Tuesday, December 25, 2012

2012 Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award~Norma Hernandez

Norma Hernandez
While County Commissioner Ernie Hernandez has posted self-congratulatory signs near county projects crediting himself with drainage and other services funded by taxpayers, someone else made certain he was even elected in 2010 by manipulating the vote, coordinating the work of politiqueras, then running to an SPI hideaway to avoid subpoena service.

With the politiquera group Brownsville Cheezmeh basking in the glow of one fraudulent victory among ten 2011 candidates backed in some way by the Cheezmites, someone else coordinated the delivery of vans of elderly, disabled and mentally-challenged to the polling places to overcome a 500 vote lead by Yolanda Begum in the primary and giving Erin H. Garcia a fraudulent "victory" in the race for Justice of the Peace, Place 2-2.

Herminia Becerra
The person referred to in both cases is our 2012 Public Disservice Award Winner Norma Hernandez.  Norma Hernandez is the linchpin in what is essentially a criminal enterprise to steal elections in Cameron County.  While politiqueras Herminia Becerra, Margarita Ozuna and Amadeo  Rodriquez, Jr. were accessories, it was Norma directing, coordinating, orchestrating and implementing the plan.  The huge egos of Becerra and Ozuna, particularly, have to be placated, stroked and cultivated by allowing them prominent seating in political functions, always badged as an Hernandez  campaign "Official".   Norma saw to it that these accomplices received their proper due.

Those receiving dishonorable mention include outgoing Election Administrator Roger Ortiz, who resigned for "family reasons," but then was said to be job hunting in San Antonio during the BISD vote canvas.  Also mentioned for the award were Ernie Hernandez, Jr., Erin H. Hernandez and Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez.

The performance by Norma Hernandez may be difficult to duplicate in upcoming elections.  Soon-to-be-installed Election Administrator Chris Davis has a reputation as a straightforward numbers guy.  Also, during the bloggers conclave about voter fraud, one word peaked County Judge Carlos Cascos' interest; liability.  The possibility that the non-sanctioned transport of the elderly, infirm and mentally challenged by home health care workers who, may or may not be properly insured, presents a liability issue for the county got the judge's attention.  So, the climate in Cameron County may be experiencing subtle changes.  Norma's influence in recent elections may be difficult to duplicate in coming years.


  1. A very well-deserved award, Jim. Norma probably doesn't get the credit she deserves, but she is Brownsville's chief politiquera.

  2. Why is this lady not in jail?

  3. Jim,
    You forget the stealing and destruction of opponent's campaign signs, the opening and sorting of mail-in ballots, blocking poll watchers from doing their jobs. All that was ordered by Norma Hernandez.

  4. Why would you publish such a nasty article on Christmas?

    1. "Why would you publish such a nasty article on Christmas?"

      It's my personal Christmas gift to Brownsville and Cameron County.


    2. This is just Jim showing his true colors. An asshole with a black heart doesn't care who he writes such an ugly article about on Christmas. Low, even for you Jim.

    3. "This is just Jim showing his true colors. An asshole with a black heart doesn't care who he writes such an ugly article about on Christmas. Low, even for you Jim."

      I write articles about corruption and dishonesty nearly every day, Erin.


    4. Not Erin Jim, but thanks for thinking i am!

  5. This article was written by Ruben and Irma Pena and bought and paid for by Alex and Yolanda Begum. I hear Rubens name is on an upcoming indictment list...although most people in Brownsvillemare not surprised to here him tied tongue Villalobos scandal.

  6. My only wish for Christmas for Brownsville and Cameron County is that scum, such as you and your wretched wife, would ride off into the sunset and Never come back. Brownsville really would be a better place without you both.

    1. This person is talking about Ernie and Norma,,,,,right??

    2. Nope I'm taking about Jim and Nena

  7. Most Christmas stories tell that Santa knows "who is naughty and who is nice". This article only points out a corrupt citizen who is more loyal to the Dumbokratic Party and themselves, than to the public. Why should we not let the community know "who is naughty". The two notes above were probably written by someone in the Hernandez Klan....always critical of political opposition, and supporters of corrupt politics in Cameron County. Maybe we should bet Jimmy Carter to come as an "observer" to Cameron County elections; as he has done in other 3d world elections.

  8. The stupid Hernandez clan trying to defend themelves lame anybody for their crimes, like Jim and Nena who all they do is report what they see, yolanda and alex who I heard are in Europe, and trying to tie Ruben and Irma pena with Villalobos is beyond stupid, on the other hand among the charges Villalobos is facing is not doing anything about Ernie's crimes, so my dear Erin if Armando talks like limas did your whole family will accompany him to jail

  9. Maybe he will talk!!!

  10. Jim, please continue to let us know about the corruption going on, maybe the new DA decides to START doing something about it....

  11. Ummm. None of us need the hernandez's to tie Ruben Pena to Armando. Those two have been connected at the hip for several years now. Ruben Pena was Armando's master of ceremonies back when he ran for DA the first time, Armando actively campaigned for Ruben I his bid against Ernie for commissioner.

  12. [Ummm. None of us need the hernandez's to tie Ruben Pena to Armando.]

    It's Hernandezes, not Hernandez's. The latter is the possessive. Small error, but an error just the same. Learn from your mistakes, Raza!!! Ya hack!!!


  13. Erin cAn't even write a correct sentence , yet pompously claims to be educated! Miss Piggy you are a joke

  14. You know that during the Inquistion, Jewish citizens in Spain were given three options.....die as a Jew, leave the country or become Catholic. It is said that for all the Jews who changed their religion ( to avoid the pain of the other two option)a "Z" was added to their names....to be able to identify the "converts".
    That is what many believe....so when you see a Hispanic name with a "Z", think about it.

    1. do you know why they capitalize the "Z" because it stands for organized crime like the "Z" from the mexican cartel.

  15. History tells us that one of the main goods moved by ship in the 16th and 17th centuries was agricultural fertilizer.....usually manure. The manure was put in below deck in the early years and often became wet from sea water which emitted an odor reflective of the manure. So, to prevent the awful smell, the shippers decided to make sure the manure/fertilizer was put high to avoid the water. So, the bags of manure were marked "Ship High In Transit" and eventually, was abbreviated to SHIT......many of our local politicians should be so marked, especially the Hernandez Klan

  16. I totally agree with the shit part, specially in Brownsville, but to suggest that the Hernandezes are pieces of shit because they are descendants of jews, is highly offensive and racist to the jews of course, besides the most evil of the family is Norma and she is a Cadriel

  17. the most evil of the family is Norma and she is a Cadriel.

    You mean to remind me that Ernie, Erin and Norma Cadriel Hernandez are relatives of the Killing Kadriel?



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