Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Alicia Gracia Cardenas Addresses the City Commission~7/3/12

As reported in the story below, the City Commission decided to not fund CASA, a child advocacy group that represents some of the most vulnerable Brownsville residents, children who have been removed from their homes do to abuse, neglect, abandonment or all of the above.  A random inspection of non-profits found that CASA had not spent every penny of their funding in lockstep with the calendar.  No matter that all of the supplemental funds and much, much more were needed and utilized to keep the agency afloat annually.  Somehow, H.U.D. regulations were interpreted and enforced requiring 1/12 of the funding to be spent every 30 days.  "Use it or lose it" was the operative phrase.  

Some non-profits go so far as to anticipate expenditures years down the road, committing a percentage of the funding each month for use years down the line.  Sometimes, it's simply a matter of playing the bureaucratic game more than prudent use of assets.  So, with CASA, the Moody Clinic and a segment of United Way facing the elimination of their supplemental funds, ever-the-diplomat Mayor Tony Martinez made it clear that the decision to not fund was not based on merit, but simply bureaucratese.  While Tony sat without an idea or actual concern, perhaps the youngest of the commissioners, Jessica Tetreau saw a way to figuratively rob Peter to pay Paul and made a motion to transfer funds committed to dome construction to the three agencies.  Still CASA, one of the more efficient and critical non-profits was underfunded by $20,000.  


  1. I'm all for helping these non-profits do their work. But these are harsh times for the governmental pocketbook. Nothing comes automatic. CASA, like every other social service entity, must re-group and strike out using its own wiles. To come to the City with open hands is passe. Plus the perception that these outfits are "top heavy;" that is, that they use the funding for salaries is, right or wrong, rampant among the populace. CASA will feel better once it can carry its own economic weight. Private donations not available in our humble community? Maybe it's just that it's always easier to head for City Hall for that nice lump sum. You think?


  2. United Way get cut or not?

  3. Did United Way get saved because of political connections?

    1. Live united or something.

    2. What does United Way do exactly???

      Only hear from them because they are always asking for money for their next fundraiser. Can we give them money, donate something, etc

  4. Could the fact that CASA is renting office space owned by County Judge Carlos Cascos (R) have anything to do with this decision? Tony Martinez, it is well-known, is an Obama Democrat, as is Melissa Zamora, if not others.

    1. the stinky panocha club gangs up on CASA. Que triste!

  5. Typical Brownsvilee stupidity, we have talented individuals like Alicia Cardenas heading an efficiently run and succsesfull program, and these dumb asses want to cut it to the bone, no wonder we lose our best talent to REAL cities.
