El Carpintero likely feels safer in the wrestling ring than dealing with the social media and unforgiving politiqueras like the Castros, Linda and brother Erasmo. This past April the popular Brownsville wrestler had to deal with a fake Facebook account with his picture and name being used on the Brownville Cheezmeh page to attack some former Cheezmeh members who had left the group. El Carpintero was so embarrassed he called us, asking if we could make a public appearance together to show that the Cheezmeh orchestrated attack was all lies.
At the time El Carpintero stated: ""I don't hate anyone! . . . . "I'm trying to work in the community, helping charities and making a living for my family. Why would I say bad things about anyone, especially people I don't even know? I'm wrestling at Golden Corral at 6:30 on Saturday night. If you and your wife can make it, I will take a picture with you to show that I'm not the one who said those things."

El Carpintero is not political. He simply wants to help the community, especially children. That is why he recently made an appearance at a Camp Corral event at the Golden Corral on May 27. The event benefits the children of disabled veterans, funding their participation in a summer camp. The event was also attended by District Attorney candidate Luis Saenz. Linda Castro Dragustinovis went livid as she viewed El Carpintero as Brownsville Cheezmeh's personal tool to draw support for their candidates, Carlos Masso and Erin Hernandez Garcia. Linda's anger did not set well with El Carpintero. He feels he should be free to work with anyone, not be controlled by the Brownsville Cheezmeh politiquera group and he told Linda that. . . . . . . Fast forward to this morning, June 7, 2012. El Carpintero is at his day job, but his cell phone keeps ringing with reports that his character is again being impuned, denigrated on the Brownsville Cheezmeh page.
A relative tells him: "They're saying you sent a picture of your penis to some woman and that you're unhappy in your marriage. They say you're real flirty with girls."

I received a call from El Carpintero this afternoon. He was extremely upset: "Jim, these are all lies. I've been married 26 years. My wife and I are very happy. She is my promoter. That Linda is just something else. I mean. . when you don't do what they say, they try to destroy you. Jim, I don't care about politics. I don't care if this candidate or that candidate is at an event. I want to help the kids and promote my career. That's all. But, when Cheezmeh says I can't be seen with this candidate or that candidate, that's not right. I can be with anybody. I'm a free man."
And so, wrestler El Carpintero joins a long list of folks who've tried to leave, disagree with or like a different candidate from the Cheezmeh group and got burned. The Brownsville Cheezmeh cult reminds us of the "Hotel California. . . . .you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."
Linda won't have any trouble getting a picture of a penis.
ReplyDeleteI believe you El Carpintero!!!
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head Jim, they cannot deny these cult like behavior on Facebook. Jared Hockema and Troiani both gave money to Cheezmeh oops! Cheezmeh lost the TSC elections and their candidates failed in the primary. Any candidate dumb enough to give Cheezmeh their money deserved to lose. We already have enough idiots in office
ReplyDeletebut why punish poor El Carpintero WTF!
What a sick bunch of pendejos! Whenever I hear the word cheezme I want to vomit.
ReplyDeleteThis is not an exaggeration! It's true. This is how the group operates. They try and reel you in acting friendly, take pictures with you ,try to gain your trust...then if you disagree or have a different opinion they turn on you. Anything they know they'll use against you. It's a cult. So sad to see people fall for their bullshit. Wake up Brownsville. This is how they treat their "friends ". Even if these allegations are true, to try and destroy a persons reputation just because they don't follow your orders is crazy. Watch all their lemmings call us losers and Zeke now. Because we're all the boogeyman Zeke.
ReplyDeleteJim, you are so jealus of cheezmeh u can't stand it. Cause you dont get invited to our parties no more. Linda is a wonderful person. She is like a sister to me. Why r u so hateful? I cant be bothered wit u. I gotta get ready to go out again tonight. I know ur not. chow
ReplyDeleteIt's ciao, you loose dolt.
DeleteOnly in a hopeless border down where despair and agony rule as queens would two ignoramuses like the Castros even be given a momentary glance.
ReplyDeleteThese two eat their young and complain about the bad taste in their mouths. In the big city they would be rejected by the street people and homeless as too unsavory for company. 2BEEorNot2BEE
Are you sure about Troiani giving cheezmeh money? I heard the opposite, that he didn't have much money and sure wasn't giving any to cheezmeh. Hockema? He's not that dumb.
ReplyDeletewell it was in one of the quarterly reports. Maybe the Zarete's told him it was a good idea, or his campaign manager mistakenly thought Cheezme had a lot of votes. why he wasted his money on that group who knows
Deletethis was on MMB earlier " Also according to the Texas Ethics Report, on March 20, 2012 Hockema paid $840 dollars to Brownsville Cheezmeh located on 1216 E. Madison St., Brownsville, Texas for "purchase of internet Ads."
DeleteIn any event, so far everyone who was advertised, promoted on Brownsville Cheezmeh lost their race. Uresti, Hasse, Hockema. I'm not convince Troiani gave Cheezmeh money, but, of course, he lost too.
Hockaama is not that dubm? Have you ever had a conversation with that dim wit? did you see his bill boards trying to look like a human? He is a nasty little boy.
DeleteHere is my conversation with Jared: http://meanmisterbrownsville.blogspot.com/2012/04/our-visit-with-jared-hockema-candidate.html
DeleteThis is an atrocity ... I don't know El Carpintero for very long but he has immediately shown to be a respectful man full of love and with a big heart. These animals tried trashing the fire fighters group too!!!! They are worthy of cow manure for their hatred and cult leader actions towards their followers. Give it up Cheezers ....time to move on to others that may fall for your bullshit!!!!
ReplyDeleteLinda can wallpaper the Great Wall of China with those kind of pictures .... she has certainly established a significant number of photographic subject matter in her years.
ReplyDeletePeople like Linda and Erasmo that try to ruin other people's lives and marriages have no morals, no standards or principals. They are simply evil within. They are pure sociopaths, with no recognition of how their actions affect others.
ReplyDeleteSadist, they over at that website are sadist. And sadism has a strong tendency of accompanying depression and low self esteem. Now those are scientific FACTS no hate no politics, just simple scientific facts.
DeleteI LOVE Linda and ERASMO. There are too many haters because you really do NOT know them and can't get close to them. I read many testimonials about El Carpintero and I can't believe so many women would lie. Just read them and make up your OWN mind. SHIT happens.
ReplyDeleteSince you capitalized LOVE and ERASMO, you must be Erasmo.
DeleteErasmo writes all those charges against El Carpintero with his fake accounts. He has at least 30 fake accounts. He is a liar and total scum. All Cheezmeh is about now is trying to destroy people. Everyone has left the group and Erasmo has only his fat self to blame. Peace.
ReplyDeletewow i am a member of brownsville cheezmeh, and the times i have met el carpenter he has never flirted with me. he has always be respectful and has always shown good manners, i don't understand why linda sometimes puts things in her profile about people i am getting realy sick about that... me and some other friends from brownsville cheezmeh are really thinking about leaving the group , she is always in a bad mood when she doesn't get her way, she always telling us use your brownsville cheezmeh shirts when there is an event she wants us to go to.. my husband is always saying why are you in a group that is always putting bad things about people in their profiles.. he is always quoting to me " i will tell you the type of person you are , by the people you hang out with"" so there for i will no longer be a part of brownsville cheezmeh,, i am so sick of people telling me why are you with a bunch of losers that have nothing else to do then to put people down... so long losers at first it was fun then it go old..
ReplyDeleteEl Carpintero promotes himself as a professional wrestler which he is not if you make your due diligence and check among the local professionals they will tell you what they think about el carpintero he is just a wrestling fan that disguise himself claiming to be a professional (fraud) his accomplices in the fraud are the Payasos this guys are usurping the professional name of the real Payasos from Monterrey NL Mexico (promoting false professional wrestling matches is fraud)
ReplyDeleteEl carpintero can be a fraud, he clearly is not a wrestler like the Von Erichs or the Guerrero's but he is not a bad person, I cannot say the same about the CHILD MOLESTER ERASMO AND "I AM ALWAYS HORNY" LINDA CASTRO, I was part of Cheezmeh but when I found out that they received money from Masso and Erin HERNANDEZ Garcia I left that group, I told Linda that I wanted to vote for Mrs. Begum because Erin will be more of the same ERNIE, and she went ballistic, also, the main reason I didn't want to be associated with her is because ALL THE MEN are under the impression that if we hanged out with Linda, then by definition WE ARE WHORES!.
ReplyDeleteThese Posts are not from Zeke so don't go blaming the poor guy. You have blamed him for everything. You guys did this to yourselves when you endorsed the candidates. That was when your true colors were shown. It was never about the community but about how much money you could make at whatever cost. Brownsville people are smart and we saw right thru your scam.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is a "new low" for Brownsville Cheezmeh. They've always been a pretty low class, vindictive group. You guys were all just fooled. Cheezmeh is border basura, no mas.
I tried to warn El Carpintero not to trust the Cheezmeh group but he would not listen. He has a big heart and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. As for his marriage failing. I have seen him with his wife and they are very happy with their marriage. I'm so glad I got out of that damn Cheezmeh group. Nothing but a bunch of loosers that want to steal your money so they can take a trip to Las Vegas. Who's gonna take care of the kids while they go on this trip? The illegal aliens that Linda has living in her house? Please people wake up, do not trust these people or give them your hard earned money. It's all going to end up in their pocket to benefit themselves. All the money they collect is so that Erasmo can live in the lap of luxury and so that the group can take their vacations on your dime.
ReplyDeleteKeep talking shit. I have those penis pictures. So does another female. :) Leave Linda out of this you lowlife asshole.
DeleteWhy does it not surprise anyone that you have penis pictures? That would be just like you.
From the language, IMHO that has to be either Linda or Erasmo.
DeleteBeing connected to Cheezmeh means a guaranteed loss for any candidate.
ReplyDeleteOk you got penis pictures, who cares. What do you want to do hurt this person because he did not follow only your political scum?
ReplyDeleteLinda's word about a picture of a penis means shit to me. could be the same penis picture from the police commander at BPD trust nothing from the site Cheezme es puro chisme y mentiras
DeleteThey can not be fake pictures of Erasmo's penis he has not seen that little pecker in many years.
DeleteFree advice for any future candidates, wanna lose? give money to cheezmeh and YOU WILL LOSE like HASSE, etc etc.......
Please clarify. You're not talking about Hasse.
Deleteand Erasmo was never convicted
DeleteCheezmeh=Erasmo=Sandusky=Hernandez=Masso=Gomez=SCUM. F those putos