Friday, May 18, 2012

Jessica Puente Bradshaw~A Choice Not An Echo

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As you go down the line at the candidate forums for Congress, District 34, most of the candidates sing in harmony on certain hot button issues.  They all want a VA hospital in the valley.  Most favor the D.R.E.A.M. Act.  Most will create jobs, function with transparency and just love apple pie.  Frequently, the only discordant note is Jessica Puente Bradshaw, the 38 year old, born in Matamoros, but raised in Brownsville.

Bradshaw differs on most issues slightly or dramatically from the other congressional candidates and has little difficulty articulating the why and the how.  Mean Mister Brownsville had a conversation with Ms. Bradshaw recently about some of these issues:

Mean Mister Brownsville:  Brownsville and Cameron County are heavily subsidized by the federal and state governments; social security, food stamps, education grants, adult care, child care, medicaid,etc.  Conservatives sometimes talk of cutting back on some of these programs.

BRADSHAW:  "It's not about cutting back at all where there is real need.  Many of these programs have tremendous fraud.  A consultant to the medicaid program recently estimated 20 to 30% outright fraud on that one program alone, billions of dollars.  Cutting fraud makes room for those actually in need.  Non-invasive drug testing, for example, of those in public housing could free up that housing for the recent widow or divorcee or single mom truly in need.  Eliminating or greatly reducing fraudulent claims frees up funds for those in actual need."

Mean Mister Brownsville:  We have an extremely large student population in many border cities including Brownsville.  It's pretty obvious we're educating with tax dollars non-residents, non-citizens.  Your thoughts?

BRADSHAW:  As things stand now, federal school funding is tied in to not asking about citizenship.  That change has to be made at the federal level.  Of course, if a school district wants to self fund or use only local monies, I suppose they could decide to do that.  

Mean Mister Brownsville:  I'm certain you've been asked about the D.R.E.A.M. act, allowing citizenship after certain requirements were met, including military service.  Would you please restate your position?

BRADSHAW:  "Certainly.  The original D.R.E.A.M. act failed to be approved by either party actually.  It was poorly written, with too may loopholes.  It allowed, not only "Johnny" to get citizenship, but in certain cases, to bring with him father, mother, brothers, sisters, aunt, uncle, etc.  Why not simply work to qualify for citizenship as so many have in the past?  I'm not even opposed to private sector companies qualifying individuals or bringing those who qualify to the attention of the federal agency and doing so for a fee.  I believe private enterprise can sometimes do a better job than the bureaucracy."

Mean Mister Brownsville:  We had a march last fall in Brownsville seeking the approval of same sex marriage in the State of Texas.  There are, of course, auxiliary issues, too, involving medical decisions in an emergency by same sex partners, health insurance issues, inheritance and adoption rights, etc.

BRADSHAW:  "I believe marriage to be a spiritual union between a man and a woman.    That doesn't preclude same sex couples from entering into a civil union.  That's the approach I would take.   All the issues you mentioned like medical decisions, inheritance, etc. can by handled by a civil union and a contractual agreement without changing the definition of marriage."

Mean Mister Brownsville:  The country has been involved in wars in Iran and Afghanistan with the use of ground troops.  Conservatives generally support our war effort fully.

BRADSHAW:  "I generally do not favor this kind of involvement, especially based on disinformation.  I noticed Condolesa Rice on tv the other day still not admitting that we went into Iran under false pretense, because there were allegedly weapons of mass destruction.  I want government that admits to mistakes and seeks to avoid repeating them."

Mean Mister Brownsville:  What is your position on a VA hospital in the Rio Grande Valley?

BRADSHAW:  Even if we received such a facility for our region, there's no guarantee it would be in the valley.  Corpus Christi wants such a facility, as does Alice.  My question is "What's the best use of our resources to help our veterans?  We can tie funds up in real estate, maintenance, staffing, insurance and all that goes with maintaining a facility or we can issue vouchers that allow veterans to seek their own health care in already existing facilities.  The voucher system, to me, gives us the most efficient use of our resources.


  1. Looks like an old hamburger bun trying to wsap up a nice pattie. Love it! LOL!!!

  2. Might have to vote for her just based on her looks!! Hottie!

  3. The range of this woman's thinking is so limited as to be negligible. What a sorry vision she postures. I suspect it has much to do with her limited time as a US citizen. That she regurgitates road-weary GOP sloganeering is the least of it. I just couldn't find anything resembling an original thought here. Sadly, she comes across as not only a "crab-like" Hispanic eager to diss her own kind, but she does it in the words of a political party out to damn her, as well. Born in Matamoros may explain it. These people have no grasp of what it is to be an American. They come here and load-up on cliches and then throw them out willy-nilly, oblivious to the goddamned struggle of all those brown-skinned citizens who came before her, and who fought the fight so that she could land years later in all her uneducated glory. I reel at seeing these people assume positions of leaderships. They are as hollow as the trunk of a dead mesquite, as loyal as the next flea fleeing a corrupt Mexico, as needed as a bout of gonorrhea...


    1. My goal was for Bradshaw's positions to be clear. My wife Nena tried, but simply could not contain herself when we got to the D.R.E.A.M Act. She blurted out her personal feelings with considerable emotion as is her custom with her eyes welling up.

      I don't recall Nena's exact words, something along the lines of "you don't have the life experience of many of us." To her credit, Ms. Bradshaw did not lash back, but remained cordial. But the mood definitely changed. The smiling countenance of the candidate was gone. I asked only one more question after that.

      What had struck a nerve with Nena is that her dad, a native of Ciudad Victoria, enlisted in the U.S. Military at the start of WWII. With that enlistment, he accomplished two things. His daughter had just drank from a bottle of lye and needed medical treatment she could not receive anywhere else. She was transferred to the army hospital at San Antonio where she stayed for three years. Nena's dad also got U.S. citizenship, eventually became a Master Sergeant, the highest rank a non-commissioned officer can receive. He retired from the U.S. Army, then got a second retirement from the Border Patrol. He raised six kids on that salary and saw his little girl, now 69, get healed.

      Nena herself served in the U.S. Army during Viet Nam, '63-'66.

      With that backdrop, my wife's emotions got the best of her when it was suggested someone with extensive service in the military should still simply get in line, waiting a couple of decades for citizenship.


    2. "That she regurgitates road-weary GOP sloganeering is the least of it. I just couldn't find anything resembling an original thought here... They load-up on cliches and then throw them out willy-nilly..."

      this is more true of the Democrats. A slogan-o-rama
      lacking any basis in reality.

      At most there are only 3 candidates on the Democrat ticket with a shot of convincing the Republican majority in Congress to support the valley and its interests. The rest is puro hot air

  4. what a narrow minded, racist ugly person. people like this should not be allowed to run for anything just saying.

  5. Sergent Major is actually the highest non-commissioned rank, just FYI. And that voucher system, that's a mess of an idea. Clearly someone who doesn't fully understand nor has taken real time to learn the plight of our veterans. I'm not saying that a regular hospital isn't "good enough" for veterans but with the huge numbers of veterans returning to the valley, they should be able to seek medical treatment in a facility that is structured help them and only them. Veterans shouldn't have to drive to San Antonio (which they currently do) or even corpus to seek the medical aid that they deserve. It sounds like she's saying "it's just too hard to get a VV hospital down here, besides, I'd hate to have to compete with othe south Texas I give up". What a shame. The many, many Valley veterans deserve better.

  6. Unfortunately this is the the ONLY kind of people we get here in South Texas. What a BITCH!!!

  7. She messed up! She should not have answered your question here in this blog in the manner she did. She so Messed Up. She can kiss this election good bye!



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...