Brownsville Herald reporter Laura M. Martinez describes the posture of Gilbert Salinas in this way:
"Gilbert Salinas, executive director of the Brownsville Economic Development Council, said he had anticipated some opposition to the project early on, but not after the public hearing took place on May 15."Now, one might consider stated opposition or at least questioning of the proposed rocket launch site as a bit tardy if construction had been started, 600 local residents had been hired for good-paying jobs or an Environmental Impact Study had been completed and analyzed, but NONE of that has happened yet. Actually, now is the VERY time to question the project, or at least its proposed location, not ten years down the line after we realize we again been boondoggled by the historically inept BEDC and done irreparable harm to our most precious ecological feature, Boca Chica beach.
In a genius move, SpaceX owner Elon Musk threw our community a giant psychological curve ball by stating publicly that greatly factoring in his decision to locate his launch station among three sites, Puerto Rico, south Florida and Cameron County, would be how receptive the individual communities were to his overtures. That deftly shifted the microscope from peering at the merits of the project to seeing how high we could jump for it.
Our economically desperate community, emotions whipped up somewhat by social media, became a huge pom pom squad for SpaceX. The May 15 meeting at ITEC was not so much a public hearing as it was a pep rally for the project. The mayor and city commission in attendance wore SpaceX insignias on their blazers without a deal having been struck. How's that for negotiation skill? It was as if Oprah Winfrey had landed her helicopter in Market Square and given the city the keys to a brand new rocket launch pad.
But Elon Musk is not Oprah Winfrey and there's no certainty his project will be self-funded. His electric car company, Fisker, certainly wasn't, with $465,000,000 in loan guarantees coming from the U.S. taxpayer. We can't assume billionaire Musk will pay his own way anymore than billionaire Jerry Jones paid for his own new Cowboy Stadium. He will likely work the three sites he says remain in contention against each other to see who gives him the best deal.
But, back to the environmental considerations. We're not fooled by Mayor Tony Martinez's statement that he's "done his due diligence." Do you actually think Tony has completed his personal environmental impact study? I don't either. Nor am I particularly reassured by the words of BEDC's Gilbert Salinas: "The wildlife has done just fine. If anything, it has flourished because nothing else is built for miles before you get to the launch site."
Luke Metzger of Environment Texas states: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wrote that noise, heat, vibration, fencing and hazarduous material spills' from the project could harm endangered and threatened species and diminish the value of Boca Chica State Park and the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge."
There is also the fear that a launch site would pose a threat to the local eco-tourism industry. A 2011 Texas A&M study reported:
"Nature tourism generates about $300 million a year in the Rio Grande Valley, creates 4,407 full or part-time jobs and $2.6 million in sales taxes and $7.26 million in hotel taxes. The Rio Grande Valley has been named the number two destination in North America for birdwatching and attracts visitors from all over the world to view almost 500 species of bird. The petition calls on SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to find suitable land for the project elsewhere."
Obviously, there's a lot at stake here, economically and ecologically. It may be too soon to support or oppose the SpaceX project, until all of the facts are in.
For how long will Brownsville be a welfare city? if so much money is being brought bt tourism....than why are so many on welfare? We need more than minimum wage jobs. We need to keep our educated young people in the Valley.
ReplyDelete(....than why are so many on welfare?)
ReplyDeleteYou think maybe it's because Brownsville is the first thing so many destitute/penniless people headed to the land of plenty, run into?
It's all welfare, regardless if it goes to the lady with 6 kids or the gambler with some rockets.
ReplyDeleteEverybody just wants to get paid.
The name Gilbert Salinas does not conjure up images of Goddard or Oppenheimer, or any of the giants of rocketry/bombs. That anyone would expect a border Mexican to chime-in with intelligence on this matter is laughable. Seek Salinas for advice on tacos and rice & beans, but not space projects.
Salinas is undoubtedly a nice young man, but his expertise with rocketry, the space program and communication satellites is limited to talking points furnished by SpaceX, not unlike Ahumada talking up the Weir Project or Lucio, Jr. the Bridge to Nowhere.
So you do allow racist posts on your blog? This because "Salinas is undoubtedly a nice young man,..."
DeleteThat was not racist, but factual. Why is it racist? Do you believe Salinas is someone in the know about these things. He's way over his head, is what I say. You cry "racism," but you do it as if ordering a plate of chicken tacos - like you've done it before, and done it often, wrongly at every turn. Salinas is not your guy for Outer Space anything. He likely knows it.
Then that is what you should have said, but no. The Mexican only knows about tacos, rice and beans. That's racist, pure and simple.
DeleteIf we kill it withour negotiating....we will never know. If the public opposition gets media attention before the negotians begin....we lose before we start. Jim, the tone here is much like telling a jockey in a horse race that "if you don't take the lead out of the gate, pull up and stop...and go have a beer".
ReplyDeleteSpaceX has set up shop in California. Do you suspect environmental opposition was not vocal there? I'm just not afraid of losing the deal because all points of view are considered. Elon Musk CHOSE this area as a possible site because of certain geographical dynamics that have not changed. He was not recruited by the BEDC, although he is now being courted heavily. He will simply follow the money, not just incentives, but the area most profitable once everything is factored in.
Brownsville Shines!Making Brownsville beautiful by planting trees all over the City but yet they "CONTRADICT" themselves by REMOVING AND KILLING A NATURAL HABITAT THAT FOR US BROWNSVILLE CITIZENS OUR BOCA CHICA BEACH IS ONE OF OUR CROWN JEWELS.They say that Brownsville is one of the Poorest Cities in the U.S., well I rather for it to be poor than CORRUPTED! ELON MUSK IS A BILDEBERG MEMBER! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!