Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Of All, The Rio Grande Valley Is Not A Valley

Author/Photographer Seth Patterson destroys the myth of the Rio Grande "Valley" in his opening remarks at UTB's Gran Salon 4/11/12


  1. Is it surprising to you that the region is a "Delta"? This end of the Rio Grande is a "Delta", but remember the Rio Grande River orginates in the Rocky Mountains and clearly has a "Valley" in places like Albuquerque, NM through which it flows. We, like those in New Orleans, live in a "Delta", created by the rivers flowing to the sea. Shall we start talking about the Rio Grande Delta now.

  2. We have Seth Patterson's presentation in 10 short segments in anyone would like to view it. I'll probably upload the first one this afternoon and do a short synopsis of the event.
