Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quintanilla Wins!!!! Children Lose!!!! BISD Board Dismisses Lawsuit Against HealthSmart


by Jim Barton on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 8:49pm

     Once an audit showed that HealthSmart had overcharged the school district $14,300,000 over a two year period, BISD rightfully filed suit against the company.   Ted Parker, HealthSmart's owner at the time does not take kindly to suits.  Many feel that, just had he had done in the matter of the City of Lubbock vs. HealthSmart, he dispatched Carlos Quintanilla to adjust the playing field.  Carlos was soon working visibly and behind the scenes to change decision makers at BISD.  He was instrumental, along with Patrick Lehmann, Ben Neece, Art Rendon, Juan Montoya and others in forming the DefeatZayasCortezPower PAC to alter the makeup of the board.
     The Mary S. Rey deposition portrays Quintanilla as manipulating certain administrative changes as well:  Springston out, Montoya in as superintendent, Fuller replaced as Chief Financial Officer, etc.  All of this has been detailed in earlier blogs.  Carlos Quintanilla has won!  The children of BISD have lost!
     How many teacher salaries could have been paid with $14,000,000?  How many special needs children could have been served more effectively?  It's a sad, sad day for Brownsville. 


  1. And all of the Judas' get thier 30 pieces of Sliver.
    Just as Judas betrayed Jesus, the Board Majority has betrayed the Children of BISD.
    With that said, the only thing really Biblical about this entire mess is the audacity of the Board Majority.

    Just Pathetic!

  2. It looks like now we have to play the waiting game and see which one of the four gets arrested first. I assume it's going to be a good Christmas for the majority four. Compliments of Mr. Quitanilla. Maybe now Press will be able to make a payment on her cadillac and "Dr" Escobedo can catch up his much over bills

  3. Do not get discouraged guys! Keep up the good work. This is not over, you'll see

  4. So, now Quintanilla should be able to keep his home? Does any one knows how much his pay off will be if they dissmised the so much waited for BISD v Healthsmart Lawsuit?

  5. I million divided by 5 (Q, Cata, Luci, Enrique, and Christina) is alot mula$$

  6. Thse people are by far the worse board we have ever had.

  7. I am not surprised that Cata gave up her seat as Board President, now that the HealthSmart law suit has been dropped, Hector and Rendon have been paid off, her work is pretty much done.

  8. And the most corrupt one too!! When I voted for one of them (female) she told me she was gonna make a change...yeah right! What she did is to chage from their pockets, to her purse and bank account.

  9. What a desverguenza de cabrones, pos no que my honestos? honestos de que? NOS ESTAN ROBANDO A TODOS PERO MAS A NUESTROS ESTUDIANTES Y MAESTROS.
    Ojala y el publico se ponga trucha y los refundan en el bote a lo$4 y al guy que los esta dirijiendo el grasosos que nunca se cambia, siempre trae la misma ropa puesta y segun el nos iba a ayudar with the special ed children...si como no....se quiere ayudar el, no a nosotros.

  10. i wonder how much quintanilla got paid to do what he did. What a scumbag

  11. Don't give up hope yet. If judge Ben Euresti is allowed to protect the children, town, and his school district; this may not be a done deal. I have to assume he reads the blogs and has seen and read the evidence that was used to calculate the fraud by Healthsmart on BISD. I may be wrong, but if a judge is aware that a party in a suit is commiting fraud, he can move the suit forward! We will find out on the 12th of December.

  12. As far as I am concerned this group had a plan since the very begining, just go back and look at the Dec 8, 2009 BISD board meeting. Hector "el ganzo" Gonzalez specifically told them "This is not going away, I am not going away"
    Now, they all been paid off......

  13. Catalina removed herself because she's too stupid, she will never be able to construct a grammatically correct sentence.

  14. I absolutely concur with the post of Dec 8 @ 5:53 PM

  15. Please, keep your indifferences to yourselves!

  16. Hey did anyone notice the plaques that the board officers received? If the majority 4 are not meeting prior to the board meeting, how did they know to get the plaques for all the out going officers ready for that night. And do not say that the reorganizing calls for all positions for be re-elected. How did they know that they would not have any of the minority 3 serve as a board officer. How convenient for the majority 4 to hold all the board officer slots. It is obvious that they are calling each other before the meetings and getting on the same page with their votes. What can we do??????????????

  17. They have done that ALL THE TIME, I know I been there....L am just afraid to lose my job.

  18. to the Dec 8, @ 2:37 PM

    Do you know if there was a ruling yesterday? Is the lawsuit moving forward?

  19. These people are soooo stupid! They do not realize they are being watched by people who did go to school and graduated. People who hold REAL degrees. OMG!

  20. Does anyone knows yesterday's rulings

  21. OMG! These people (trustees) are horrible!

  22. Still support the lady who did the deposition, is not over.....yet.

  23. We'll see....It's not over till the fat lady sings, and I haven't

  24. I heard the pay off for the dismissal of the lawsuit BISD v Healthsmart was 1 million divided by five.

  25. Poor children! For these guys to use children as pawns, they have got to be the worse scumbags! Hope our next DA will investigate and prosecute them all.

  26. Wow! I did not know all of this caca doo doo was happening.

  27. Poor BISD children.....So they did dismiss it hu?? Big payoff here, for the four trustees, who made it happen, and the Dallas guy.....Who knows, probably Lehman too!
    What a bunch of scumbags these trustees are!

  28. So these trustees are getting kickbacks? Talking about a case of the pot calling the kettle black!
    I thought I had voted for a change...Sad!

  29. "Quintanilla wins"

    Quintanilla WON!!! lol lol lol lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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