Sunday, August 12, 2012

Zeke Silva Interview at CAVA Event in front of Election Office~7/30/2012

From the editor:  Zeke Silva, interviewed by Daisy Martinez on the steps of the Election Office, details a situation where politiqueras interfered with him picking up his father from the Casa de Amigos day care facility.


  1. I hope Yolanda wins her case in court. That day will be epic! She will make a lot of people proud for standing up for what is right!

  2. Yes, me too!! I also hope this lawsuit helps Pete Avila. He had the same group of crooks steal his election too

  3. For democRATAS "THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS" it was The Communist Frank Marshall Davis', mantra who BTW obama's mentor!!!!!

  4. Is this a fucking joke? Obviously there was not sufficient evidence or the results wouldn't have stayed the same. That little flyer he took out could easily have been printed out by this monkey. If you guys wanted to be credible, you should have gotten someone else to make up this cheaply manufactured story. Zeke Silva is a joke and if you wasted your time listening to his story, you can tell he just made it up. I really can't believe this monkey, he has zero credibility. Even the news lady had a laugh at him at the end.



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