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Mean Mister Brownsville |
When someone alerted Rey to the cowardly comments, she wrote the response published below(Mary S. Rey recently filed for BISD Trustee, position 3 with the intent of running against the corrupt, Quintanilla-controlled Cata Presas-Garcia. In the final minutes of filing, Presas-Garcia orchestrated a switcheroo to Position 5 to avoid Mary S. Rey. When Mary S. Rey saw that her longtime friend Argelia Miller had been slotted against her along with Otis Powers, she removed her name from the filing.
We've recently learned that Mary S. Rey explored the opportunity of running as a write-in for Position 5 to supplant the ignoble Presas-Garcia. Election officials informed her that the statute of limitations on write-in candidates prevented her from running.):
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Mary S. Rey |
Are you a psychopath or just plain stupid? For fourteen months all you did was bash and threaten me, then on June 11th of this year, you posted this on your blog: "Mrs. Rey, we wish you no harm. . . . . . . . "
Our community is not stupid. Why don't you inform yourself before writing articles? And, why are you so preoccupied with my family and I? Why are you so involved with the BISD elections AGAIN since you live in Dallas, not Brownsville? Do I make you and your group nervous to the point of eating your fingernails and getting diarrhea?
Contrary to what you've written, I have no political allegiance to you, Rick Zayas, or anyone else. I don't care if you have problems with Zayas, love him or hate him.
Let me address your analysis of me in this way: To speak of me as you did is to say that your mother gave birth to a piece of shit. . . . you. That is probably the way she felt when you were arrested, indicted and convicted as a felon. I'm certain she did not teach you to cheat, steal and deceive, yet, to this day you continue to steal from the most vulnerable; children, the poor and the ignorant. Do you feel that making your living this way makes you a fit role model for your children?
Regrettably, we met October of 2009. Clearly in my memory is the day you were supposed to meet some big shot lawyers from Dallas, supposedly on behalf of special needs children. You had two young men transporting people to your meetings and driving you around. This particular day they had a hard time rousing you from sleep in your hotel as you lay there strung out for hours. The irony is that you present yourself as Mr. Clean, but in reality you are part of the tremendous demand for these substances. Furthermore, when the two young men didn't get paid as you promised, their mother had to go to Hector Gonzalez demanding payment for her sons. Remember, Hector Gonzalez and Pat Lehmann brought you down here, although I doubt you even remember what you said on your deposition.
You presented yourself as a wealthy man, telling us how much money you spent on Lucy Longoria's campaign, when, in fact your are a muerto de hambre, a man with one suit and one pair of shoes unless the Gonzalez, Lopez and Rendon settlements and the dropping of the Healthsmart lawsuit changed that. Also, do you remember the night you stayed at my house? It was late and cold, with your children asleep from the long trip. On another visit, you had a sick child with a 103 degree fever. You had no money so I went to the store to get him children's Tylenol. Unlike you, who only use children, including your own, I care about all children.
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Carlos Quintanilla |
Quintanilla, here are three rules I strongly live by:
1. Don't mess with my beliefs.
2. Don't mess with my heritage.
3. Don't fuck with my kids.
While you claim I made a "jump to fame", my integrity has always been there. Integrity is a word you simply do not understand. On the other hand you describe Argelia Miller as having "clean hands." Yes, she may not yet be a crook like you, but her continued association with you will lead her to become one. Your description of Argelia as a military "veteran" is simply sad, especially when she allows you and your group to manipulate her.
I detached myself completely from your group because I will not be anyone's puppet. That is why I resigned from the Bond Oversight Committee(yes, I have proof) and the Ad Hoc Insurance Committee when I learned you were involved in both. I asked Cata and Lucy on several occasions: "Why is he here, telling the both of you what to do, how and when to do it?" The lame replies I received only reinforced my belief in their participation in your crooked ways.
Perhaps in some small way, my exposure of your intentions, along with the testimony of others in the community, stopped your Fly Frontera scam. It also seems that exposure made other politicians reconsider the value of your endorsement. Now, I'm about to stop your gravy train at BISD! My, my, my. . . . . . you must be going crazy! How dare this old lady oppose me, the greatest flim flammer in BISD history!
Oh, Quintanilla,
Antes de enlodar a una mujer, mirate al espejo, ve quien eres, pero sobre todo acuerdate que maciste de una. . . .pendejo!
Or, before you bash and smear a woman, look at yourself in the mirror, seeing who you are, remembering you were born out of one. . . . . dumb ass!
More to come. . . . . This is only the beginning.
Mary S. Rey
Awesome Mary!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA little too much emotion. Probably would not make a good Board Member in most other communities. But then again, emotion wins elections.
ReplyDeleteExpose the carpetbagger!
if i could, i would have voted for you.
ReplyDeleteRemember that Quintanilla is a CON-ARTIST MANIPULATING RAT he will do "anything" to make a buck..
ReplyDeleteSomething good is lost when a woman resorts to profanity. Yes, this one should defend herself against the cretins that attack her, but to use the word "pendejo" is nothing short of astonishing. And she was - is - a schoolboard candidate? My, my. Advice for this one: stay away from kids. They say temper is worse in Brownsville than anywhere in the RGV these days. But, aside from that, what this tells me is that Mary is a small-minded, vindictive person unable or unwilling to frame her defense without the language of the Central Blvd. motels and the 14th Street cantinas. She has now defined herself as being unworthy of any public office. That's the tragedy here, for Browntown needs more women, women who will raise the elective bar, who will right the ship, who will fight corruption with honesty and class. Mary Rey apparently has no class. Pity.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:04 AM,
DeleteGet off your self-righteous high horse. A con artist who orchestrates the theft of millions of dollars from our school budget is far worse than a mere pendejo. Quit hitting replay on "Alice in Wonderland" and get out into the real world dude or dudette. Mary S. Rey has tons of class, but also the gumption and fortitude to take on these motherfuckers.
ps: I see through your obvious troll, but your feigned idiocy is an idiocy that needs to be dealt with. Go back to the troll cave and come up with something more creative next time. lol
There is nothing more sickening than a gringo using the word pendejo. Jim, Mary Rey is as much of a dumbfuck as you and the trolls that still call you friend.
anony 9:27
Deletetu eres un pen-de-Ho!
El Gringo Chingon
Expose the mo...fu....
ReplyDeleteYou are a great person. Wish you could have stayed in the race.
These Quintanilla guy is a scumbag
ReplyDeleteEmotional, maybe, but wo cares? She's exposing two specifically board members . Aren't law to recall/ indict these ppl????
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:04 am
ReplyDeleteI will vote for MARY REY in a heart beat!!
Get off your righteous high horse....what do you call this guy and tbese board majority who steals cto. Lur children and community???
ReplyDeleteN'ambre... has been career politician...
DeleteWell this article hit the problem on the nail. Carlos Quintanilla has no money! So Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita cannot get a dime from Quintanilla for her election. So word now is that Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita has gone over to Blanca Vela, Former Brownsville Mayor, Filemon Vela's Mom, for funding of her election. Well, Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita is trying to capitalize on the fact that Former Mayor Blanca Vela dislikes BARBOSA so much that she will give her money and support to Satan herself AKA: Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita. That speaks VOLUMES about the VELA'S in our community. That they are willing to help the Woman, Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita, so she can continue to dismantle and destroy BISD. Blanca Vela Your Late Hubby would be so disappointed in you today. Now that brings another question, is Filemon Vela more like his MOM or more like his DAD. Well now with Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatita is in the Vela Camp, Only Time will Tell. The Velas forgot one thing, when you help Catita las Ratita ques una Garapatia, she brags about who is helping her and where she is getting her money. Now the Vela's are part of Catita la Ratita que es una Garapatia Camp. Spooky Brownsville Spooky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow can the voters of Brownsville elect a Board member like Cata to manage a half billion dollars when she can not even manage her own household money and has to file for Bankruptcy? How sad is that?
DeleteMs. Rey, I am going to give you an opportunity to prove that I am all you say. This week I will be filing a Slander and Defamation lawsuit against you and Mean Mister Brownsville in Dallas County, where I reside. There you will have your opportunity to tell Brownsville and the rest of the world who I have "Conned" " ripped off" and "Stloen Money From BISD" and present your taped conversations and you can explain how you wanted me to pay 450,000 for your sons Murder Defense.
ReplyDeleteYou have been so advised.
Carlos Quintanilla
DeleteShut the hell up. NO ONE is scared of you or your threats. Go take care of your personal issues and leave Brownsville and It's citizens ALONE. Can't you get it through your thick head that you are no longer wanted here; that you have been exposed?
You too have been advised.
-Pancho Reatas
DeleteThis would be a good thing if you're sober and financially able to afford an attorney. Yes, let the world know how pure your motives are, how innocently you've fought for the children.
If you've been falsely maligned, this would be a wonderful opportunity to clear your name, establish the legitimacy of your advocacy for hispanic rights, the abolition of hunger and all the good that you do.
As you state, you have absolutely no interest in BISD elections. Your focus is not political, self-serving or in the service of your white masters, but simply for the greater good.
All of your benevolence, single-minded charity and righteousness will be so obvious to all if you do indeed bring legal action against the hypocrites with the audacity to challenge your pure motives.
Jim Barton
DeleteI will respond properly. This would allow us to subpoena all members involved, specially right before elections. My community deserves to be informed.
Looking forward to it,
Mrs. Mary S. Rey
Sad stuff coming from a woman who wants a good reputation. Makes her look petty.
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, it makes her look PRETTY STRONG to me, and a few thousand others.
DeleteThank you J. Barton, thank you Bobby W C, and thank you Mary Rey
Quesadilla, how did you go from 50,000 to 450,000??? Because you have 50,000 before??? CARLITO CARLTO YOU ARE BIEN LOQUITO!!
ReplyDeleteDo not let all this trash talking distract from the importance of ridding BISD of the evil Cata la Rata and keeping her chosen "girls" from joining the "millionaires club". The children, the teachers, the staff, and the TAXPAYERS deserve better. Hats off to Mary Rey for not backing down to threats and insults from this criminal and undoubtedly Cata herself. ALL of us must work to get out the vote (honestly) and bring to an end this evil woman's reign. Teachers, single handedly, you can take back the district!
ReplyDeleteHummmm???... I wonder why Quintanilla and all of the Board majority DO NOT DENY any of what Mrs. Rey said????
DeleteEste vato....CQ esta loco de a madre!
ReplyDeleteTo Carlito,
ReplyDeleteYou are mierda! Only a piece of shit like you would attack a woman, which ny the way is a semior citizen. How much lower can you stopp? Answe mother fucker...
To Carlos Quintanilla. LISTEN CAREFULLY...LEAVE THIS GRANDMOTHER ALONE! This is one of our beloved citizens. You will not win, you are a BIG LIABILITY FOR THE REST OF US!!!
ReplyDeleteMore hot air from the handicapped.
Deletedumbass con artist,
DeleteGo ask an educated person the difference between libel and slander, pendejo! Your next move should be to get the fuck out of Brownsville's business you slimy substance abuser! While your at it motherfucker, pay some gawdamn child support you perverted loser!
Dallas Observer
Is this about Rey Guevara? ja ja ja
DeleteCarlos stop! We are going to lose....we are not happy
ReplyDeleteHow dare you stupid mother f....r threaten Mrs Rey???
ReplyDeleteIs enough Carlos. We will not stand with you on this one.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is this guy? How did he get involved in our BISD? who allowed him in, but most important
For the money! He wanted and did get his board in to dismiss a huge lawsuit that could of helped the children of BISD.
DeleteCarlito, carlito you went from 50,000 to 450,000 on a snap....wowwww
ReplyDeleteThere are 2 attorneys lined up already to do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO DEFEND MRS REY. Sooooo Let's get ready to rumble ;)
ReplyDeleteMake that 3 attorneys.
DeleteTo the 12:45 pm post
ReplyDeleterest assure we, the teachers WILL DO everything in our power to remove this caty cancer.
First, this guy is all hot air! Now, with respect to the Vela's. Do you think that Blanca would sacrifice the Brownsville vote for her son's congressional race? Even Bobby Loco could beat Cata in this race, and I believe he passed away a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteBobby is alive and doing better than ever......no joke
DeleteI heard Bobby is doing a brisk business out of his house.
DeleteGive us a break who is going to vote for Otis "Wheeler Dealer" and Butch" Spend Spend Spend at Veterans" Barbosa. I would not vote for these two guys they are the real crooks.
ReplyDeleteButch did not "spend spend spend" you did.
Delete..you aproved the PO's HELLO STUPID!!!
Hats off to Mary Rey for not backing down to the threats from this criminal!
ReplyDeleteBrownsville loves you Mary !! Thank you so much!!
G B U and your family, I'm very honored to know you.
I hate to burst your bubble Carlos, but you are not consistent. You go from one extreme to another, besides why is it that you can bash this lady whenever you want, but the momemt she responds you cry slander and libel....I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteSlander and libel????
DeleteEste hombre estΓ‘ bien idiota!!!
The inside talk in all the teacher associations is to vote this demon out! I predict the biggest voter turnout in Brownsville's history. I hope that Roger Ortiz doesn't screw things up!
ReplyDeleteOh! Oh! It certainly looks like Cata la rata and her group of criminals made their match!!!! Uy uy uy
ReplyDeletePost September 5, 2012, 4:33 PM is none other than Catita La Ratita que es una Garapatita..........................................She is sooooooooo obvious!
ReplyDeleteBobby Loco, are you referring to the young man who would walk the streets and sing to himself acting like a playboy? I thought he did pass away. Sure happy he is alive.
ReplyDeleteRoberto Alvarez aka Bobbly Loco.... alive and well...lives off of Central Blvd and West 8th
DeleteHello cq and corrupt 4$ are you still sweating it off?? Why? Too much revealing ny this gutsy lady???oh! Oh! She said more to come???? Can't wait...
ReplyDeleteBrownsville Politics as usual. Not even November yet and already mudslinging. This really turns voters and people off. Last election in 2008 people wanted change. Look what happened. School board elections need to go back to being held in May rather than in November. Everybody is in it for the money,and making some kind of deal!!! What happened to the true motto " WE ARE ALL ABOUT EDUCATING THE CHILDREN". Taxpayers are fed up as well. Unemployment is at an all time high, Gas prices are high as well. This is no joke and not a no brainer!!! Need fair and open honesty in elections office as well. No wonder we have a low voter turnout. Also let's get rid of politiquera system as well this is what really controls the votes. Let's just have early voting done away with and make Election Day a Holiday.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the campaign ad for La Rata in the Brownsville Herald? What an ugly, self righteous, egostical shrew she is, not to mention delusional. Anyone who has anything on her, get it out there; make it public! She needs a tar and feathering or to be burned at the stake.
ReplyDeleteChicharito, are you done with the tapes? This woman will NOT be elected. Period!
ReplyDeleteWhat was the situation on the federal child labor laws violations presented at the last BISD Board Meeting? Who was Cata trying to disclose as being responsible for the federal labor law violations? Does anybody have any information on the findings of the labor department and why was this important to Cata?
ReplyDeleteAnything Catita, La Ratita que es una Garapatita, does always ends with twisting the truth and trying to slander people she hates because they have proof that she is indeed a RATA con dos PATAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, Aquatic Center? She Stole Money From BISD and those who covered for her are living in FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteChicharito we fucked you on Fly Frontira, I hope understand anyone in Brownsville can you as a Dallas D-Bag with no money. My son cutting grass has more money in the bank....
ReplyDeleteMan, if you are going go keep repeating that damn nick you have for Cata, do it correctly it is "garrapatita" NOT "garapatita", it has a double r.
ReplyDeleteJust Saying
I didn't know the meaning of "garrapatita" so just checked it out - OMG that is a perfect description for Cata la Rata! "Small parasitic bloodsucking...can be carrier of infectious diseases; hack"...Fits her to a T!
ReplyDeleteCata is getting ready to implode...can't wait to see her going up in smoke. Mary Rey's letter in Bville Herald AWESOME! We are so proud of you Mary; keep the pressure on them and God bless you and keep you safe!
ReplyDeleteNo it does not have a double "r" when you use it as a recently created name/label for one of the worst elected officials in the History of BISD. Even the garrapatitas do not deserve to be insulted with this woman. So a new name is created to label Catalina Presas-Garcia, "Catatita la Ratita que es una Garapatita". You know what that means? That there is no creature on earth, in Brownsville right now, that has a meaner spirit than Catalina Presas-Garcia.
ReplyDeleteHe who is not writ into the Book of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire. - Ecclesiastes
ReplyDelete"So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth." - JOB 5:16
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to be your friend Mary.
ReplyDeleteNena Barton
BISD Taxpayers appreciate Mary Rey's honesty. If not for Mrs. Rey there wouldn't be any way for some taxpayers to know what is going on with their dollars behing the scenes. Thank you for printing the truth.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! Mary's letters explains it all.
ReplyDeleteMary Rey is my hero!!!!!!!!!
Brownsville voters against the PAC candidates!
ReplyDeleteIf the PAC candidates are Presas-Garcia, Bowman,and Gil-Martinez, THEN DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM. These 3 ladies are 3 peas in a pod! Presas-Garcia is mean as hell, so is Bowman-just ask her former students and former co-workers, and Gil-Martinez is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb and totally lost. The fact that these three ladies are friends should tell you who they are. Remember Shirley when you invited CATA to meet with a group of teachers to get rid of the Principal and others you did not like. Well that tells Brownsville who you really are. Shirley you are not for BISD; you are venditive just like CATA LA RATA!
ReplyDeleteSeptember 8, 2012 10:15 PM Comment you are correct. The voters just need to know who these PAC candidates are in order to vote against them. As long as the voters are well-informed they will not make the same mistake twice.
Gill martinez took one day trip to Chicago???? WHY L.UNDA????I knew she was dumb, but not this dumb
ReplyDeleteSeptember 9, 2012 11:29 AM Comment, Great info! As long as the people are aware of this maybe through the local paper, the right candidates should win!
ReplyDeleteIt sure looks like the money is rolling in for CATA, ARGELIA MILLER, LINDA GILL MARTINEZ, AND SHIRLEY BOWMAN ...REMEMBER THESE 4 women are in to continue the criminal enterprise for pat lehman, hector gonzalez, carlos quesadilla and of course..health smart ted parker.
ReplyDeleteDo NOT vote for cata, argelia miller llinda gill, or shirley
ReplyDeleteVote for Barbosa, Chirinos, PeΓ±a and Powers....
ReplyDeleteIf you vote for argelia, Linda, Cata or Bowman, is to continue the criminal enterprise of Hector Gonzalez, Pat Lehman, and Carlos Quintanilla
Very proud of my dear friend Mary Rey. I pledge all my efforts to expose the likes of flim flammer Quintalnilla and Cata la Rata we MANY