Tony Martinez |
Mayor Tony Martinez does not have to go to the mall, sit on Santa's lap and whisper his wish list into the bearded man's ear to get what he wants. He doesn't even have to prove if he's been naughty or nice. Tony needs only three "yes" votes from the City Commission to get the toys he so craves.
Tony's toy list so far has included no erector sets, baseball mitts or Barbie dolls, only speculative real estate purchased with Brownsville money. Oh, they don't have to be great deals, distress sales or fill some plainly articulated city need. If they were sure things, Tony would buy them with his own money.
While Tony has yet kept us in the dark as to his overall plan if he has one, we do have his wish list below, most of which Santa has filled. One of the properties, the building at 615 E. 11th is already generating revenue. The tenant, the G&A Restaurant pays the city $450 per month to operate in the space. This move into speculative real estate may be unprecedented in one of the most impoverished cities in the United States, especially when there are so many other needs, but at least Tony's affluent friends who own property downtown will have a good Christmas.
Mother of Perpetual Help Home 519 E. Madison St. Purchase price: $195,101 |
Brick Building & Warehouse 1700 Ringold St. Purchase price: $100,000 |
611 & 615 E. 11th St. Purchase price: $41,000, $42,000
1355 E. Madison Leased by City at $30,000 per year for 3 years Total lease: $90,000 |
Old National Guard Armory 344 Porter Drive Purchase price: $431,200 |
La Casa del Nylon, 1304 E. Adams St. Horacio Barrera "negotiated" price: $2,300,000
San Fernando Building 1100 E. Adams St. Purchase price: $315,000
Wasn't the Brick Building & Warehouse on Oscar "Meester Julieta" Garcia's land? His feed store is just across from it.
ReplyDeletethe san fernando building and casa nylon are owned by the same person and that person is being represented by the mayor's partner horacio barrera.
ReplyDeleteI would love to know what in the hell we ned all those buildings for. The armory? really? what in the hell does the nayor want that for? How does that benefit the tax payers or the city? This Mayor is out of control!
ReplyDeleteMartinez is so arrogant that he makes all these moves without even explaining to the taxpayers what his overall plan is. He acts like he can do whatever goddamn he wants to do. And we elected this clown because he "believes in Brownsville?"
ReplyDeleteThese purchase are not a part of any city plan that has been made known to the public. Is this in support for a plan or not? Is the plan a city plan, a Carlos Marin hedge, or is Tony serving Juliet Garcia at UTB? We know the city just contributed tax dollars to an Endowment honoring a UT regent...is that a decision made to kiss Juliet's ass as she seeks to spread her dominion over the entire RGV (since her failure with the local "partnership") If Tony and his compadres worked as hard for the citizens of Brownsville as they do for Juliet; perhaps the city could move forward. Tony seems to want to make the poorest city in the US, even poorer.....and without a plan.
ReplyDeleteTony, I'll sell you my house for only 4 million. Almost 1200 sq. ft. In a good barrio. (2.3 million for La Casa de Nylon...Really) Were these properties appraised or were they a deal made amongst friends and Compadres? Can anyone answer me that?
ReplyDeleteHey sylvia garza perez,you said tony Martinez was going to be the savior of Brownsville and would help it prosper. Is this what you ment when you came by my business telling everyone to help you elect tony martinez,gee thank you sylvia you were in it all along. you are part of destroy Brownsville,I mean,united Brownsville.
ReplyDeleteWhy did Tony Martinez support Sylvia garza perez for Democratic Chair over John Shergold?
ReplyDeletePay attention folks.... Unless we start to bombard the city meetings calling him out on this shit he's going to keep on doing what he's doing!
ReplyDeleteNow, thanx' the ticket¡ Will meet you there! Show up Browntown!
ReplyDeleteRose Gowen is Tony Martinez girl,when Tony tells her jump,she asks how high master. All the bad deeds that Tony is doing to Brownsville is supported by Dr. Gowen,so sad,she needs to go.
ReplyDeletebut komrade, surely you know she labors for the collective good.
Deletesoooooooooooo disaaaaaaaappointing!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMartinez is a Democrat. It makes perfect sense that he sees the role of government is to acquire capital using the slave - citizen 's conficated property. Any Democrat knows property is squandered by mere mortals and better exploited by the ruling class.