Friday, April 20, 2012

Brownsville Cheezmeh Attacks B.U.C.

Erasmos Castro Dragustinovis, the middle-aged perennial college student from Austin who tries to control Brownsville from behind his laptop, is totally pissed at B.U.C., the Brownsville Union Coalition, for endorsing candidates not approved by Brownsville Cheezmeh. Erasmo from Austin and his sister, Los Fresnos resident Linda Castro Dragustinovis have been working hard to assemble a stable of candidates allegedly paying for the support of Brownsville Cheezmeh. Some have even told us that Erasmo and Linda have implied that B.U.C. support was almost a given when endorsed by Brownsville Cheezmeh. When B.U.C. didn't play along with the controlling non-residents, Erasmo and Linda exploded. Notice Erasmo's comment on the Brownsville Crossfire FB page:
"Will I ask friends to help me elect candidates that I have personally spoken to? Candidates who I feel will help serve our community? Yes, I surely will. If people don’t like it, tough shit. I have faith that my friends will know that my suggestion is not based on which candidate paid for the biggest advertisement on the webpage. I have faith that my friends will know that my suggestion is not based on what I can benefit from the candidate, like some union just did with their pathetic endorsements. I have faith that my friends will stand with me and vote in the individuals who are experienced, tried and tested. Bronwsville Cheezmeh is continuing to grow. I am humbled by the friend requests, the subscriptions, and the private messages. I am my community’s servant. All the haters can go fuck themselves."
It all hit the fan after the picture on the left was posted, representing the local firefighters and paramedics endorsement of Yolanda Begum for Justice of the Peace. Immediately after this pic was posted on the internet, a firefighter's union leader received a call from an annoyed Linda Castro Dragustinovis:
"Why are you guys endorsing candidates???" asked Linda. "It's what we do, Linda," responded the fireman.   "Besides, you all endorsed Erin Hernandez for JP." "We did not." Linda exclaimed. "Brownsville Cheezmeh has not endorsed any candidates!" "Linda, don't BS me," the firefighter continued. "You very well have endorsed Hernandez and others. Don't even go there. You know I know better."
One candidate, initially supported by Brownsville Cheezmeh, is now experiencing some Cheezmeh wrath. Luis Saenz, candidate for District Attorney, was the subject of a paid for ad in the Brownsville Herald, "Beware of Luis Saenz". The ad was sponsored by Brownsville Cheezmeh. After the ad ran, a super-confident Erasmo boasted on the Brownsville Cheezmeh Facebook page:

  "... this election cycle, tell Luis Saenz, candidate for DA, hasta la vista baby...

Ironically, Erasmos Castro had these words about B.U.C. last summer:  

 "B.U.C. claims 600 members, but they can't deliver the votes.  They go around, holding barbecue after barbecue, but what do they actually accomplish."

Brownsville Cheezmeh, on the other hand, claims 5,000 members, but hitting "like" on a Facebook page does not mean one actively supports a cause.  In recent events, those with the notorious black and white Cheezmeh t-shirts can be counted on one hand.  So, the rantings of Erasmo and Linda may be merely idle bluster.

So, now the fight for clean elections by groups like CAVA, Citizens Against Voter Abuse, continues against the traditional politiqueras, those who illegally harvest votes from the nursing homes and our county's most vulnerable. But that fight has been expanded to include so-called watchdog groups like Brownsville Cheezmeh, who try to control our elections to feed their ego.


  1. What a nerve Linda and her brother have to critizIce the noble men and women that risk their lives for us everyday without anything in return, when the Unions gi give their support to a candidate is because they believe in him or her not because they expect to get paid like the infamous cheezmeh, that supports the highest bidder no matter what effect the candidate's character flaws or history might have on our community, they shamelessly support the most corrupt family in the county, the Hernandezes and Mazo. Shame on you wiked siblings

  2. Interesting enough.. jus love to see CAVA on this blog...makes me proud for my friend that has spoken out so boldly ag. these "politequras" wanna be politician buddies...u go Cheezzz!!! Keep u the good work, even if BULLIED...(YOUR KNEES SHAKING YET) SMILE

  3. Cheezmeh is a fake non-profit. They raise money under false pretenses and then use those funds for personal expenses. Another bunch of lying, cheating, stealing snakes for this community to deal with. SCUMBAGS!

  4. Erasmo and Linda Castro are ignorant power mongers. They are both repulsive from the inside out.

    1. Brownsville Cheezmeh needs to be audited. They asked for contributions for a website then didn't pay for it. Now, they're asking for more contributions for another website. What happened to the money that was contributed for the first website? From the looks of the top picture someone may be using the funds for their own consumption.

      The Secretary of State already got a concern/complaint that BBC has alledgely mishandeling donations/contribution. Just watch what happens next!

    3. Erasmos will just get a slap on the wrist. One look at Erasmo tells you where the money went.

    4. lol he ate it or spent it at Subway trying to be like Jared

    5. Which Jared? LOL!

    6. actually, he bought shitloads of donuts and eats them while at the computer!!!

      = )

  5. The Subdivision of Briarwick, Lakeway, SouthLake and EastLake do not appreciate the yellow fliers bashing Saenz.

    We hear the Subdivisions are NOW FOR THE HECK of it voting for Saenz, he lives in the Briarwick subdivision.

    1. Don't worry, more flyers are coming... a lot more...

    2. Yes, Erasmo. You're da man! The dumb leading the dumb!

    3. watch for the Herald and the Valley Morning Star this upcoming week Zeke! You started this mess, but surely Erasmus will finish it.

  6. Why don't the active Cheeze members ask Erasmo and Linda for an account of the money they collected? I wan't to know where the money went. They have said Lies about the Website Being Sabatoged... come on who beleives those lies. They blamed Zeke because he didn't allow himself to be bullied by them. The truth is Zeke is smarter than they will ever be. He is not a puppet. The didn't pay their bills. Why not pay for another host for the website with all the mone you have received from advertisers? Reason is they kept the money paid by the advertisers like Carlos Masso. They have repeatedly asked for more money for a new website and it has been 3 weeks now and nothing, Why is that.. No one wants to do one for them. They cannot be trusted. No legitimate company wants anything to do with them. To bad so sad. Your Free Ride is Over. Start walking the Streets for money. Prostitutes sold to the Highest Bidder. Say No More to Online Politiqueras...

    1. Zeke? the same Zeke who claims he runs a multimillion dollar company while has his parents living in housing and on welfare? the same Zeke who cheats on his wife and goes to strip clubs in McAllen? he knows much about prostitutes! is this the same Zeke that threatened a commissioner when she refused to put him on the same board he had petition money for? is this the same Zeke that attacks everyone around him then goes and says he is saved by the blood of Jesus? Great source the Jim!

    2. Look Erasmo and Linda quit being scamers. You got busted with your hand in the cookie jar. You could blame everybody for your short comings but the truth is you guys got greedy and were exposed for what your real purpose was... To steal money from the citizens and extort politicians for money and exclusive rights. You have hurt your candidates more than they know. Carlos Masso hasn't even posted one comment on your FB Page? Why is that? Neither has Erin Hernandez.. Why is that? All your legitimate supporters have left you. You have LIED TO EVERYBODY. You tried to destroy the B.U.C.because they endorsed the Best Candidates and didn't listen to you. You are nothing more than Online Politiqueras. Prostitues Sold to the Highest Bidder. Tell Carlos Masso to pay you more money and have him pay your bills. It seems he has put all of his campaign at your hands. Say NO MORE TO ONLIE POLITIQERAS...Say NO TO Brownsville Cheezmeh...

    3. Why is it that Brownsville Cheezmeh hasn't been able to activate his website after 3 weeks? He got paid A LOT of MONEY for Advertising.. So where is the money? We want to know Erasmo and Linda...Show me the money..

    4. I understand Erasmo did not pay the bill agreed upon so the web designer shut the site down. I got much of that story today, but I need to get permission to run certain pertinent details.


    5. OH CRAP.. The truth is coming out. Expose them Jim for what they are.. Liers and Theives and Online Politiqueras. They like to expose everyone but lets see how they handle the truth and the exposure being told about them??? Erasmo and Linda are most likely changing underwear right now.

    6. "The truth is Zeke is smarter than they will ever be."

      yeah, Zeke is a genius! lmfao

      so much so that the Saenz campaign have made him stop posting anything on Facebook. He now resorts to anonymous posts on this "blog"... simply genius!

    7. Talking about geniuses! Can any of the Cheezers use correct grammar or spelling? This has to be the most illiterate "watchdog" group in history! Daddy Erasmo is the worst! Can he not afford a proof reader? Well, he can, thanks to his dimwit followers, but he spends the money on himself. . . . . . food, food, food!

    8. and donuts... don't forget the donuts!

    9. what did linda go get new nails put on ,, with the money or a new ipad, or did erasmo eat it all,,,

    10. we have asked linda alot of times at the meeting we have on sundays at the galaxy,, and no they dont tell us where the money is going what it is being used for, i truely think that she takes it and uses it for her bills and erasmo as well,,,

    11. good job BUC you all choose the right candidates... they have my vote

    12. "I understand Erasmo did not pay the bill agreed upon so the web designer shut the site down."

      This is incorrect Jim. We will be filing a civil suit against the design company for breach of contract my friend. We owed them no money.

      Thank you!

    13. Erasmo Castro is a fkn liar.... I know him personally.... he lies

  7. Once upon a time Cheezmeh used to be not only a fun organization but one that also helped the community eradicate and expose some of the bad elements that ran this city. But now Cheezmeh has become one of the same if not worse than that which it stood against. First ranting against family member Melissa Castro then against Craig Grove and soon afterwards tried to dethrone Melissa Zamora. Then it got uglier with racist attacks on Yolanda Begum and now bringing fodder from the past against Luis Saenz with the latest being the attack at the BUC. All this because Erasmo doesn't get what he wants. Its sad seeing Cheezmeh implode. What is left of Cheezmeh is only about 20 of the same ranters that support him- the rest only click like and laugh at his silly posts day in and day out. These people need the Cheez, the smart ones have abandoned him. Adios Cheez, your credibility is gone forever. Please stay in Austin. The old Cheezmeh would have already gotten rid of you!

    1. So true. . . A lot of articulate, accomplished folks were working as a group before we even knew who Erasmo was; people like Wally Cisneros, Oso de Bourbon, Craig Grove, Sergio Zarate, Laura Miniel, Mary Helen Flores, Jim & Nena Barton, Manny Morales, Maggie Ozuna, Mary S. Rey, etc.

      After a few successes, Erasmo suddenly appeared to take the reins and credit for the work done. It was when he started imposing his will on the group that everything imploded. One by one he alienated adults accustomed to thinking for themselves.

      What Cheezmeh is selling to politicians now no longer exists; a group of articulate, hard-working people who can get you elected. That group is long gone. What candidates foolish enough to pay Cheezmeh now is a overweight couch potato in Austin and a middle-aged cheerleader in Los Fresnos, who takes a tiny entourage with her to restaurants and clubs, doling out Bud Lights and nacho plates.

    2. this is true. the brains of the operation bailed long ago. all they have left is linda's stapled stomach and weirdos.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. No city needs a watchdog group more than Brownsville, but when the so-called watchdog gets into bed with the Hernandez family, they lose all credibility. This dog is watching out for someone, but it's not the citizens of Brownsville.

    1. Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA) is precisely what the City needs. Long overdue. The New Cheezmeh website should start with a fresh name for their LOGO ... How about wearing a t-shirt that says GOT CHIONES ? Erasmo has reduced himself to a cry baby and will only delete your comments or block you if the truth hits him in the face.

    2. GOT CHIONES? genius. that is all they are.

  9. I have to credit the fire fighters union Brownsville Crossfire page as well as Mean Mr Brownsville for being professional in the delivery of information. There is much to be said for a page that will not block you or delete your comments when they are not in your favor or even abusive at times. I started off as a naysayer towards the fire fighters, but yhey have since earned my respect.

    1. i so agree, they are doing something for the community ..

  10. What happened to the Watchdog group? Brownsville Cheezmah is a few no buddies. Oh I forgot they helping find shampoo, lost dogs and humping Zeke…… Who the fuck is the person that is dressed in the cheep Kmart tent? Linda and Elmo do not even live in Brownsville why do they even care? $$$$$$

  11. What political office is this Erasmo running for? Who is he running against?

    1. he cant runn for crap he is a felon

  12. Yes Linda looks like a cheerleader. What's it like looking at your old indian?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Would you like to say that to my face Erasmo?

    2. SO? this is transphobia, read up on it before you start spewing hate.

  14. Nice try but the bill was paid in full. It has been seen by many. Zeke shut it down when he posted crap on the Brownsville Cheezmeh page about Saenz. He keeps posting stuff under fake profiles now because they threw him out. REAL GENIUS, there.

    1. So Zeke owes the money? Zeke, you owe Erasmo three thousand dollars. Pay up or fat boy kicks your ass!

    2. ya pay up fatty,, did you all not just make a fund raiser at ringal park .. where is the money what did you pay your bills??? pay what you owe dude... or ask the cheerleader to help you out and start making 10 percent while she gives it up for fee get something out of it..

    3. you know that brownsville cheezers had to write that .. how dumb of them..

  15. Zeke is a drunkard who cheats on his wife and thinks Saenz will continue to help him get his record clean to be able to vote. Zeke the Christian no more.

  16. It is horrible to attack a non-public figure like Zeke Silva, what are you trying to accomplish Cheezmeh? Wasn't your brother accused of being a child molestor? And you Linda? Isn't your whole family involved in a law suit for pretending to be lawyers and giving the wrong advise? All this people that lost their cases because a stupid ignorant woman handled their cases? And don't you believe in redemtion? If zeke got drunk and got a dwi and since then had stopped drinking, or Mr Saenz had an affair and since then his wife forgave him and is now a dedicated husband who are you to judge? Isn't it just as bad when you have affairs with married men? And isn't it just plain evil the way you behave with your own sister? And siding with a family that is the poster child of evilness and corruption like the Hernandezes, shows your true colors. A peice if advise, he who lives in a glass house shoud not throu rocks

    1. and linda sleeping around with married men, and picking them up at bars, and flashing your tits at them and giving them that 58 year old p***y.. yikes, i also hear she is a lesbian,, wow desperate times means for desperate messaures right linda.. money is all you see, what is the going rate,, maybe i can make 10 percent from you, why give it for free when you can make a little in the side and i can make a finders fee... and mr. zeek is a cool cat, he is always with his lovely wife and children, i had the pleasure of meeting him and his family they are a gem, and mr. saenz is also a cool cat, everyone makes mistakes and as we grow we fix them and i think he has.. but brownsville cheezmeh keeps making and stealing money and taking free this and free that,, they are lost souls

    2. i belive that i saw her once leaving with a boldy man at some over the hill club called ruschi ,, and the sad thing about it i know him and his wife,,,,, how low did he get to have slept with that so call over the hill cheerleader...

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Is it true that Zeke's parents live in housing while he lives in a big beautiful home? Why did he run to Brownsville PD to complain about a FB status? Brownsville men - macho!!! And their women... so talented. Painting frogs on a pot. Real Picazo there, man.

  19. It's funny. The only time ppl comment on your blog that no one reads is when you write about Brownsville Cheezmeh. No one reads your crap aside from the five regular readers. Erasmo is at church and I am commenting here because I'm bored. Too bad this is the only action your blog gets.

    1. ^ written by Erasmo

    2. erasmo maybe you should get you fat ass of the chair you sit in for 24 hours and get a job and do something with your life and. and stop posting the same shit over and over and over you are starting to sound like a record playing over and over, get a life and a real job, stop writting checks with no funds.. or like they have said tell the cheerleader to get to work and make the what is it 10 percent.. a little finders fee,, but then again you have all those girls in your fan club, they can work for you , all you see is your members at bars getting drunk, and leaving with diffent men all the time what a joke of a group..

  20. I'm neither here or there with your attacks of each other, but I am concerned about the endorsements from BUC. In order to be a crediable organization, you should give every candidate their chance to be heard and BUC did not. Some of the unions represented by BUC are now coming out publicly endorsing other candidates. Brownsville cheezemeh has been at many forums listening to the candidates and BUC made their endorsements way before anyone knew all who was running. Erasmo, Zeke, Jim, Rico, Montoya, Mchale, Craig, Marco, Bobby and other bloggers, though I'm a christian, I enjoy reading your posts, but lets be fair.

  21. Jim, if you and your Hippie wife are so concerned--why don't YOU run for office? OH!!!!!! I forgot-- the only things you over- the- hill hippies run for are a FREE TACO OR FREE BOOZE.

    1. well if jim is a hippy what is erasmo the god father.. hahaha and erasmo eating up the left overs from vermillion nachos and getting free meals and drinks at other people expese... hey if there are free tacos and booze sign me up,, i am so there.. jim i have your back.. your doing something good just sharing the truth about the fucked up so call clan of brownsville cheezmeh

    2. no only left overs at Vermillion, also the donuts, please don't forget the donuts dammit!!!

  22. Someone mentioned Melissa( the martyr)Castro. She uses cancer victims to make herself look good. She uses her children as pawns to make herself look good. She promotes the most outlandish eating habits to a region with high incidence of cancer,heart disease,diabetes etc. She must have great metabolism. Let us not forget that every middle aged woman needs a boytoy trophy by her side to make one feel special and loved. It may not be the first place trophy but well ALL trophies cost money.
    Half of the stuff on her FB page is written in Spanish by not too bright people.

    1. wow Erasmo and Linda Castro really do hate their sister. That is so sad.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Most Likely - It would be a solid wager in Vegas ...the odds are incredible.

  23. Say no to ONLINE POLITIQUERA say No to Brownsville Cheezmeh.... Where is your website? Can't sell your ass for more than a bucket of beer or nachos. Someone posted Erasmo having an indesecy with a child. Is that why he hides in Austin TX? He has no money and that is why he writes hot checks?

  24. Erasmo, Linda and Melissa Castro are All Family. Each exploting the Citizens of Brownsville, TX in their own way. They speak badly about each other to draw sympathy from people and all along they are laughing to the bank. They are all in it together. It was a well thought out plan. We tell the people we hate each other then ask for prayer for all of us and ask for money at the same time for different causes. Isn't their father a pastor of a church? Isn't Erasmo studying theology to use the Bible Against People? For people that come from Christian Faith they sure act like the Devil Themselves. Ask Erasmo or quote any verse in the Bible and Erasmo lights up like a skinny bitch in front of a chocolate store..They study the bible the same way the Devil does.. To use it against People. Hey Erasmo don't forget I'm your family and you screwed me as well. You need to stop Lieing to the People. Some Cousing you are. You left me on the street. With all the money you took when are you going to pay me????

    1. Which cousin are you? How much does Erasmo owe you? Did he give you a bad check or just not pay back a loan?

  25. Linda doesn't look like a cheerleader She Looks like an Old Tranvesti...

    1. your so true she looks like the fat bitch she used to be, and down inside she still cant get a man .. the question is. " is she a women or a man"

  26. I'm the cousin from the Southmost. Everytime I ask him for the money he tells me he has legal issues and needs to pay for attorneys then goes and cries to my Tias, I'm never getting a penny from him. When he comes he never tells anyone until he is here and then he won't answer my calls. he calls our family to see if I'm there so he could go visit them. if im ther he makes up an excuse that he will go later and circles the neighborhood to see if it is safe. no trae nada. Don't trust him...

  27. The talk of the town is that Brownsville Cheezmeh is so desperate to get Erin elected because if she gets elected she will direct All of the Notary Public Referals to Linda Castro Notary. If she becomes JP she will require that the victims be subjected to a list of notaries and of course who will be the most recommended on top of the list? You said it. No secret that they have other motives... not looking out for the best interest of the public but of themselves.

  28. Linda Castro is in danger of losing her notary public license. A real immigration lawyer has filed against her representing people she made promises to about immigration, legal residence and other matters beyond the scope of a notary.

  29. Notaries make a couple of bucks per transaction. You really think this is a conspiracy about being a notary? Wow. What are you smoking? Notice all the posts are on the stories about Brownsville Cheezmeh. No one comes here unless you write about Brownsville Cheezmeh. Go scarf down some free food at another function and quit pretending you're a writer. Go paint some frogs on a pot and pretend you're a painter.

  30. what the hell brownsville cheezmeh and the so call cheerleader linda are full of shit.. this clan is so full of them selfs . i dont know why they call it brownsville cheezmeh when the cheerleader linda lives in los fresnos, and the so call god father big cheez lives in austin texas.. what is wrong with that picture.. what they should do is stay in their community and right about how the cheerleader has illegal ladies stay in her home take care of her children while she is off being a teenbopper and sleeping around with married men and trying to get men who are taken, for her dieing affection,, lack of education.. and the so call members cant even vote the have felonys.. what is a former drug addict doing and writing and posting on there so call fan club brownsville cheezmeh, about politics and what is going on in the community.. what ever, and a cheerleader who goes out not even waring underware of a bra.. what lack of education.. the whole clam are freaks... poor people must feel that there are very important to brownsville cheezmeh all linda the cheerleader and her big cheez are using all of you,, they only talk nice to you when they need your help or need something from you.. so watch out.. the are the new faces of politiqueros.... while they pocket in money from candidates the lost souls of there members are gonna be holding up political signs and not get paid for that.. while the cheerleader and the god father are spending all this money .. hahaha how stupid are these followers... and why are the posting thing about brownsville, what the cheerleader should do is get los fresnos cheezmeh going so like that when she is out and about doing here dirty deeds, she has illegal ladies living in her home takinig care of her children while she is out and about,, then trying to get men to marry them for a fee... you call that honesty,, hell no.. and i here out from the grapevine that the godfather big cheez, is a former drug attict,, how true is that dont know... what has the world come to with people like that.... the cheerleader should act her age, how old is she 58 man she is a grown ass lady,, maybe it the viagra.... hahahahah.. who knows.. but its sick when someone post bad things about a candidate and all they are doing is making them selfs look bad,, all you here in the street is bad things about brownsville cheezmeh and how desperate they seem.. for money and free stuff,, get to work dont be stealing money from people and using it for your bills or for what ever give it back, i am so glad i am not apart a clan like that, to me brownsville cheezmeh is a fly that is flying on top of a pile of shit....

  31. is it true if erin wins, she promised the cheap cheerleader linda a job ..... we will see, how sad that that mrs, hernandez would go that far for some help.....i could imagin the cheerleader working with no bra and underwares.. hahahah.. what is the going rate??????/

  32. what they should make is shirts with linda dressed up as a cheerleader. with dollar signs on her eyes....

  33. why can't we just all get along people. cumbaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Erasmo and Lina don't seem to understand that people aren't upset at Zeke but at them. They are the ones that have lied to people and the politicians that paid them for Website Advertisement. It is obvious they kept the money paid to them for advertisement and All the Fund Raising they did. It has almost been a Month and no Website. Where is the money the collected? Any legitimate organization with a bit of integrity would have done everything in their power to keep their customers Happy but not them. Instead they blame everybody else for their GREED and Misuse of the money intended. They should be charged for Theft by Deception..They claim to be a PAC by the name of Brownsville Cheezmeh but where is their PAC Financial Report that they should have turned into the state? They are bunch of deceitful people who have posted funny posts and has drawn the curiousity of the people but now they feel they have the right to become OnLINE POLITIQUERAS... Why to get more free money from the people holding the politicians as extortionist to be able to get more money. How do they want to accomplish this... by telling people they have A LOT of LIKES AND FOLLOWERS and Long List of People waiting to come on board. They think they could brain wash peoples mind by telling people "If you don't like us then get the F**K off my page.Then just a few minutes later they write"The Cheeze is Depressed" So people could write We Love YOu Cheeze.. How Stupid is That??? Kind of like a wife beater that tells his wife "I'm the only one that has a paycheck and you should be grateful I feed you and if I beat you a few times Shut UP or Leave, but you leave with nothing but I love you that is why I beat the Shit out of You" . They speak with Hatred and Revenge on Everybody that doesnt agree with them. They are crazy and only care about themselves. They went from Watchdogs to ONLINE POLITIQUERAS. That is all that is in their hearts..MONEY,GREED AND POWER IS WHAT DRIVES Brownsville Cheezmeh Administrators Erasmo and Linda.

  35. They need to change their Logo from Brownsville Cheezmeh to Brownsville Chillones. They don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. If you can't take it then don't dish it. You seem to forget the real force behind Brownsville Chillones aka Brownsville Cheezmeh have left. You have turned on every one and you will turn on the ones you have now. Once this election is over you will have no more support from anyone. You kept the money of every person who trusted you for advertisement. The only idiot still beleiving in you is Carlos Masso. What a looser but what do you expect from an 8-liner Mouth Piece who has promised you to clean your Indency of a Child Record and the Hot checks expunged. Now you know the rest of the story. What about Erin??? You have thrown her under the bus as soon as the bad publicity was printed on the Brownsville Herald... Some friend you are? excuse me you have no idea how to be a friend more like a guru/cult leader....

  36. Mr. Barton, There is so much hate on this page and all because of politics. I pray that everyone come back to their senses once this election is over and our community will continue to thrive and prosper. I send good will to you and your lovely wife and ALL who read your reporting. God bless us ALL.

  37. This page is not about hate it is about Actual information. You seem to be confusing this page with Brownsville Cheezmeh the First Ever Online Politiqueras.... They are the ones lieing and posting hate messges calling everyone who doesn't agree with them fake accounts and telling them to get the F out of the page. Then turining around and apologing. This people (adminstrators) are crazy, lazy and don't have any job or nothing else to do but to be online all day injecting venom into our community. If you want to thrive for this community then ask them to stop attacking poor Jim and Nena. They are not responsilbe for Erasmo and Linda lack of respect for people and the privacy of the people. They like to throw rocks but when the rock is thrown back at them they cry like babies (chillones) they are. Peace and God Bless us All and Protect us.

    1. Satan keeps rearing his ugly head among us.
      Forgive them Jesus for they know not what they say. We are souls inhabiting a human body and everything we wish upon others will come back twice fold to us or anyone that looks in the same mirror.
      Let us choose our words carefully before we utter them against ANYONE. Let us not know what the word enemy means and let us try to have a complete heart and not one full of holes. I ask this in the name of JESUS. AMEN

      Have a beautiful day and a wonderful life because you deserve it. Blessings.

    2. Yes we are ALL God's children and equal. We ALL try to do what is good in this short journey. We must be tolerant and respectful of everyone. I wish the best for the Castro family. I wish their enemies would be blessed with loving hearts and stop this attack on them. There is too much hate which burns holes in our hearts and makes us bitter and sick.

  38. Omg!! This is all so jealous and hate filled!!! I heard about this , but didnt believe it. A bunch of lonely , angry evil people!! You know Linda is beautiful. And Cheezmeh does alot of good. But If cheeze doesnt support someone, THAT person is going to attack back. This is a hateful ugly blog, that serves no purpose but to backstab and hate. I cant wait for The cheezmeh page to be up then youll read something worth reading. Seriously, you all are a handful of hateful people!! How can over 5,000 cheezmeh fans be ALL wrong????? And only a handful of shirts??? Who cares how many shirts are out there> Thats so stupid!! Linda doesnt even have a boyfriend!! I know her personally, She always has or kids or is doing something with them or for them!!!!! What are you mad about> That she looks good in a tight outfit? And Erasmo,would you like him more if he was a size 32? Talk about descrimination and hate!! You all talk about the Hernandez family about stuff youve HEARD or READ!! Research forst and dont be a follower, Hot checks? omg! Weve all written them. and just because someone has been ACCUSED of something does not make it true!!! This is all SICK. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I will not post anonymously!!! RACHELLE ARELLANO !!!!!!!

    1. hahaha. you obviously don't know these people. the whole Castro family is screwed up, im suprised they havent ended up in jail yet. well maybe someday they'll finally catch "jason" erasmo castro, and give him more than a slap on the wrist. He is a fraud, not to mention child molester/rapist. all of those notaries, websites, and whatever else they are in have under them are falsely owned and used to scam people. ive known this family for many years, everyone has a right to speak of them this way because they are exactly how these commenters think of them. so if you think linda and erasmo are such good people than you are probably just like them, fraudulent, money drawn, and just plain stupid.

  39. i don't know about cheezmeh and their politics, but i am getting tired of poeple saying that some people can't have an opinion about the goings on in Brownsville because they live in Los Fresnos or Rancho Viejo. guess what people. Los Fresnos and Rancho are surrounded by Brownsville, and just cuz they don't pay their city taxes to Brownsville, they pay taxes to the rest of the entities that we do, beit the port, the college or the drainage district. they are brownsville suburbs and they are entitled to an opinion.

  40. RIP Brownsville Cheezmeh. They came, they stired up trouble, then fell apart in less than one year. Perhaps Austin will prove more fruitful.

  41. you guys all sound horrible, selfish, disrespectful, ignorant and unconstitutional. You should all be ashamed for your nasty comments for or against!




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