Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"We need Sylvia Atkinson to do the dirty work!" states Catalina Presas-Garcia


by Jim Barton on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 7:17pm

A few observations based on the Novermber 7, 2011 deposition by Mary S. Rey:
     After Springston was fired as superintendent of BISD, some on the board clamored for Sylvia Atkinson to be named superintendant.  The topic came up at a meeting at Mary Rey's house including Quintanilla, Presas-Garcia, Rey, Longoria and Miller.  Luci Longoria was not on board, feeling Atkinson would be difficult to work with.  "Still, we need Sylvia Atkinson here to do the dirty work,"  stated Presas-Garcia.  The board settled on Carl Montoya who became simply a "pawn in their game."  Soon Atkinson would be brought in as Human Resources Director.
     Mary Rey has hours of recorded conversations  between her and Quintanilla, her and Presas-Garcia.  Nena and I listened to them Monday night.  The recordings make it clear that Quintanilla has undue influence on the board, calling many shots, prompting Rey to ask Presas-Garcia:  "Why is he here?  Why do you listen to him?  You need to distance yourself from him!"  Presas-Garcia's response is "Why can't we all get along?"  Actually, I had first heard the threat from Quintanilla to rally support against her son in the lobby of the Amigoland Event Center for Pat Ahumada's Town Forum.
     Of interest is also a phone conversation Mary overheard at her home between Quintanilla and Luci Longoria trying to get Longoria to support the firing of Springston.  Ms. Rey heard angry words, then Quintanilla's words "You bitch!" to Luci Longoria.  Ms. Rey said she went over to Quintanilla at that point: "Is everything OK??"  "This woman just isn't coming through,"  Quintanilla responded, referring to Luci Longoria.  . . . . . . .
     Then, there is the whole matter of the DefeatZayasCortezPowers PAC or Political Action Committee.  It's instructive that Quintanilla and his cohorts wanted Mary S. Rey to be the President of the PAC, although she has no political experience.  In retrospect, Mary now thinks that may have been EXACTLY why they wanted her, her inexperience, along with her clean criminal record.  The group that greeted her at VSOT, Lehman''s Central Blvd. "office" included Carlos Quintanilla, Pat Lehmann, Argelia Miller and Ben Neece.  Read into that collective what you will.  With Nena and I being away from Brownsville for so many years, we've only recently become acquainted with these folks.  I've had only one interaction with Pat Lehmann, who I personally pegged as a con artist within a minute or so of my our introduction.  He sells Chinese made scooters which can be purchased new on the internet for half of what he charges.  My nephew was enamored with one and despite my recommendation otherwise, purchased one from Lehmann.  Within a few weeks, the hideously contructed motorbike was self-destructing.  Parts were falling off.  The transmission seized, etc.  My nephew pushed the scooter back to Lehmann's place of business, trying to get Lehmann to honor the warranty.  He initially refused.  The nephew called my son, who called me.  We went down to see Lehmann and were successful with some gentle persuasion to get the warranty honored.  The scooter lasted another month or so.
     This deposition will be carefully scrutinized as will subsequent sessions with Mary S. Rey.  Mary has done our community a great service.  There seems to be a core of corruption here that needs to surgically removed from BISD.  This courageous step by Mary to come forward is a start.


  1. You said: "With Nena and I being away from Brownsville for so many years, we've only recently become acquainted with these folks."
    There are a few other "local" folks you should distance yourselves from, like McHale.

  2. "You said: "With Nena and I being away from Brownsville for so many years, we've only recently become acquainted with these folks."
    There are a few other "local" folks you should distance yourselves from, like McHale."

    Perhaps the anonymous poster would like to elaborate on the above comment.


  3. I'll bend your ear sometime, in person.

  4. In case nobody noticed, it is fast becoming the Atkinson ISD over there. If Powers (married to an Atkinson) gets back in we might as well start ordering the new stationary.

  5. Also brother Charlie getting a coaching position at Vela Middle School while there are a lot of teachers waiting in the pool!

  6. Not surprise this is happening let's face facts THEY ARE ALL DEMOCRATS=CULTURE OF CORRUPTION!!

  7. One thing comes to mind. How weak is Sylvia Atkinson really. To coin a phrase Carlos Quintinilla stated about Mary Rey. Sylvia Atkinson is being used "like a cheap mule" by Caty Presas-Garcia. I guess Sylvia likes being used

  8. Quintanilla calls Mary Rey a "cheap mule", but this "chap mule" has all of these people shiiting on their pants, all one has to do is see last night's meeting where Cata never denies any part of the deposition, and Lucy threatens Colunga with some tapes...WOW!
    I guess the "cheap mule" kicked them all in the groin area ...did she not???

  9. I hope that at some point Dr A also kicks... if in fact she's been used by Cata as a "cheap mule" Wake up Dr A. they are using you too!!
    The lady in the deposition says exactly what Cata and Quintanilla said, it also specifies that Lucy did not want you since the very beginning....

  10. Some good video clips of sylvia atkinson:


  11. Dr. Atkinson is a very intellingent woman. She knows she is being used at the moment, but if it serves her purpose to control BISD....You guys think she'll mind? Who knows maybe they need to keep her close by in case muppet Carl Montoya decides to wake up and not take Cata, and convicted felon Quintanilla's orders anymore.

  12. Sylvia Atkinson is a very intelligent woman. She was/is aware Carl Montoya was being placed "AS A FACE ONLY" as this was discussed the night we ALL had a post victory party for Christina Saavedra, at Antonio's Rest.
    That night, Quintanilla was there too.

  13. Wow!! why is this guy here, who called him, he's not even from here???

  14. Let's keep on working on bringing these guys to justice.

  15. can you please chane your start page to the most recent article? I'm really tired of looking at that ugly dyke.

  16. It must be on your end. My computer, phone, laptop all show the current article.


  17. Maybe you bookmarked the page on that article.


  18. Thanks, fixed it. Now it opens to that retrobate MaHale, and that is an improvement!



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