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Mean Mister Brownsville |
As always, in Cameron County, politics comes first, along with buying influence. Juan's report is posted below:
By Juan Montoya
In a little noticed (and unreported) action, a majority of the Cameron County commissioners approved raises of $2,000 each for County clerk Joe Rivera and District Clerk Aurora De la Garza effective budget year 2012-2013.

But at least for two commissioners, their official actions and their public statements are somewhat at odds.
Hernandez, in comments to the local media, said of the budget: "We are going to squeeze that turnip a little bit more."
And Sanchez, also commenting on the upcoming trimming of the budget said: "We have a duty to taxpayers to run an efficient government."

In fact, with the increase, then total compensation for both in the coming year effective Oct. 1 will be upped from a base salary of $71,745 plus $5,400 for auto allowance plus the additional $2,000, totalling $79,143.
The justification for the salaries, according to Sanchez, was that both Rivera and De la Garza have been with the county longer than has Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Tony Yzaguirre who, according to figures from the auditor's office commands $93,210 in total compensation.

"Well, he did cut the his department's auto allowance line item to zero, but he gave himself a $7,200 raise by having it transferred to his salary," said a county worker.
And even though the 2011-2012 approved budget has him listed at .a $77,530 salary, his salary at the county auditor's office has him listed at $84,730 with an additional $960 per month telephone allowance. If these numbers are correct, he is receiving about $93,210 in total compensation.
By comparison, Cascos makes a base salary of $64,062 which is augmented by a $5,400 stipend for serving on the County Juvenile Board.
"When Yzaguirre requested that the court transfer the car allowance to his salary in 2010-2011, the commissioners were all were under the impression that he was going to retire and was requesting that to increase his retirement benefits at the highest salary," recounted a county employee. "But he didn't retire and he ran again and won. The other two thought they should paid the same."
The raises of Rivera and De la Garza, coming as it does on yet another cost-cutting year for Cameron County, is bound to raise some eyebrows. Although the county will publish the elected official salaries in the coming weeks, the action taken by the commissioners won't take effect until after the budget is approved.

I don't think people know this has happened and probably won't be pleased that it was doe just to match their salaries with those of the tax assessor-collectors," said the same county employee. "We're supposed to be cutting the budget, not giving elected officials more raises."
When it comes to Cameron County, however, there always seems to be some political angle involved in the actions of the court. For a long time Sanchez has let it be known that he harbors dreams of filling the seat now held by Cascos as county judge and this move to appease two of the most powerful Democrats in county government isn't lost on some observers.
"Dan is running already," said a county administrator. "This is just one way of making sure that these two are on his side, or at least not against him."
Son una bolla de ratas..
ReplyDeleteShame on the commissioners that voted for this. They should take care of the Indians that have not gotten a raise in 5 years.
ReplyDeleteIt is a shameful what they did.... And Ofcourse they will not do the honorable thing Jim! Dan Sanchez is campaigning with tax dollars.... But he is used to excess! Shame on the commissioners that voted for this... They should take care o the workers before they take care of themselves..... This is a move from the Gilberto Hinojosa school of politics.... When the hell will we learn?
ReplyDeletedon't forget that it takes a majority to make those raises for Joe Rivera and The soon to be indicted Aurora De La Garza. it amazes me that these two would rather inflate their already high salaries and tell the regular employee to go to hell. Ernie Hernandez and Sophie are as much to blame for the raises
ReplyDeleteIf David Betancourt does run against Dan Sanchez for County Judge it will be a David Vs Goliath.......in stature.
ReplyDeleteIf David Betancourt does run against .....
ReplyDeleteDavid Betancourt, another looser that does NOTHING and expects to live off county revenue.
For sure, Aurora de la Garza doesn't know what "honor" is. Hopefully all this focus will provide fuel to expand the Limas investigation to Aurora's office. Dan Sanchez is trying to hire his politiquera and wants to get the support of Joe and Aurora. The Sanchez Boyz are FAT SLUGS!!!
ReplyDeleteDuring these hard economic times, no one in goverment should be getting raises. Including elected leeches, like the over bloated Dan Sanchez, mendigo panson.
ReplyDeleteNow, we learn from Juan Montoya, publisher of the "El Rrun Rrun" blog, that Dan Sanchez slipped a motion into the meeting minutes of a commission meeting to honor the duo further with a $2,000 annual raise at the very time when commissioners are pretending to be in total anguish about the county budget.
ReplyDeletedaniel de la garza