cars. This is a great opportunity. In addition, I believe that the merger is a bad idea. Our politicians never seem to be able to compete with Hidalgo County politicians. If this deal goes through, we will be back to where we were back in the days of PAU-B. We need UTB and we need the PUF.
    It's funny that we are the poorest area of the state, yet our university relies on local taxes. We are the largest metro area in the U.S. without an interstate. The only way we can get one is to form a toll authority (CCRMA) and pay to build overpasses through Kennedy County. If we had better legislators, they would be pointing out that we put our money where our mouth is, and that they need to include our UTB into the PUF.

  6. "Our politicians never seem to be able to compete with Hidalgo County politicians."

    Compared to the Hidalgo County pesados our corrupt politicians are lightweights.

  7. More and more people are realizing that Tony Martinez is in over his head as mayor of this berg. Tony consistently jerks members of various boards and commissions around to meet his schedule....rather than that of the members with whom he meets. He is pimping for Juliet while she remains protected and quiet about what UTB needs and what UTB will be in the future. Juliet is staying out of the line of fire and hopes that her pimps, like Tony, can move protect her from (or save her from) a UT System that is tired of her empty promises about education. It appears that UT System has already decided to move the heart of the new "valley university" to the upper valley where citizens are more likely to support and help finance expanded education. We understand too that one of the sites being looked at for the new UTB is owned by the Kardenas Klan and they are already planning for their profits and rewards. It's time to look at the new UTB as a community venture, not just an autocratic plan by those who seek to promote themselves.

  8. [More and more people are realizing that Tony Martinez is in over his head as mayor of this berg.]

    That should be "burg," not "berg." It derives from "borough," which, says Webster's, describes a city, town or village, especially one regarded as quiet, unexciting, etc., etc. Usually acknowledged to be a suffix, hence, around here, Edinburg.


  9. 10:48,the problem is the Hernandez are all fuck ups,and they will get jail time. Thank you DA Saenz,for bringing back confidence in law enforcement to Cameron county.

  10. You don't need a college education to get a job in law enforcement, or any other public entity in Cameron County, or Brownsville for that matter. Job requirement standards will be lowered to fit the ignorant family member or close friend of the elected official! Witness "gotta be" Zamora as Park Ranger Chief, GED Ruben Cortez representing us on higher education decision making!!!!!, JP in waiting, Mary Ester, daughter of county commissioner Sofia Benavidez, an embarrassment to our local education system,....and on...and on...




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