Thursday, February 23, 2012

Republican Santorum Has No Sympathy for the Devil

by Jim Barton on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 11:21pm ·

      They may not be the most cerebral flock of candidates, but the Republican presidential hopefuls do make headlines.  The latest was Rick Santorum's regurgitated speech singling out Satan the Devil as a serious threat to America.  The remarks brought back some lingering questions I've carried around for some time about the Great Adversary.   Fortunately, at the Sombrero Fest, we ran into someone expert in all things Satan, Doc Scully of the Doc Scully Blues Band.
     Scully was gracious enough to submit to an interview in the hot February sun.  "Mr.Scully. . ."   "No, Doc is fine."  "Ok then, Doc.  First of all, do you think Santorum's characterization of Satan is fair?"
     Doc tossed his empty taco plate into the recycling barrel and briefly pondered his response.  "Let's just say that Satan is misunderstood.  He's essentially a businessman.  He bends a few rules not unlike Ernie Hernandez, but he's not out to hurt people."
     "Where did you two first meet, if I may ask?"
     "Well, this may surprise you," Doc began, "but in high school I was just an average musician.   No one would have seen standing ovations at the Crescent Moon in my future.  But I took matters into my own hands, drove to Memphis, turning south on Highway 61.  It was eerie passing all those antebellum houses with their slave quarters in back, but I kept going, thinking about the Freedom Riders and the slain Medgar Evers.  I didn't stop till I got out of my car at the crossroads with Hwy 49.  That was where I first saw Lucifer."
      "What did he say to you?" I asked.  "No, I spoke up first.  Even as a kid, I wasn't shy.  I told him I wanted world class skills in two things in exchange for my soul.  Music was my first request.  The other skill?  Well, let's just say I hear no complaints, "  Doc said with a devilish grin.  "The curious thing is if he'd done a simple background check, he'd would have known my soul was in the bag, but this cherubic face fooled him."
     "Well," I started, my curiosity aroused, "what about original sin and Satan tempting the first Barbie and Ken in the Garden?  Is the devil not guilty of ruining things for planet Earth?"   "Look", Scully started.  "All Satan did was ask a rhetorical questiion, a viewpoint question.  He simply asked "Is it really true you guys are not allowed to pick any fruit?  He never dreamed Eve would go all crazy and eat forbidden fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.  We all know God said that was off limits.  I mean they were his trees.  Geez!  Look, it's just like when Mitt Romney asks:  "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"  He's just planting a thought.  He doesn't think you're foolish enough to go off and vote for him."

     "Of course, all that misunderstanding was patched up milleniums ago.  Now, Satan is one of God's most trusted employees.  God judges.  Satan is in charge of punishment and confinement.  I know in the old movies he's depicted with a pitch fork to throw combustibles on the fire, but Carrier installed climate control back in the 60's.  He can turn up the heat with the twist of a dial."

     "So all of this rhetoric about Satan being America's greatest threat is hogwash?" I asked.  "Not exactly," Doc continued.  "Satan is sitting on a veritable treasure chest of fossil fuels, not to mention geothermal.  The only way the United States can achieve energy independence is if the Shining One turns loose of all that energy and shuts Hell down."

"Wow!  I never knew!"  "Yeah, and for some of us, there would be an added side benefit,"  Doc added before walking off.


  1. Discussing the Devil with McHale is like discussing sex with Hugh Hefner. You only get one side, and it is always the fawning side. I mean, he's at Sombrero Fest without a hat! Bet here is that McHale would serve Satan as spokesman if he ever got the chance.

    - Him

  2. Going to Scully to discuss the devil's role in society is like going to a priest to address God. The devil is a force because he, like Obama, offers everything and requires no responsibility....sort of like Cameron County Democrats. America is failing because citizens like the idea of having lots of "stuff" without working for it or having any responsibility for their actions. Santorum may not be the brightest bulb in the presidential campaign, but he surely recognizes some of the problems we have. Individual rights is important, but individual responsibility is key to keeping good order in a free society.

  3. To Anonymous 9:42 a.m.:...Your careless diatribe ignores the fact that the larger portion of welfare entitlements go to senior citizens and children. In there, as well, are a litany of farm and ranch subsidies that put food stamps to shame. Our farmers and ranchers are paid by the government to NOT grow crops or funnel animals to the slaughterhouse. Look into it, lad, before you go running our mouth like some uneducated sap. By the way, these same "farm & ranch" entitlements have been protected by Republican presidents, fromNixon to Reagan to the Bushes. You remember that news factoid about Michele Obama, a laughble presidential candidate, getting in excess of $250,000 in farm subsidies, don't you. That was an annual government check she got, Bubba. And she wasn't working the land...wasn't working the land...wasn't working the land...


    1. That, of course, should have read "Michele Bachmann," and not Mrs. Obama, who is a shining light for American kids. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, have done very well with government checks. But you'd never hear it from these insipid Republicans...


  4. Quit fucking with me and invoking my name in jest and humor you old bald farts, otherwise I may cancel my appointment in Samarra and come down to Charro Days and fuck you up. I'll dress up as a barmaid from Honduras so you can pick me up and I'll give you the crabs! McHale knows me well. Remember when you wanted to revive that miserable floppy skin you call a dick and took that Chinese viagra? Yeah, that's right, you remember. "Oh I'm dying, oh I'm dying!" you whimpering idiot. Keep fucking with the Devil and you get the horns. "Lucius!" Oh shit, gotta go, the ole lady's got supper ready. Lay off Lucifer, and get a life ya bunch of spineless freeloaders!
    Sincerely, El Diablo

  5. Diablo was the Cisco Kid's horse.
    But it's funny that you, another boisterous border Chicanoe, pick that as your moniker here. El Diablo? El Naguas maybe!

    - Him

  6. Jim, what a wonderful contribution to journalistic effort in Brownsville ... NOT!

    1. Oh, go suck my horse, you infidel! If you're not bitching you're no breathing. Why don't you go scrub your mother's back or help your Old Man with today's profanity?

  7. According to the Herald, UTB has the vast majority of students wanting to go there over TSC based on the virtual separation. Adela Garza should have done an analysis or done her due diligence before voting to end the partnership.
