Saturday, April 28, 2012

"It Wasn't Me, Jim and Nena!" says El Carpintero

El Carpintero, a Brownsville wrestler with a big heart is not looking for enemies. On the contrary, he wants to grow his business as a dynamic wrestling entertainer, support his family and give back to the community.

With those goals in mind, El Carpintero was horrified when a close relative called him a few days ago: "What do you have against Jim and Nena?" the relative asked.

The wrestler told his relative he was not sure who Jim and Nena were, but he had nothing against them. "Well, you are saying bad things against them on the Brownsville Cheezmeh site," added his relative.

El Carpintero knew nothing of the nastiness he allegedly spewed on the Brownsville Cheezmeh site. Someone had created a fraudulent Facebook account in his name and was using it to attack Mean Mister Brownsville and his wife of 43-1/2 years on the Brownsville Cheezmeh Facebook site controlled with an iron fist by Erasmo Castro Dragustinovis. Erasmo is notorious for deleting anything contrary to his personal philosophy as many former Cheezers learned when they tried to post on the site. In the case of the fake "El Carpintero" comments, once the real wrestler found out about the phony comments using his name they disappeared from the Brownsville Cheezmeh site.

"I don't hate anyone!" El Carpintero stated on the telephone. "I'm trying to work in the community, helping charities and making a living for my family. Why would I say bad things about anyone, especially people I don't even know? I'm wrestling at Golden Corral at 6:30 on Saturday night. If you and your wife can make it, I will take a picture with you to show that I'm not the one who said those things."

We showed up at the event as El Carpintero requested. The picture above was taken along with several others with the Yolanda Begum campaign. El Carpintero and his gracious wife are hardworking people who do not need this conflict in their life.

Facebook is a treacherous place as El Carpintero found out. A search of Erasmos Dragustinovis Castro reveals about 30 Facebook accounts with variations of that name. There are doubtless many more under other names. Why?

The relative of El Carpintero added some insight: "With all those accounts he adds "likes" to the Brownsville Cheezmeh page. That is why the page shows over 1700 likes, but only three ladies show up at events with faded Brownsville Cheezmeh t-shirts. So, politicians who pay for Brownsville Cheezmeh to help them in their campaigns do not realize how tiny the group really is."


  1. Brownsville Cheezmeh, Linda or whatever lost the game. They can't go on to say that the sky is green and for people to believe it. People are not stupid anymore. Many know that the Dragustinovis Castro's goal is to get a seat in office, too bad for Linda that her Mother Teresa sister is probably the one that may take a seat. They're the supposed "political watchdog", but, who is going to watch cheezmeh? They don't even have accountability for the funds they receive at their fund raising events. They don't even have balls or enough pussy power to talk their shit to the persons they offend. I still like to read cheezmeh's page, its pretty entertaining and keeps me up to date with city news :P

    Got Cheezmeh?

  2. El Carpintero sounds like a real man. I'm not a wrestling fan but I may take my kids to see him next time he performs based on his values. Surely the wrestling is not inside the Golden Corral?

  3. I'm not surprised Erasmo creates fake accounts. What's a fat man supposed to do all day sitting behind a computer?

  4. Fuck you Jim Barton. You are a piece of shit.

  5. Masso and Erin Hernandez are the only candidates stupid enough to have thrown money at Cheezmeh. Erasmo and Linda used the money on bills so they couldn't pay for their website and it went down like a rock.

    Maybe some stupid BISD candidates will pay the Castros for services to be rendered. Not likely.

  6. Not to defend anyone, I like to be informed and very interested to know the truth about. I did a search for both Erasmo Castro Dragustinovis and Erasmo Dragustinovis Castro and the search on FaceBook comes back with no results. So my question is, are the things you write checked before you write them or how does it work?

  7. What wasn't explained in the article is why Brownsville Cheezmeh would want to attack Jim and Nena. Maybe that was just made up. I read BC everyday and I don't remember the attack. Maybe Jim and Nena are using a "fake' attack to discredit Cheezmeh.

    1. As stated in the article, once the real El Carpintero found out about the comments falsely credited to him, the comments were removed.


    2. Yeah a wrestler is going to determine the elections. Give him a chair and REALLY decide the races.

    3. No. An unemployed ne'er-do-well from Austin will decide the elections.

  8. Ask El Carpintero if it is true of them being attacked by him? he will tell you somebody created a fake account to use his credibility to make Brownsville Cheezmeh Credible. Erasmo will stop at nothing. He has no morals and no integrity. He uses his sisters like a pimp while he hides in Austin,TX.. He is no more than a Pimp soliciting his sister. Shame on you Erasmo..

  9. Is it true that Erasmo has an indecency with a child charge still pending in Mt. Pleasant, Texas?

    1. ^ if so, that makes Cheezmeh the pedophiles vs the politicians who won't pay him $$$$. Cheezme is a JOKE!!!!

  10. Why am I not surprised at this revelation. Erasmo has been notorious for this for some time. I feel sorry for those die hard Cheezmeh supporters who have been hoodwinked by this person with the fake accounts who has not only taken their money but continues to be divisive to the remains of his followers. Brownsville Cheezmeh followers are following a sick person who lives in Austin and a Sister from Los Fresnos, but that is their decision and they have every right to do it. It is sad to see this group implode for their was a time when they used to stand for something but now all Cheezmeh cares about is spewing hate to those that disagree with him. It has become more apperant that trying to inflate the number of followers with fake accounts is more important than anything. Thanks to El Carpintero and Jim Barton for this news but really the emperor had already got caught with his pants down and is further being exposed daily for what he really is.

  11. "Fuck you Jim Barton. You are a piece of shit." Anonymous Apr 28, 2012 09:25 PM

    HAHA Linda doesn't now how to be anonymous.

    And YES according to public records there is a charge for indecency with a child for Erasmo.

  12. I hope you have a good lawyer Jim Barton because you are going to be sued.

  13. I cannot believe this guy has a public records there is a charges for indecency with a child. So this means Erasmo like little kids? Please someone do a write up on this because this is game changing

  14. Carlos Maaso associates with Child Molestors, thieves, cartel members, Tax Evaders and now you know why they are bank rolling his cpaign. Carlos and Erasmo are two cons working together to deceive the public. We are smarter than you think you bunch of idiots.

    1. Yeah, Zeke Silva should know everything about drug dealers. Wasn't he caught with cocaine and was the reason he was not allowed to run for office? Fucking hipocrite!! He needs to grow the fuck up!

  15. Now he's busted for cocaine Linda and Erasmo? Wow you guys really like to spread lies. Show us where the money was spent that you collected from the website and fund raisers. One scam after another. The fund raising scam was exposed now your doing Online Politiqueras. Since you been exposed for that now what is next a church to start your own Cult? Get a job. Earn a living for once.

    1. Zeke, buy tomorrows Herald. If you think that one limits oneself to posting facts about your candidate online, you would be highly mistaken.

  16. I think Erasmos is a total fake. He curses like a sailor but claims he wants to be a pastor. He claims to read the Bible but backstabs all his friends, makes up lies about people, gossips like a bitch. He pretends to be your best friend until you cross him. The bitch Linda too. She just defriended me. I say screw the both of them.

    1. To put it indelicately, Erasmos has repeatedly went caca in his nest. Now, he has no nest. He has alienated every single friend. Any new friends will soon be disenfranchised. He is not a consensus builder, simply an egomaniac. The skill set to build and maintain a team is simply not there.


  17. Records Department
    Mount Pleasant Police Department
    501 N. Madison
    Mount Pleasant, TX 75455
    Phone: 903-575-4004
    Fax: 903-572-4686

  18. Wow ........good job Barton!!!!! I smell some ROTTEN CHEEZE!



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