Monday, December 10, 2012

Former Pals Escobedo and Presas-Garcia Butt Heads During BISD Trustee Meeting

You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
B.B. King

"Oh, baby you done lost your good thing now
                                        Oh, baby you done lost your good thing now
                                        Well the way I used to love you baby
                                        Baby that's the way I hate you now"

Sometimes alliances shift, partnerships splinter and former comrades become adversaries.  After working almost as brother and sister in the previous BISD board, Cata Presas-Garcia and Enrique Escobodo find themselves on opposite sides of many issues.  In the past sparks seemed to always fly between Minerva Pena and Presas-Garcia, now the obvious friction is between Enrique and Cata.  Why did the dynamic change?

Cata Presas-Garcia
"Be nice, sir.  Don't be rude!"

Enrique Escobedo
"May I have a little order here?"


  1. looks like her shopping trips will be over

  2. because she gets on every one's nerves!

  3. Because Enrique wants to pretend he is still a Dr.

  4. Because Enrique finally saw the light! Gracias a DIOS!

  5. TAS bien PENDEJA Minerva!

  6. I can not believe that Caty is sooo obvious about her comments here, WOW! Why is she so jelous of Minerva? Hatred will kill you mijita,...i am praying for you.

  7. Ms Peña, no le haga caso a la señora Caty. Todos sabemos la clase de persona que es, usted siga adelante!

  8. Why in the heck is someone always attacking Minerva Pena? Do the people who blindly support Cata Presas-Garcia actually think Minerva Pena has anything to do with the community dislike shown for Cata Presas-Garcia. Oh, excuse me she goes by "Caty" now! Caty, Cata, Catalina, it is all the same mean person and she is totally disliked in the Brownsville Community! The only reason she was re-elected was because she had help from Clupper and Barbosa who ran against her.

  9. Is that really a photo of Presas-Garcia? Looks more like a photo of one of the transvesites we might see down a city corner at night. Her campaign photo really looked like a female....guess we all change.

  10. She is ugly oooppps I mean homely.WHATEVER!!!!!!!

  11. Ah But fortunately I have the key to escape reality
    And you may see me tonight with an illegal smile
    It don't cost very much, but it lasts a long while

  12. Todavia estas bien PENDEJA Minerva.

  13. To the 8:07 AM commentator,
    Are you mad, sad, depressed? Or all of the above? Ha ha ha ha !!!! Love it !!

  14. No, Minerva no es lo que dice "caty", pero "caty" si lo es jijijiji!!!

  15. in my opinion , they both need to go. I did not vote for either one and will continue not too !! Escobedo has lost the support of some local community people and needs to stop lying about his title as a Dr and get real. As for Catalina, she needs to do what is right and follow her instincts as a board member .
