Saturday, October 20, 2012

Can Presas-Garcia's Image Be Rehabilitated?

Cata Presas-Garcia
When something is advertised as "new and improved", you wonder about the quality of the original product.  Maybe advertisers simply want you to try something they know you didn't like the first time, so the idea that refinements might have made it better sucker you in for one more purchase.  When an establishment proclaims itself as "under new management", it's a given that the old management was not customer friendly.  

Cata with Mentor Quintanilla in Dallas
Presas-Garcia, slipping over to campaign for BISD Position 5, is currently reinventing herself at meet and greets and with ad copy in the Brownsville Herald.  Not only has she softened and feminized her name from Cata to Caty, but she is using phrases like "working together" and "being a team of eight", concepts that are the antithesis of the old Cata.  As for "new ownership", her old mentor, convicted RICO felon Carlos Quintanilla, is currently flying under the radar, but still quite possibly spending Ted Parker's money on strategic blog articles and advertising in the Herald of Brownsville.  

The old Cata is still remembered by some as a brutally ruthless board president, fomenting middle-of-the-night administrative changes, ripping administrators away from their area of expertise to an uncomfortable new position they would hopefully resign from.   The old Cata described the interim superintendent, Carl "Mr. Milquetoast" Montoya as a "fit" because he did the bidding of the gang of four, then kept the window of opportunity for applicants to the permanent job open for only 24 hours, so the compliant Montoya could be installed without interference.  

The old Cata grew visibly impatient at the presentations of three law firms, competing for the privilege of collecting delinquent taxes for the district.  Thanks to the large contribution to her campaign, her heart only belonged to Linebarger and she was too inept not to show it.  She disrespected the two non-Linebarger law firms by taking potty breaks during their presentations.  Transparently, she referred to Enrique Pena of the Pena law firm with a condescending "Ricky",  as he was, to her, a mere boy in her game.

While Ms. Presas-Garcia was busy not winning any "Miss Congeniality" awards, her personal wardrobe and transportation noticeably upgraded.  Clothing went from dime store to Dillards, while the raggedy old Jeep that recycling yard magnets craved to lift, was swapped for a new Cadillac, said to be registered to her cousin, a BISD janitor.  The mere fact that BISD trustees seem so materially blessed on a job paying nothing is what frequently attracts the wrong kind of candidate.

The biggest boost to the reinvention of Cata or Caty is the endorsement of B.U.C., the Brownsville Unions Coalition.  B.U.C., as physically represented throughout the city by Rigo Bocanegra, Marco Longoria and Brownsville Crossfire.  Those well-respected men are my friends and add enormous credibility to any candidate they thoughtfully endorse.  While the endorsement may be based solely on merit, the opponents of Presas-Garcia for Position 5 factor in.  One is Butch Barbosa, so tightly linked to the obviously corrupt, but as yet unpunished lawbreaker Ernie Hernandez, Jr.  Certainly that association was more than B.U.C. could stomach.  The other candidate is the cranky, old Donald Clupper, who actually comes with the worst possible connection.  He is endorsed by Brownsville Cheezmeh, a kiss of death to be sure.

Donald Clupper
Clupper, though, obvious warts and all, is the best choice for Position 5.  Yes, he is argumentative and grumpy, but honest.  Without rehearsal, he rattled off the name of every high school in Brownsville, their special academic focus and transportation needs.  The boring old fart has actual academic credentials, including a Masters in Business and other degrees.  Based on only one criteria; what's best for the kids, Clupper is the best candidate for BISD Position 5.


  1. You got that right. CLUPPER is the Best choice!

  2. Why does her face resemble a man's face???

  3. She has Horse's Face!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. poor child of Christ.....she looks like a man...she is so ugly she is gonna have to Trick or Treat by phone....

  5. Must have been a long and hard fall from the ugly tree

  6. What is up with her WIDE nose???????????? Had never noticed how wide her nose is. Her face never looked so longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.

  7. She had a brutal fall from the Board presidency!!
    She was kicked to the curve!!

    1. Yup, she was removed after a lady did a deposition exposing her and her cronies intentions!! Jim, can we get some more info from the lady who did the deposition, and can you ask her to call me? I will inbox you my number on FB.
      This caty he/she person has given away over 20 million dollars to her friends, obviously getting kickbacks for her, and her 3 cronies Christina Saavedra, Enrique Escobedo, and Luci Longoria. Need I say more???

  8. Was she a male before??

  9. She said on her "speech"

    "Three years ago from Superintendent to Board members, they knew what they were doing was right"

    So what is it Cata, were they doing the right thing, or were they not? Because you cannot have it both ways. Hello!!!!

  10. BS that's not cats....that's the chief in drag

  11. I concur that her appearance is a little more than "strange"; however, we must focus on bringing to an end her reign of terror, personal agenda and criminal acts; she has lied time and time again. She would say anything to cover her own not fall for her line on BS. She is in it for herself and her friends...never the kids or the teachers.



    1. Maclovio,
      For those with a sensitive intellectual palate, we usually recommend a parental control device on the computer. Tender ears should never be exposed to the wide range of expressions usually associated with an adult blog. We regret you have been exposed to such extreme vulgarity at such an impressionable age, risking the permanent loss of innocence.


  13. She looks homely------a polite way of saying UGLY. UGLY on the outside and the inside because of all the money she has given away to her friends at our childrens expense. Rata muerta de hambre....

  14. it is possible that Cata is trying to cure her evil ways, but in the looks department "you can't cure ugly".

  15. Parese mas hombre Ella que el jefe Rodriguez.

  16. She voted to dismiss the HealthSmart Lawsuit that competent lawyers offered to litigate at no cost to the district. One of her biggest election contributers was the owner of HealthSmart. Do you see a picture developing? By the way the majority board members also received large contributions from HealthSmart. She voted to hire Gonzales after the Texas Education Agency, through an administrative hearing upheld the districts firing him for multiple reasons, even criminal acts. Someone already spoke to her relationship with Defenbaugh, who on her direction carried the scope of the audit into areas not approved by the board. His report is tainted to her vindictiveness and has caused at least one lawsuit that the district must defend, possibly others to follow. How do these acts save the taxpayer? I won't even go into personal behavior because volumes could be written. Let me say7 all the negativism against her is well deserved. You would think that someone so disliked would step down to save face. She will be voted out.

  17. Catalina Presas-Garcia votรณ para desestimar la demamnda que el distrito tenia en contra de Healthsmart, a pesar de que abogados competentes en el ramo de demandas ofrecieran sus servicios sin costo alguno para el distrito. Uno de los mas grandes contribuyentes a su campaรฑa politica es el dueรฑo de Healthsmart. Podemos ver aquรญ una imagen en desarrollo? Que tramaba y trama ella junto con los otros tres? A propรณsito, los otros tres miembros de la mayorรญa tambiรฉn recibieron grandes contribuciones de Healthsmart, solo preguntemos a Argelia Miller. Argelia era la tesorera y ahora quiere hacernos creer que lo hace por los niรฑos? Todos sabemos que lo hace porque al salir Catalina y entrar Argelia Miller, Shirley Bowman o Linda Gill, su empresa criminal continuarรญa y los estudiantes, maestros y demas personal pagarian el precio.
    Catalina votรณ para darle el trabajo (y casi un millรณn de dรณlares) a Hector Gonzalez, a pesar de que una audiencia administrativa confirmรณ su despido por mรบltiples razones incluyendo actos criminales. Alguien ya hablรณ sobre la relacion personal y de amistad que Catalina Presas-Garcia mantenรญa (y mantiene) con el auditor Defenbaugh, y quien bajo su direcciรณn (de Catalina) llevรณ el alcance de la auditorรญa en areas no aprovadas por la junta. Dicho reporte estรก corrompido por la venganza de รฉsta seรฑora y ha creado otras demandas que el distrito tendrรก que pagar. Como puede esto ahorrar dinero al distrito? Cabe notar que NO hacemos menciรณn de su comportamiento personal, del cual podriamos escribir volรบmenes. Tambiรฉn hacemos incapiรฉ que el negativismo hacia ella, lo tiene bien merecido otra persona en su lugar dejarรญa el cargo, para ahorrarse la verguenza. La comunidad entera la hecharรก.

  18. To the Oct 24, 12 @8:32PM
    This is by far the greatest comment I have ever read, in the history of ALL the blogs. Congratulations on the perfect command of the Spanish language.
    Who are you?

    1. Una humilde persona, que lucha como todos para abolir tanta corrupciรณn y podredumbre en nuestro sistema.

  19. Voted for Ms. Miller...she cares about the children and employees. Apparently, you have never met her.
