Friday, August 17, 2012

STAMP Administrator Seney Proves "It's NOT About the Kids!"

Michelle Seney

Michelle A. Seney, the new-on-the job administrator for the Science, Technology, Architecture and Medical Professions College Preparatory Program(STAMP) at Veteran's Memorial High School has proven once again that BISD is NOT "all about the kids."

Recently, the new STAMP administrator decided that the normal administrative offices given to each administrator was simply not spacious enough for her compelling needs.  

As one observer noted:  "She instructed the school administration to knock the wall down between two classrooms, creating one double-size room to serve as her expansive office."

Meanwhile, at Veteran's Memorial High School, as a result of Seney's self-serving remodel, two teachers are forced to "float," that is function without an actual classroom of their own.  

"This is another prime example of the egotistical leadership at the school," offered one instructor.  "Seney is very simply about self-promotion and her personal comfort, not about the kids.  She just wants to make a do-nothing job easier with a larger office."


  1. I'm impressed! I thought I was the only one aware of the disaster at Veterans. You need to update that number of floaters to Six! Also, you yanked out all the two (2) year old desks for students and teachers and replaced them with new ones. All the two year old computers for the students piled up in some room and new ones for the STAMP program. What a waste of money! Also, another lost classroom for her secretary and another lost classroom for her counselor. Teachers are leaving as we speak in total disgust and it's only going to get worse. They told you about this awesome program between the community, the school, and the medical field. Mrs. Seney hosted a luncheon for all the medical community, doctors, hospital administrators, etc. etc. One doctor showed up, about 4 from the medical community, and your school administrators. About 25 total. They invited 250, does this look like the medical community is serious about this poorly planned attempt to keep our children from going to Mercedes to get a real education in medical fields. What a joke!

  2. I can't imagine Seney knowingly doing anything that might even be remotely controversial, she has the spine of a worm and in general seems to be busier at covering her ass than dealing with what an Assistant Principal needs to be doing on a daily basis.

    Most of the people at Hanna were not sad to see her leave, she became unaffectionaly known as the "Traitor Raider". Seney was picked for the STUMP program because she is so easily manipulated, as I say, no spine at all. Seney by the way was not the only Administrator that pushing the STUMP program while still supposedly working at Hanna.

    When Seney was questioned about the mess that was going on when BISD decided to up-root the two most successful pathways in the district, she would just "hem and hah" and say "well I can't really talk about it." In the mean time people's jobs were put on the line and lies were told.

    It's just a mess, but I don't feel in the least bit sorry for Seney, this is her baby now and it will make her or brake her.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...