Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brownsville Historical Association & H.E.B Present:"Sixty-Five Years of Original Art from Golden Books"


  1. The idea is certainly a good one, but the grammar is typical border gobbledygook. That second sentence (Featuring....) is an incomplete sentence. Makes people involved with this noble project look like retards.

    The Merovingian

  2. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, Merovingian. You've apparently learned what most of us learn in the third grade; that a sentence generally is made up of a subject, verb and predicate. As you gain experience, exposure and get out into the real world, you will see that grammar school rules do not always apply.

    Gilbert Velasquez, the graphics artist who created this ad understands proper grammar and sentence structure.


    1. I disagree with you, Jim. An educated person is a person of standing in any community, someone especially able to overcome the laziness of morphing words into nonsense. My feeling is that a "poster" aimed at the public should stay true to the language it represents. But, as you know, making allowances for everything under the sun is our town's badge. Having a linguistic standard is more than simply using the proper word, sentence, punctuation and spelling. I would say that about local use of Spanish, as well. It's true that communication can take a variety of routes from the communicator to the recipient. But to cede ground to the uneducated is to lower yourself. There are many educated residents in Brownsville, but you'd never know it by the language they use in public. Why reward it by cavalierly saying "grammar school rules do not apply." You, you who wish electoral rules applied at all levels, applied vigorously should know better! What are you after - a well-elected gang of suited idiots wouldn't be able to tell you the difference between a split end a split infinitive? It is that low bar you endorse that keeps everyone down, that fuels the belief that Brownsville is a refuge for the mentally impaired. Mr. Velasquez should be ashamed of himself (if it is as you say; that he knows better).




   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...