But lo and behold, local political varmint Gilberto Hinojosa, a death knell for the Cameron County Democratic Party, just pulled off a hero's welcome by the tinhorns of Houston. The despised and disrespected local politico, who frequently ran roughshod over democratic values with intimidation and skullduggery, and was known to run with the likes of local scum Conrado Cantu, Abel Limas, Jim Solis, Armando Villalobos, was just named "Gunslinger of the Year" by the assembled Democratic cowpokes at the party hoedown in H-town.
Shocked at the giddy announcement in the Brownsville Herald of Hinojosa's good fortune and appointment as State Democratic Chair, many locals expressed their dissappointment:

"What a shame! This guy's a crook!" screamed another.
"It's sort of good he got it, although he never did anything for us. Those fools upstate will soon find out what we already know in Cameron Country, " cautioned a deputized local.
"He got away buy the skin of his teeth. . . . . If Conrado Cantu would sing like Limas, they would have sent him away to club med, " offered another.
An unsympathetic shopkeeper chimed in:
" Wow! One of Cameron County's MOST CORRUPT DEMOCRATS to head Texas Democratic. Party! This is the last nail needed to seal the coffin and end any possible dominance in Texas! Dems are toast in Texas.....There is a GOD!"
Democratic Party officials see things differently from the common folk of Brownsville. Fort Worth State Representative Mark Veasey, interviewed near the stockyards, was complimentary of Hinojosa:
"His election is historic and besides that, Gilberto is a good guy," Veasey said. "He is a coalition builder; he gets along with a broad group of people."
Even Democratic primary frontrunner for District 34, Filemon Vela joined the chorus:
"This weekend, in Houston, my longtime friend, Gilberto Hinojosa, made history by becoming the first Texas Democratic Party Chair from Cameron County. We had a great time visiting friends and meeting new people."Maybe the party conventioners in Houston are right. Perhaps, we don't know the real Gilberto. Maybe it's just a case of a "prophet not being honored in his home town." Or maybe the Pony Express didn't get the mail to Houston last week.
I was going to vote for Vela until I read that comment where he calls Gilbert Hinojosa his longtime friend. If those are the type of friends he keeps, that is certainly not the person I want representing me. We are trying to purge our community of crooked politicians, not grow new ones!
DeleteFor the last several months Gilbert Hiojsa and his Democrat cronies tried to squash Filemon and Troiani down, spread rumors about their families, and prevent them from being elected... in favor of his indicted compadre Armando Villalobos. I laughed at loud imagining the sarcasm in which Filemon would pronounce 'longtime friend' followed by a *wink *wink cough cough bullshit cough cough. After the way Gilbert's Democrat cronies stole the election from Vela's brother in law Ruben Pena, gimme a break!
Filemon and Troiani are two rising stars, good to see them working together. They give me hope for the party
Heartbreaking to see anyone have to do this, kiss the ring, now that Gilbert was elected Democrat chair statewide.
DeleteHad the Democrats in Houston done a background investigation into the total devastation Gilbert has caused to the Democrat party in Cameron, and spared us this crass repulsive figurehead, the Dems could have moved forward with no need for these idiotic charades! alas.... no such luck
There is a world outside Brownsville, Texas. It is a bigger world, a larger pond. Mr. Hinojosa knows that. He knows the games he plays in the RGV are likely more sophisticated than the local people he engages. It is a trait perhaps only Big City people understand. That is why a joke like Rick Perry is hated even in Austin, but remains as governor while being seen as a charlatan by many. No, don't blame Gilberto Hinojosa. Blame yourselves. Brownsville has long given a pass to corruption, forever giving people breaks in the face of alcohol, child support, fraud and adultery. You live by the cesspool, you become the cesspool. Gilbert Hinojosa simply knows he climbs the winds when he leaves the Valley. And, for the record, you can be an asshole in your home and a hero to a community. It is part and parcel of our politics. The colon passes both good and bad.
Perhaps the entire Democratic Party of Texas is ready to adopt the Cameron County Democratic philosophy....."we don't just accept corruption, we demand corruption."
ReplyDeleteIt's not like the Republican Party is clean as a whistle. It, too, has its faults and clowns. Lately, here, it's been a thorough beat-down of the local Democratic Party, but you fool yourself if you think the answer is the Republican Party. Mexicans have no greater enemy than the Republican Party. The fact that the county judge and a few would-be public servants choose that affiliation is ludicrous and laughable. It only shows their ignorance of the party's history and national standing.
Wow, Troiani in a picture with Vela? Wonder if he's endorsing him. Haven't heard who the other Dist.34 candidates are backing.
ReplyDeleteI don't think a Troiani endorsement really matters, anymore than an Elmo Aycock endorsement. Vela will win easily. He has a large lead with an extremely weak candidate backed by Brownsville Cheezmeh.
ReplyDeleteaycock was another poor soul that join the ranks of all the losers and counting that were endorsed by brownsville cheezmeh. brownsville cheezmeh is the kiss of death for any politico. i hear that people and politicians run from erasmo and linda when they see them. no one wants to be associated with these losers.
ReplyDeleteHeard Vela is so confident of winning that he is already cutting deals on what he'll do to return favors when in office. I say, not so fast. Denise will beat Vela.
ReplyDeleteSorry Denise, unlike your old boss SoloMAMON, Vela isn't in the business of cutting deals in exchange for campaign contributions. He has mostly funded this campaign from his own pocket.
DeleteThat's cute, but ultimately a losing mentality. Rumors don't win elections...hard work does. And, sorry, making rumors and lying about fundraising doesn't qualify as hard work.
DeleteI've seen Filemon out there hitting the pavement, coming out of pocket to bring communities together & plan the future, and talking to voters (in English & Spanish). You won't get the same results by posting this jabber anonymously. Go back to the drawing board... think hard about what you are doing and remember it when you wonder why Denise Blanchard doesn't win the election. It's because sleazy rumor mongering turns people off and is quite simply ineffective. Fil's hard work, on the other hand, is effective.
We are still behind you, Fil. Let's go!
I agree, I am totally supporting Filemon Vela!!
DeleteI agree. The Cheezmeh have really gotten behind Denise and Erin.