Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mr. Amigo Association Selects Mr. Amigo 2012


by Jim Barton on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 7:02pm

Jerry Mchale, Mr. Amigo 2012

     In a news conference today in the lobby of the Colonial Hotel, the Mr. Amigo Association announced their selection of Jerry Mchale as Mr. Amigo 2012.   Mchale, a local educator, historian, musician and blogger is a departure from previous selections who have all been Mexican Nationals.
     "California's acquisition by the United States under the terms of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo following the defeat of Mexico in the Mexican-American War does not nullify the fact that Mr. Mchale was technically born in Mexico.  His birth a couple of years after the treaty was signed is not a disqualification", stated Michael Garza, the former president of the Charro Days festival.
     "The selection was a no-brainer" opined Ramiro Gonzalez, ramrod for downtown revitalization.  No one has done more for downtown Brownsville than Mr. Mchale.  I can't wait for him to lead the gritos."
     Channel 5 reporter Will Ripley shoved a microphone at Mayor Tony Martinez, who was grinning from ear to ear as he left the Colonial.  "If not Jerry, than who?" was the quick comment from Martinez.
     The Mr. Amigo Association issued this brief statement:  "Our vision is to celebrate the shared culture, friendship and family of Brownsville and Matamoros, to enjoy and promote the traditions and history of our two cities and countries.  Mr. Mchale embodies that spirit, not only as an outspoken advocate of our region, but as a role model for our young."


  1. Will Ripley isn't at Channel 5 anymore. At least when Jerry makes up shit, it's believable.

  2. I thought It was Captain Kangaroo.

  3. "Will Ripley isn't at Channel 5 anymore. At least when Jerry makes up shit, it's believable."

    Thanks Erin. So, other than that you found the story believable?


  4. "Thanks Erin. So, other than that you found the story believable?"

    Hardy-har-har don't make me bust a gut, Sherlock. No, Jim, two completely different thoughts hence the two different sentences. Where did you get the picture? Give credit where credit is due, Jim.

  5. Source the picture Jimbo. A credible pseudoblogger would give credit.

  6. "A credible pseudoblogger would give credit." Credible pseudoblogger. Wouldn't that be an oxymoron?


  7. Racists are not eligible!

  8. anon 11/7/11@9:49

    "...Racists are not eligible!" IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Not an oxymoron, just furthers the opinion that you are beneath the lowest of the low bloggers. Where did you get the picture, Jim? Whose work did you take without a footnote?

  10. For the record, Eddie Hernandez, Ernie Hernandez's younger brother, took the photo after I had just returned from working on a friend's cattle ranch near San Fernando. I had been riding and roping for two weeks. The picture is five years old. Many new restaurants and bars are hanging this portrait of me instead of Pancho Villa for good luck.

  11. Even though Jerry is full of shit, at least his shit is believable. It smells like roses too if the minuteman visitors of the Cameron Hotel are to be believed. They have been known to embelish things every now and then. You could learn a lot from Jerry Jim.

  12. Jim can never complete with Cheez and Jerry. At least they aren't Yolanda Begum's mouthpiece.

  13. "Jim can never complete with Cheez.."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,. Dang, I've never laughed so hard. The Cheez bungholes, heh? They are aptly named, as they are just a bunch(?) of stinking, unwashed sweaty ass smelling politically relevant wannabes.

  14. ""A credible pseudoblogger would give credit." Credible pseudoblogger. Wouldn't that be an oxymoron?"

    No, Jim, you are without a doubt a failed ass-piring almost wannabe faux pseudoblogger and a non-credible one to boot.

  15. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,. Dang, I've never laughed so hard. The Cheez bungholes, heh? They are aptly named, as they are just a bunch(?) of stinking, unwashed sweaty ass smelling politically relevant wannabes."

    stinking, unwashed sweaty ass smelling politically relevant wannabes, don't put your money on it, you would lose.

  16. No need for cheezmeh hate. The organization has sort of died a slow death. It was sort of a failed idea anyway. Erasmo can't run Brownsville from Austin, nor Linda from Los Fresnos. Melissa is the queen of Brownsville.

  17. just saw this mean mister. I think a lot of the stupid comments are from Erasmo castro, the brother of Linda. He is a 400 pound pendejo from Austin. Don't pay him no mind. no one else does



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...