As you read the story below, think about your elderly parents or relatives being herded like cattle into a minivan and handed a "sample" ballot with voting instructions. Do your parents or family need strangers to take them to the polls and influence their vote?
If you own an adult day care or nursing facility, think about the liability issues if one of these patients, still under your care is hurt in an accident while in control of the politiqueras. Will the Hernandez family cover any liability your business might face?
Finally, as a Brownsville citizen and voter, how do you feel about the arrogant, self-serving, entitled attitude displayed by the Hernandez family in scamming our most vulnerable residents? When will we, as a community, finally have enough courage to say "no" to this election year ritual, acted out again and again? When will we demand clean, honest elections?
By Juan Montoya
The son of an elderly man who saw his father being herded unwillingly aboard a van and given a sample ballot with the ovals for three candidates filled at a local adult day care has filed terroristic threat charges against Norma Hernandez, the mother of JP 2-2 runoff candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia and her son Ernie Hernandez III.
The ovals on the sample ballot given to the elderly residents as they were boarded onto the vans by Hernandez and her helpers were next to the names of Carlos Masso, Erin Hernandez Garcia, and Abelardo Gomez.
Masso's name was marked with the biggest arrow followed by Erin Hernandez Garcia with a smaller arrow and then Gomez with the smallest arrow.
Masso is in a runoff race for Cameron County District Attorney with Luis Saenz. Hernandez is in the runoff contest with Yolanda Begum for JP 2-2, and Gomez is in the runoff with incumbent Pete Avila.
According to the police report filed in the case, the 43-year-old man arrived with his wife to pick up his father Tuesday at the Los Amigos Adult Day Care on El Paso Road when they saw the man's father being directed toward a blue van by a provider with the day care who was outside the building and directly in front of the ramp the elderly use to walk outside instead of to his relatives vehicle.When the man questioned the woman and told her that she could not force his parent to get into another vehicle, she responded that "her boss wanted her to get people and put them in another van to take them to vote."
At that time, the man reported that Norma Hernandez appeared and confronted him and "threatened to cause him harm," swinging a clipboard she was carrying with her. He further told police that Norma's son Ernie III later called him and told him he was, "going to beat him up and kill him."
What had started up as a disturbance escalated into a complaint of terroristic threats, according to the police narrative in the incident.
The son of an elderly man who saw his father being herded unwillingly aboard a van and given a sample ballot with the ovals for three candidates filled at a local adult day care has filed terroristic threat charges against Norma Hernandez, the mother of JP 2-2 runoff candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia and her son Ernie Hernandez III.
The ovals on the sample ballot given to the elderly residents as they were boarded onto the vans by Hernandez and her helpers were next to the names of Carlos Masso, Erin Hernandez Garcia, and Abelardo Gomez.
Masso's name was marked with the biggest arrow followed by Erin Hernandez Garcia with a smaller arrow and then Gomez with the smallest arrow.
Masso is in a runoff race for Cameron County District Attorney with Luis Saenz. Hernandez is in the runoff contest with Yolanda Begum for JP 2-2, and Gomez is in the runoff with incumbent Pete Avila.
According to the police report filed in the case, the 43-year-old man arrived with his wife to pick up his father Tuesday at the Los Amigos Adult Day Care on El Paso Road when they saw the man's father being directed toward a blue van by a provider with the day care who was outside the building and directly in front of the ramp the elderly use to walk outside instead of to his relatives vehicle.When the man questioned the woman and told her that she could not force his parent to get into another vehicle, she responded that "her boss wanted her to get people and put them in another van to take them to vote."
At that time, the man reported that Norma Hernandez appeared and confronted him and "threatened to cause him harm," swinging a clipboard she was carrying with her. He further told police that Norma's son Ernie III later called him and told him he was, "going to beat him up and kill him."
What had started up as a disturbance escalated into a complaint of terroristic threats, according to the police narrative in the incident.
Both the man and Norma Hernandez called the police to report the confrontation and neither was arrested. However, the terroristic threats complaint was being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Division of the Brownsville Police Department and the man gave a taped statement later in the day.According to the initial report, when the man arrived at the day care, a convoy of vans was parked blocking the doorway and exit to the parking lot. The reporting officer reported that the man had "verbally harassed her while she was at the location trying to pick people up so they could go vote. Hernandez informed that she was parked at the location and that the suspect arrived while she was escorting people to the polling place."
She said the man was angry because his father was one of those who were being put in the van and that "it was a misunderstanding and that she thought the suspect's father needed a ride to vote."
She said she tried to apologize but that the suspect had gotten aggressive and verbally abusive toward her and her assistant Margarita Torres.
However, the man's version is very different.
He told police that when he arrived, the Hernandez group's vans were blocking the sidewalk where he was going to pick up his father who uses a walker and asked them to move. At the time the group was directing his father to one of the Hernandez vans and handing the elderly the marked sample ballots. He told police both Hernandez and Torres told him they could park there because they were picking people up.
Then, as the officers were taking the statements from both parties, Virginia Sandoval, the Los Amigos day care manager, arrived on the scene. As the officers informed her of the reason for the confrontation, "Sandoval informed (them) she did not give anyone consent to go and use the parking lot as meeting ground...(She) further stated that she does not want the complaintants (Hernandez and Torres) and to please remove the vehicles. Sandoval informed that the parking lot is only for the residents and the family of the residents."
Norma Hernandez and Torres then complied and said they would not be shuttling people to the polling place.
She said she tried to apologize but that the suspect had gotten aggressive and verbally abusive toward her and her assistant Margarita Torres.
However, the man's version is very different.
He told police that when he arrived, the Hernandez group's vans were blocking the sidewalk where he was going to pick up his father who uses a walker and asked them to move. At the time the group was directing his father to one of the Hernandez vans and handing the elderly the marked sample ballots. He told police both Hernandez and Torres told him they could park there because they were picking people up.
Then, as the officers were taking the statements from both parties, Virginia Sandoval, the Los Amigos day care manager, arrived on the scene. As the officers informed her of the reason for the confrontation, "Sandoval informed (them) she did not give anyone consent to go and use the parking lot as meeting ground...(She) further stated that she does not want the complaintants (Hernandez and Torres) and to please remove the vehicles. Sandoval informed that the parking lot is only for the residents and the family of the residents."
Norma Hernandez and Torres then complied and said they would not be shuttling people to the polling place.
This atrocity and abuse of our elderly must be stopped !!!!!! Why have the citizens of Brownsville accepted this practice as "business as usual" ???? The voting public should be outraged and act now !!!! These people have no shame. It would be an insult to animals to call them animals !!
ReplyDeleteTell Zeke quit being a little bitch. Everyone Knows it was him makes the threats and the police report was filed on against him. Everyone around town already knows the real story. Zeke as a reputation a confronting women. He has no respect for them. Proves what a coward he is to go and attack a woman.
ReplyDeleteJuan "El Piojo" Montoya is picking & choosing his targets. He cannot be trusted. Being paid by one candidate to trash another is not journalism. If you're going to go after only one side of the political fray you may as well be a supporter and not a reporter. Montoya sells his soul and then starts throwing garbage. what about the time you ferried voters to the polls for Conrado Cantu, Juan? And where's Conrado today - in prison! Juan, te has hecho un pendejo, bro.
ReplyDeleteJuan Montoya is part of the electoral problem. He throws crap at candidates, but never writes the truth. Tidbits of shit, that's his style. Pinche vato is a cancer in our town. Tell the truth, Juan! Giving one side is bullshit and you know it! You can't drown all your sins at El Siete Mares, bro. te van a chingar. One of these days, buey!
DeleteTampoco en el123 cabron
DeleteJimmy removing people from adult day cares without their consent falls under kidnapping. I hope the police prosecutes the M/F's that are employing these practices. (Bastardos) I don't see how anyone can support people who are related to murders.
ReplyDeleteHow the hell is it that the Justice Department isn't involved in investigating the politiquera practices ?
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that these people (Hernandez) have no respect for anyone. They have always cheated, threaten people to win an election. People are tired of them and their bullying.
ReplyDeleteThe Hernandez know they can't go pick people up offer them gifts to go vote. How do you think Erin will run the JP office? It will be an illegal enterprise for the Hernandez family, friends and Brownsville Cheezmeh whores.
ReplyDeleteBrownsville Cheezmeh whores smell like fat people
ReplyDeleteIs that what you smell when you take off your clothes?
ReplyDeletePoor Denise Blanchard trusting these three to help her with her campaign. They have kicked her to the curve. If you notice on the sample ballot her name isn't even bubbled in or even an asterick next to her name. She went to their events and took pictures with the tranvestite Linda from Brownsville Cheezmeh and posed with the Husband Abuser Jessica Tetrau. Once they found out she didn't have the money or the votes they smiled and kicked her out of the click. Brownsville Cheezmeh only works for money and they are running these 3 campaigns. What has integrity gone to? These people don't have any ethics or morals.
ReplyDeleteWell at least the property manager gave a true testimony on what she had already told Mrs. Hernandez and her cohorts that the apartments is private property and only family members are allowed to park and visit, and not the Hernandez's group to meet and great and kidnap the elderly. It seems now that Roger Ortiz is finally growing some huevos, and is seeking help form the Secretary of State to help eyeball and audit the JP votes in this race. The Feds need to get involve quick because the Hernandez's think the law does not apply to them and they need to check out the queen herself, "Ms Beccera". The Feds need to round up those people and clean house. This would best in the best interest for the city of Brownsville and it's good people. Also they need to shut down the "Cheezmeh which is run by Erasmo the Buluga whale, and Transvestite Linda, as they are also part of that political group backing nothing but corrupt activities.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that the Herald chose not to put this article in its online edition. The article left out some key facts. The person filing the complaint is a campaign worker for Luis Saenz. Further nothing here or in the Herald has any senior alleging any wrongdoing. The only person alleging wrongdoing is Zeke Silva. It is not disputed that Zeke lied in the past about Masso stalking him at his house. Zeke left out of the story that Masso's nephew lives a few houses down from his.
ReplyDeleteEveryone I know is either not voting at all in the runoffs or is doing like me and placing a blank ballot in the box. Neither candidate deserves the votes of the people.
Alex Begum either knows nothing about the law or simply chooses to ignore it. Begum could find her campaign the object of a DOJ investigation. In case she has not heard, the federal courts have enjoined Texas enforcing its VOTER ID laws at the poll during this primary. Now that is voter intimidation of seniors.
No one can say am I a Masso supporter - I know of no one else who spend thousands of dollars going to Washington and demanding Masso and Villalobos be indicted over Dannenbaum. I continue to work on seeking that indictment.
But when people allegedly reporting news make up headlines about coerced seniors when in fact they cannot quote one senior making the allegation, and fail to report the complaintant is Zeke Silva it is safe to say the entire article is not trustworthy.
Fact is the worst thing Saenz has done is involve Zeke in his campaign. I only pray that it doesn't cost him the election, because this Erin, Masso, Gomez ticket stinks to high hell! Zekes an idiot, but Saenz is a well tenured prosecutor chosen by the DOJ (Department of Justice) to represent the US legal system change in Mexico. The only thing Masso and Gomez campaign on is the fact that Luis was accused of sexual harrassment almost 2decades ago. Gomez allegedly paid Henderson to file the suit against Avila right at the runoff time. The timing is certainly questionable and the case will surely be thrown out!
ReplyDeleteAvila passed and invited Gomez to answer the same questions and include the sexual harrassment question on the lie detector. Gomez hid of course. Remember he's in the Villalobos office RIGHT NOW.
Masso has no credentials to run on so he brings up a 17 year old issue while he stole millions of our tax payer dollars last year as port commissioner.
Yeah did you see the long list of 8 liners Masso has defended? He probably owned most of them.
DeleteHas Luis Saenz defended 8 liners ?