Sunday, October 14, 2012

Chuck Mattingly, Republicans TV Spot


  1. Corruption is widespread in the Democrat party, if concern Democrats want to ever restore honor, dignity back to your party, send a strong message VOTE REPUBLICAN.

    1. The Republican party has been hijacked by right wing Tea Party extremists. I'm voting independent, but would vote D before I'll ever vote R again.
      The stuff I heard at the convention from Tea Party people was downright scary. Closing down public schools, taking away women's choice, deporting kids on the path to prosperity, cutting things like headstart in order to give millionaires hundreds of thousands each in tax cuts, putting Social Security in the hands of Wall St gamblers, turning medicare into a coupon book that doesn't cover as much of our doctor bills, starting more wars using our mijos and mijas.
      I promised myself I would move on from the Republican party because the humanity is gone. It's just gone. Reagan would freak out.

  2. NO ONE CARES ABOOUT CASCOS!!! He went limp as a 3 inch noodle on the fraud issue. Millions of people watched fuckin Anderson Cooper covering our judicial corruption in Cameron County on the national news!! No mention of which DA candidate is anti-corruption!??!! seriously. WHY DIDNT YOU HAVE CASCOS TALK ABOUT DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION IN HIS OWN RACE. Did a retard write this ad or what?? Will they prosecute the corrupt or not? Hello.

  3. I enjoy reading about other peoples view points, but this country wouldn't be what it is without blithering idiots like the 5:51 poster! Who is taking public schools away? Who is taking women's rights away? Medicare is going to go belly up, so why not fix it? Buddy, you don't know jack shit and if you believe all the shit Obama and Bidden are putting out, than you need to vote for them. Do some research dude! YOu had some rich bitch going to Georgetown Law wanting the taxpayer to pay for her "Fucking" habits! Nobody was taking a woman's right to make decisions about their health or right to have an abortion! No one is trying to close public schools! Charter schools and schools like "Idea" are doing what public schools are doing very poorly. They are teaching our kids with better success using the teachers from public schools! How can this be happening? Because they don't put up with spoiled kids and their parents. That is the only difference and it is going back to "Old School" discipline and parents are not allowed to come in and defend their children when the child fails to complete assignments or misbehaves! It is there way or the highway! TSTA and our local teachers union are totally against Republicans. Don't they realize that getting our economy back as quickly as possible means not losing their jobs, getting pay raises, living a confortable life. Obama hasn't done shit for our economy! How can they be against an administration that will create jobs and more importantly, can work with the other side of the aisle! I could go on and on, but I am going to leave you with this. All you dumb asses that want to vote Dumbocrat, go ahead! Your vote don't mean shit! Texas will vote Republican anyway and all you're doing is fucking up our chances to get new busineses and Republican controled state monies to flow down to the democratically controled armpit of the world, south Texas!

    1. Spoken like a true uneducated, likely inebriated Republican Teabagger. The Tea Party is full of uncultured sheep who willingly follow the latest circus to pull into town. They are clowns, of course - the worst kind, at that. Take whatever a Teabagger throws at you and wipe it off with some toilet paper. these people are dickless fuckups out to dumb-down the rest. A Teabagger knows about as much about the Constitution as he/she knows about amoebas. Bitch-slap the next one you see.

  4. Why is Carlos Cascos not promoting Republican jp candidate Raul Lopez who is running against Erin Hernandez? Probably because he already made a deal with Ernie Hernandez. Rumor has it that the Ernie promised the future jp position to Raul Lopez if he dropped from the race against Erin. It seems that Ernie wants to play God in county politics,he gives and takes away. Like he did with Carlos Masso and now John Wood. Ernie wants to get his hands in the the bisd cookie jar by putting one of his puppets Butch Barbosa on the school board. When is this madness going to stop.

  5. There's a name for RINO's like Cascos, Mattingly cutting deals with the likes of that DemoRat slime Ernie Hernandez. SELLOUT, a fucking SELL-OUT!!

  6. Ernie always promises what he can't deliver. Ask Masso.

  7. Why Cascos, in the face of the posssibility of being appointed Sec. of State would align himself with Ernie is incredible. How can he support Chuck who is the one that did the Livingston trial and not Lopez? This suprises me very much considering how competent I thought Cascos was.

  8. Doesn't anyone read the LAW anymore? Perhaps the Federal Election Commission or the Texas Ethics Commission could provide some guidance. Honestly, I smell an investigation brewing. A commercial with state and federal candidates on it, paid for by Chuck (I let murderers flee the country) Mattingly, with no federal disclaimers? Wow. Cascos should be embarrassed for putting his name on such an ethical blunder. Not how I imagined him ending his service to the community. With all the lawyers in politics I am sure it has already been reported.
