Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tad Hasse's Barely Legal Fabulous Casino Night At the Days Inn Announced

Tad Hasse, candidate for TSC Trustee, Place 6, wants his supporters to have fun at Tad Hasse's Fabulous Casino Night scheduled April 10 from 6:30 till 10:30 pm at the Days Inn. Any funds raised for his campaign will be merely incidental to the planned evening of decadence, including catered food and gaming hosts attired as French maids.

Tad's exact words about the attire of his "girls':

"I am asking the ladies to decide (which may be like herding cats) but a consensus will come and some really cute costuming on some of the area's prettiest girls should make the event fun. I think more people will be taking pictures with the girls than with me!"

Tad will limit his substantive political speech to 270 words, the precise number of words Lincoln used in his Gettysburg address.

"A Splendid Time Is Guaranteed For All"


  1. I don't know if I can do exactly 270 words, but it will be a very short speech. I hate to be bored and I won't do that to others, if I can help it. The object is to have fun and I don't want to interrupt the frivolity any more than necessary.The event night is also my birthday. As everyone knows, this is my campaign fundraiser. Got to pay for the cool bumper stickers and such somehow. I probably spoke more here than I plan to do on April 10th. Please come and show your support and have a really good time!

  2. Mr. Hasse used 104 words in his explanation above. He still has 166 words left for his casino party April 10.

