Saturday, April 21, 2012

Commissioner John Villarreal Loses Composure, Disrespects First Amendment

Commissioner John Villarreal visited Linear Park today and made a fool of himself. If John were a political official in Iran, Pakistan, Liberia or Saudi Arabia, his actions would have been appropriate, but our country's set of laws have to align with a carefully written Constitution. That is what John disrespected today~our country's Constitution which protects an individual's right to free speech~popular or not.

What John did was block a representative of CAVA, Citizens Against Voter Abuse from stating her views in a public park and disseminating information about her group.

Before going further, let me quote John's exact words detailing his experience today at Linear Park:

"Just got back from Earth Day at Linear Park. I was pleased to see such a great turnout. Kids running around, live music, and great food. On another note, I was very much disturbed to see a booth set up for political purposes. This is a public event in a public park paid by you, the citizens, not candidates running for office. This so-called advocacy group is the same one that made me sign an agreement stating I would not hire politiqueras. I did not need an agreement but I accepted since the "purpose" was aligned with my values in running a fair campaign. This same advocacy group decided to endorse my opponent and guess what? In the end, my opponent obtained 97 mail-in votes while I only had 10. You tell me who used politiqueras. Please beware of these groups as they are clearly hired by candidates to bad mouth their opponents. Also, please let this group, and and other for that matter, know that you want your tax payer dollars spent on public events and not to provide them with a venue to distribute their junk. Thanks- John Villarreal

Perhaps what John wrote above makes perfect sense to you, but let's analyze his comments. Notice this phrase from the commissioner:

"This so-called voter advocacy group is the same one that made me sign an agreement stating I would not hire politiqueras. I did not need any agreement but I accepted since the "purpose" was aligned with my values in running a fair campaign."

John, John. No one "made" you sign anything. No one put a gun to your head. It was simply an opportunity to show the voters how you operate. If that wasn't a core belief, you shouldn't have signed. You're a grown man.

Admit it, John. You saw someone who didn't support you, speaking out and distributing materials. That angered you and you used your position as a commissioner to block that person from activity that is Constitutionally protected. You overstepped your authority with arrogance and ill will. Let me use an analogy to illustrate. I know your family is devout Catholic. What if a Mennonite, a Jehovah's Witness or a Satanist is talking about their beliefs in a public park or even handing out printouts detailing their belief system? Is that illegal or protected under our Constitution? Think about it. This country was initially populated and founded by those who were not allowed individual beliefs in their country of origin. This country proved to be a haven for these individuals and their diverse beliefs.

When we try to block an individual from disseminating information and expressing their beliefs, we dishonor our country and those who have fought to preserve these freedoms.


I'll probably write more in depth about this incident, especially after I get more information, but it's very revealing to go back and read the rant John Villarreal wrote on his FB page after the incident, so I will post it here:

"Just got back from Earth Day at Linear Park. I was pleased to see such a great turnout. Kids running around, live music, and great food. On another note, I was very much disturbed to see a booth set up for political purposes. This is a public event in a public park paid by you, the citizens, not candidates running for office. This so-called advocacy group is the same one that made me sign an agreement stating I would not hire politiqueras. I did not need an agreement but I accepted since the "purpose" was aligned with my values in running a fair campaign. This same advocacy group decided to endorse my opponent and guess what? In the end, my opponent obtained 97 mail-in votes while I only had 10. You tell me who used politiqueras. Please beware of these groups as they are clearly hired by candidates to bad mouth their opponents. Also, please let this group, and and other for that matter, know that you want your tax payer dollars spent on public events and not to provide them with a venue to distribute their junk. Thanks- John Villarreal"

Notice that John recognized this woman, Mary Helen Flores, as someone who supported his opponent, Tony Zavaleta, in the last election. His interaction with her was based on political spite, not the appropriate relationship between a city official and a city resident. The irony is that last May 29 Nena and I stood all day in Washington Park, holding signs, handing out push cards and talking to people about John. What if Tony Zavaleta had won the election and a year later had spotted Nena and I talking about voter abuse or even diabetes awareness and became enraged? What I want people to see is that John's motivation was wrong. He was the onepoliticizing this situation. Otherwise, why even mention the last election? He did because that was what set him off.

Do you want to live in a country where public officials deal with you based on who you voted for or supported in the last election? What if you went before a judge who made it obvious in his handling your case that he viewed you as somone who had supported his opponent? That's why the way John handled this situation is fundamentally wrong regardless of who is technically right in the matter.

Please notice also that Villarreal referred to the materials the lady was passing out a "junk". That shows that he was more concerned with who the person was than what she was doing. He would not refer to his campaign materials from last year or the barbacoa he sells as "junk". He simply lost his composure, allowing his personal feelings to override the dignity he should display as an elected official.

John also misrepresents what this woman was actually doing with these words:

"I was very much disturbed to see a booth set up for political purposes. This is a public event in a public park paid by you, the citizens, not candidates running for office"

John was incorrect here. According to Ms. Flores, the fliers mentioned no candidate, just facts about the election code relative to voter abuse. Again, it's John who's fixated on candidates, politics.

John continues: "Please beware of these groups as they are clearly hired by candidates to bad mouth their opponents."

John is making an assumption and asks us to accept his assumption as fact. Who are "these groups"? Again, John is the one clearly politicizing the incident.


  1. It is a shame!, according to mr. Villarreal a noble cause activist has ulterior motives? We don't have enough people who care Mr Villarreal, you should applaud and welcome anybody who is against corruption, any activist and specially this one is risking retaliation from the sitting corrupt officials, so shut your mouth up!

  2. Hi, Jim,

    As a John Villarreal supporter and apologist, I wanted to weigh in here.

    All this was news to me so I read your last couple of blog posts to catch up on how you say it went down. I'll take your & Mary Helen's word for what transpired, but for one little detail.*

    To summate:
    - Mary Helen (CAVA) distributed materials at a public park. (Free speech in action in one direction)

    - John Villarreal approached her and asked her (nicely? If I know John, he's polite to a fault) to stop. (Free speech in action in the other direction)

    - John complained about the incident on his FB wall, urging others to complain. (Free speech in action in the other direction)

    - You blogged about John on your blog/FB wall. (Free speech in action from the gallery)

    Check out all that free speech in action. Goddamn, I love this country!

    * Where/when did this rise to the level of John using his "position as a commissioner to block that person from activity that is Constitutionally protected"? If anything, John was misguided & wrong about public venues being "provided" to CAVA in the future for material distribution. But so what? Stating a wrong-headed opinion, if that's what he meant, is... you guessed it... free speech in action!

  3. John Villareal posted this on the Brownsville Cheezmeh page. Jim Barton does not like BC but he still stalks their page and gets his writing material from them. AHAHAHAHA

    1. Cheezmeh has become insignificant. It is amazing that the shy, timid, lonely boy complex, spineless, John Villarreal has suddenly grown some cojones to even try to take away our civil rights. Where were these cojones when he was first elected and turned his back on issues that his most dedicated supporters were expecting him to stand up for ???? He was quickly intimidated by Mayor Tony Martinez and didn't even do enough to speak out against keeping public comments in city meetings from being televised .... so far his contribution as a City Commissioner has been non significant and for lack of better words ... worthless to his own supporters ....

  4. Cheezmeh is irrelevant a.d worthless, but there is no excuse to John Villarreal's stupidity and or biased I hope he gets a reprimrand from the mayor and from his constituents

  5. What is interesting about John Villarreal is that he is an enigma of his own making. He won the commissioners position basically without any experience whatsoever at a time when the younger voters wanted a change in the city's status quo. While Cheezmeh claims it helped him win the election it wasn't until the very last days of the campaign that they butted in. Nevertheless after his victory, high expectations prevailed only to be let down by Villareal's spineless follow-the-sheep decisions on important public issues. His efforts have been a complete letdown and a major disapointment towards the downtown revitalization efforts of his own district. He only shows up at events after the fact or for a Kodak opportunity moment. Now the Linear park incident reveals that the true John Villarreal feels a certain obligation to kiss up to the Hernandez clan. This has everything to do about politics and nothing about a citizen's freedom of speech in a public park. It has become the obvious- John Villarreal and the Hernandez clan are still trying to give Brownsville the usual dosage of political bullying. This "if you are not with us, you are against us" attitude continues to divide and confuse the voters who thought John was going to be their answer to the local political shannigans.

  6. FYI Shannon the Parks assistant director in Erin first cousin and went to college with her. Is it no surprise she didn't resist to John request to close Our Freedom of Speech... It only gets better..She is a city employee commenting on this issue and apologizing and agreeing with John on his Face Book Page. What gives her the right to answer for the Parks and Recreation? She was sent by the Hernandez to be a hit woman for them. How much longer do we All need to put up with this disregard of our freedom? Between Online Politiqueras like Brownsville Cheezmeh endorsing publically Erin Hernandez, Carlos Masso and going against anyone who disagrees with them and doing everything in their power to shut The 1st Amendment Down. Lets not forget that Jessica Tetreau and John Villareal have both Publically Endorsed Erin Hernandez at the orders of Erin Hernandez and Brownsville Cheezmeh...The First ONLINE POLITIQUERAS..Say No More to Online Politqueras... Jessica Tetrau, John Villareal are working for Brownsville Cheezmeh and Hernandez. Don't be Fooled Voters. If you Vote for any of the Brownsville Cheezmeh Candidates we will be Broke in no time at all. Corruption at its best....

  7. John seems like a decent guy, but is not particularly bright. Some get fooled by the fact that he has an MBA in business, but remember, it's from UTB. He's one of those guys that left Brownsville, but couldn't quite cut it outside. He came back and works in a tortilla factory.

    His parents are friends with the Hernandez so John can't disrespect them. It is what it is. Ernie Hernandez have told John that City Commissioner is just the beginning. They have big plans for him. Actually, if Erin hadn't hooked up with Doroteo. . . . . well, that's another story.

  8. Villareal is a MORON.

  9. ALL city comissioners and the MAYOR CAN BE criticized, they were elected on a PLATFORM that NONE OF THEM have complied to. They were voted in for a change, they can be VOTED OUT, including this so called Mr. Villarreal, who in the comission meetings looks more like the Tom the cat running away from Jerry the mouse.

  10. Most of us in this community, are extremely disappointef at John Villarreal.

  11. What a scam...I myself was so inspired to vote for John Villarreal thinking his youth and education were going to push hard to make a difference in our community and we were shafted with an idiot that decides to defend the biggest rat political family in Brownsville ... in my younger days, I may have taken a flamethrower to his spineless ass, but I am too old and too tired. Come on Brownsville...Makes one wonder if groups like Cheezmeh are doing nothing more than keeping quality candidates from running for these critical positions in government after seeing how the candidates that don't fit their mold are bashed and destroyed by an Austin couch potato with nothing more to do than play online 24-7.

    1. he actually uses a lazyboy, not a couch.. and eats donuts, member?

  12. Cheezmeh = Ernie Hernandez


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                                                          by Greg Sargent, THE NEW REPUBLIC, 3/29/2025 Faced with expert opinion predicting ...