Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carlos Quintanilla, A Victim of Unwarranted Attacks?

 It's helpful to get familiar with the style, the techniques of con artist, flim flam man, convicted RICO racketeer Carlos Quintanilla.  The article below is his feeble attempt to counter our posting of documents detailing some of his financial and legal difficulties.  Actually, his problems are his problems.  They only concern us if it raises his crescendo of desperation to manipulate BISD trustees with respect to the Healthsmart lawsuit.  Our hope is that the trustees act in the best interest of the Cameron County taxpayers, not some convicted racketeer from Dallas who may or may not be working for a healthy commission with respect to the lawsuit. 
      In any event, we wish Mr. Quintanilla's children a wonderful Thanksgiving, regardless of which parent they spend the holiday with or the pre-cooked weight of the turkey. 


BTW. . . . . . .Nena and I are not members of the Tea Party or any other political party. 

The story below is reposted from Juan Montoya's "El Rrun Rrun" blog. 


By Carlos Quintanilla
My friends, my life has been a public record for many many years.
I have fought against monsters and demons and sometimes they get the better of you. I just wanted you to know that I am well, my home is not in danger of being lost, it is in the midst of a very unexpected political fight. I was not able to put two and two together until Jim Barton, (who is proud carrying member of the Tea Party and who has launched a very hateful campaign against me) published it on his blog.
He posted it just because I am who I am.
Read the story, since it has gone on the world wide web, look at the conicidences, question the questions, read the PDF file and my lawsuit and know that we are in for the political fight of our lives, it will not be easy. but we will prevail.
My Children are well and looking forward to cooking that 23 pound Turkey.
Peace be with you. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Carlos.  I want to give you an opportunity to prove that you're not a liar.  I'm inviting you to be a guest columnist for "Mean Mister Brownsville". 

Please prove some of your assertions by providing:

1.  Proof that you made the three trial payments to qualify for a HAMP mortgage.

2.  Provide a Release of Federal Tax Lien document for your home at 421 S. Dwight, Dallas, TX

3.  Provide a copy of the lease you say you have with either Maria Perez or Mary S. Rey for 1205 S. St. Charles, Brownsville, TX

4.  Any evidence that I, Jim Barton, am a member of the Tea Party and the cousin of Rep. Joe Barton

This should be an easy assignment, unless you're lying.



  1. BS from a BS artist

  2. It's called desperation.
    He can place as many pictures as he wants, that only re-inforces what the lady said on her deposition....He used her, and Argelia Miller!

    Mrs Miller needs to stop being afraid of him, and come clean, and by doing so she will be helping Brownsville children.

  3. Jim, you are as pathetic as Carlos.

  4. "Jim, you are as pathetic as Carlos."

    Please elaborate.


  5. Jim, just keep up the great job you are doing!

    Brownsville really needs you.

  6. Argelia Miller, and Mary Rey, did nothing wrong. Their good hearts and names were used by convicted felon Carlos Quintanilla, (at the time) Board member Catalina Presas-Garcia, (at the time) candidate Luci Longoria, (at the time) candidate Christina Saavedra, (at the time Board member/candidate Enrique Escobedo, ex Administrator Art Rendon, and ex Board member Pat Lehman.
    Can any of the above mentioned persons come out and refute Mary Rey's statements? I think not..

  7. How much more stupid can you be man?
    Carlos, you just corroborated what this lady Mary Rey is been saying all along. Think Carlos, think. You already got ALL OF US into this fucking mess, and the more you speak /write, the deeper you dig a shit hole for ALLO US.
    Enough Carlos, enough!

  8. "How much more stupid can you be man?"
    This post sure sounds like what Luci and/or Catalina would say to Quintanilla....
    I hope Mary and Ms Miller sues the sh...t out of them in their official capacity, as well as on a personal level.
    I hope Ms Miller would come clean. She's a veteran she knows what they did wrong to her and Mary, but most of all to OUR CHILDREN AND TEACHERS.

  9. Do these people really think they are going to be able to recover after being exposed for who they are? I don't think so.

    This lady Mary Rey did a GREAT JOB, and for that, Brownsville taxpayers are indebted to her. THANK YOU, MS MARY!

    The expossure is been done...The public now knows these Board Majority was entangled with a convicted racketeer who scamed a company out of seven hundred thousand dollars, and who now seems to think it was ok??? Furthermore, this convicted felon has a vested interest in DISSMISING THE BISD v HEALTHSMART LAWSUIT?

  10. why do you keep deleting posts that ask about Ben Neece? He's mentioned by Mary Rey. Why are you protection Ben Neece?


  11. Jim does NOT delete any posts, you may be confusing him with Juan Montoya.

    I know for a fact that if any person speaks the truth about that Q. guy, or the current Board Majority, the comments never appear on the rrun rrun, but I can assure you this is not the case with this blog. If you go to the article "Quintanilla's Problems Compounded-IRS Tax Lien" you will find that Jim himself, aludes to Ben Neece in this, and many others.

    So please, don't even try to go that route....

  12. No wonder why Jerry called him flim flam...he he he.
    This character is hilariou!

  13. Deleting?? Jim does not delete anything. Are you sure you are not confusing him with another blogger?

  14. Jim is as full of shit as are all of his geriatric numb-nut "readers"

  15. Now where did I recently see that claim of deleted posts? hmmmmm....

  16. Instead of saying Jim is full of Quintanilla why not post the document wherein the IRS released the lean, the Mary Rey lease, proof that he did not settle the Voz suit. On the Voz suit I am certain at the mediation which occurred just days before the joint notice of dismissal Q. provided the attorney with the radio station evidence of his massive IRS lien, and the fact he was facing foreclosure whereupon the lawyer told his client that if they secured a judgment they would have to get in line behind the IRS and that at this time his client was just wasting his time trying to sue Q. Based on this simple reality the owners of the radio stationed dropped the lawsuit.

    The other option is we believe Q, who has lied under oath in the past. His counter lawsuit was a tirade against the religious community for renting time on the same radio station also trying to raise money and that because of the greedy little religious community he could not raise enough money to keep the con going.

  17. This is my second post. It was too big for one post.

    I am very confused on his foreclosure. he says he has paid all of this money, but fails to use the checks as exhibits. He did use one check but it certainly does not ad up to $22,000,00 such as he claims. I bet that is what he paid before he stopped paying the mortgage in 2007.

    I went to the Dallas County Court house on Wednesday and his house was not listed as being subject to foreclosure in December. I guess the mortgage company chose to not put it on the December list until after the hearing. This means the next foreclosure date is January 3, 2012.

    I do not understand how he gets an injunction against the November foreclosure when it is already almost December and it is not even on the list for December.

    When I read his lawsuit it seems he has a very poor sense of reality. How long have you people in Brownsville been dealing with the jive turkey?

    Mortgage companies buy and sell mortgages every day without notifitying the homeowners.

    I have no idea what the judge will do in his case on Monday. The courts in Dallas favor TRO's in foreclosure cases until they have time to insure all the rules were followed. This means he may get his TRO if he has a case.

    I do not see a case. In part he is claiming that NTex is violating the mediated settlement agreement with the previous mortgage company. If you check the file the record clearly shows that the mediated agreement was to allow Quintanilla to apply for a loan under the Home Affordable Modification Program. The record also shows that after Quintanilla qualified for the loan he failed to make the three trial payments and he was denied use of the program.

    His claims contradict court documents. If the trial judge does her job she will hold him in contempt and refer him for aggravated perjury.

    The entire lawsuit is bizarre. He claims they enriched themselves by adding in over $200,000.00 to the original note. Every mortgage adds in interest, fees, taxes etc. By his won admission he lived in the house for free from some time in 2007 until April of 2011. He seems to be claiming it is illegal for the bank to continue to charge interest for those some 5 years. At an interest rate of 7% interest could easily grow to $162,000.00 in 5 years. He also claims they cannot tack on the property taxes they paid for him. He also claims they cannot charge late fees. It is really bizarre.

    I do not know about this Fly Frontera deal but it seems when he was trying to pull this con on Brownsville he must have promised NTex that he would pay once he was paid by the owners of Fly Frontera.

    If you look at his documents, Exhibit E, he admits to being behind and not paying for years. Nonetheless this mortgage company gave him a great deal. If he agreed to pay some $40,000.00 over three months they would start him anew with a 6% interest rate. They also greed to drop he note to $325,000.00.

    Quintanilla in his own pleadings states that he has only paid $22,000.00 on the note. He does not state when. He only attaches a check for $2,900.00. But even if he has paid $22,000 in 2011, that is $18,000 short of the $40,000 he agreed to pay in April and June of 2011.

    I do not see how this guy gets anything, especially once the lawyer shows he lied about the mediation agreement and the fact he failed to make the payments under HAMP.

    Jim I will send you the document about the failed HAMP and the terms of mediation.

  18. November 26, 2011 7:32 AM

    Bobby is trying so hard to stay relevant without signing his name. It might be a trick to avoid being called vexatious. Very bizarre.

  19. "Bobby is trying so hard to stay relevant without signing his name. It might be a trick to avoid being called vexatious. Very bizarre."

    And your name?


  20. So now the guy who supposed to be in London is fact checking out Quintanilla and finds that the home is not in foreclosure as Quintanilla stated and that there are some very serious questions being raised by Quintanilla.

    Sounds like Bobby Wightman Cevantes and Jim and Joe Barton. We hear Google put an end to Bobby Wightman Cervantes can't blog under Brownsville Voice.

    Wait for Quintanilla to post the dismissal of the bogus bounced check lawsuit that BWC posted all over his blog and then wait until Quintanilla's lien is removed due to his filing of Income tax that was erroneously taxed by IRS, resulted froma settlement Quintanilla got when they tried to steal his business and you will all look like idiots. So far I see that NO FORECLOSURE for December whats up. Maybe an illegal foreclosure and Quintanilla was right.

  21. 22,000 over 12 months is about $1,833 PI plus taxes sounds like Quintanilla is right with his numbers unless he pays $22,000 per mont. Bbby you are an idiot glad we got rid of you in Brownsville. Still embarrased by that bogus deposition that you and your papasito Rick Zayas concockted.

  22. Boby must be losing it the bank does not won the note it was purchased by NTEX in August of 2010. How do you accumulate $200,000 in fees and penalties when you have paid over $22,000 in mortgage payments. NTEX is a gas exploration company that owns no residential mortgages except Quintanilla's and who happens to be a contributor to JOE Barton who just gor redistricted into a 41% Hispanic District right in the heart of Quintanilla's base.

  23. Carlos, have you check out the post of Nov 25, @ 9:04 am, is that Cata, or Luci???

    I think you are in treuble with them...Oh! Lord!

  24. Carlito, I am alive and well. I spent the holiday in Brownsville - not Dallas - not London. You seem to suffer some delusion I am the only one who is trying to expose you as a fraud. People all over Dallas, Lubbock, and Brownsville are exposing you as a fraud.

    I am very happy no longer blogging. I have read two books and gotten a lot dwen around the house, while dealing with some major allergy problems

    I'm curious, if there is no pending foreclosure what do you expect to get on Monday?

    Judges expect lawyers to delay the foreclosure once a lawsuit is filed. Lawyers know it is a sign of disrespect to proceed until afer the hearing. This is the only reason why there is no foreclosure set for December.

    Your own documents show you agreed to pay $40,000.00 in April and June - you did not pay $40,000 by your own admission. How are you not in default.

    You cannot seem to speak without digging your hole deaper.

    We all know your post on Monday late morning - "the court ruled for Quintanilla and I kicked their ass."

    Here is a newsflash - money you receive in a lawsuit is 100% taxable - just because you got a lot of money in a lawsuit settlement does not mean you do not have to pay taxes on it.

    On the taxes - you seem to think you do not pay taxes on lawsuits - you do - I paid just over $15,000 in taxes on the $60,000 the insurance company paid me to settle the defamation lawsuit against Montoya.

    An order of dismissal means nothing. In every case after mediation the parties file a Motion to Dismiss after they settle.

    On your own blog Carlito you stated you went to court and won. This was a lie - as I proved there was never a court hearing. All there was was a mediation and then several days later a Motion to Dismiss.

    I think the above blogger figured it out - you took your foreclosure notice and IRS lien to the mediation and the other lawyer decided it was a waste of time to pursue the lawsuit.

    I have no idea what will happen to you Monday. I do not know if a court can issue an injunction based on a represention from the mortgage company they intend to refile for January 3, 2012. It is not worth my time to check.

    You either have proof you paid or you do not. Your own pleadings admit that you did not pay the $40,000 you agreed to pay in April and June.

    As to the BV - it bothers me that your mind may be so far gone that you have no idea how stupid you look. If the BV were shut down by google, I could run it on any number of other free blog formats. Also I would not be posting limited comments.

    Can you possibly speak without lying? I doubt it.

    Finally I will say this - I am all too familiar with both of the major foreclosure law firms in Dallas. They are run by incompetent paralegals while the lawyers do nothing. I have consulted on many a cases and helped the lawyers get a TRO. I personally question whether or not the foreclosure firms in Dallas even know the law. But most people do not file lawsuits so they succeed in one wrongful foreclosure after another.

    Bobby WC

  25. You been exposed Bobby Wightman Cervantes.

  26. Bobby responding here will make it more difficult for you to avoid being a public person.

  27. Oh dear, the Great Battle of the Dallas Heights. Why don't you all do us in Brownsville a favor and take your battle over back to Dallas and leave us the fuck alone? And then Bobby can complete his takeover of Accion America. He's been battling for rights far longer than anyone I know.

  28. So this Quintanilla guy is a flim flam. I knew Jerry McHale and Mary Rey were absolutely right all along. I knew it!

  29. When Bobby uses "ito" after someone's name, he makes it sound so dirty and gay. If I wasn't such a puritan, I might think he's was talking to or about the person's peepee.

  30. Bobby got kicked out of Dallas now we are stuck with that lunatic pervert here in Brownsville.

  31. How much more stupid can you be man?
    Carlos, you just corroborated what this lady Mary Rey is been saying all along. Think Carlos, think. You already got ALL OF US into this fucking mess, and the more you speak /write, the deeper you dig a shit hole for ALLO US.

    Enough Carlos, enough!
    Pobrecito Bobby he thinks he can read minds.

  32. Bobby has multiple personalities now he thinks he is Cata or Luci. Pobrecita La Loca he now has infiltrated Jim Barton's blog like a bad virus.

  33. (Pobrecita La Loca he now has infiltrated Jim Barton's blog like a bad virus.)

    What kind of virus? Are you implying something pendejo? And for the record Brownsville is stuck with someone from Dallas, and it isn't Bobby. Go away, Mexican. We don't want your kind around here.

  34. Quintanilla is ugly.

  35. Come on, Jim. You need to really screen comments or you will become like some of the other blogs. If they are just hateful, name-calling rants that don't contribute to the discussico, why allow them? And don't give me that First Amendment crap; they are just distractions.

  36. Jim is a piece of crap.

  37. En este mundo triador,
    nada es verdad ni mentira.
    Todo es según el color
    del cristal con que se mira.

    In short, how is Jim supposed to know what posting has a pearl buried in a bucket of shit, or is simply that, a bucket of shit?

  38. "Come on, Jim. You need to really screen comments or you will become like some of the other blogs. If they are just hateful, name-calling rants that don't contribute to the discussico, why allow them? And don't give me that First Amendment crap; they are just distractions"

    I do delete the comments of Erin Hernandez Garcia because she says the same thing every time and her comments have no substance. Quintanilla's comments are semi-literate rants, but they reveal a good bit about his mindset. Jerry makes sure the pot is adequately stirred. How does deletion on a case by case basis sound?


  39. Quintanilla never addresses the issue in question. His MO is to always distract, what he (and the board majority) did not know is tha he will meet his match here! Priceless !!!!!

  40. Jim Barton, you, and BWC ROCK!!!! Please do not even acknowledge the insults this character throws at you, he is just what we all discharge daily into the toilet.
    "Good things happen to those who wait"

    The best is yet to come!

  41. "Go away Mexican"

    Brownsville has Mexicans all over goes to show what Quintanilla has been saying all along REDNECK ANTI MEXICANS LIVE ON THIS BLOG.

  42. Anonymous said...

    You're such a dumb motherfucker! I can see why your kids live with their mamasita. You'll be homeless in 6 months, dumbass!

    As posted by BWC on carebrownsville, caught with his pants down he reverts to this. Jim and Nena why hang with this sleaze.

  43. ((Pobrecita La Loca he now has infiltrated Jim Barton's blog like a bad virus.)

    What kind of virus? Are you implying something pendejo?)

    Yeah tell us Dallas trash. What are you implying?

  44. Mr. Quintanilla you have reached a new low even for you. You are now using your own children as pawns to coverup for your own bad conduct. What proof do you have BWC posted this horrible comment? You have nothing. I checked it. It was posted after 1 a.m. We all know your comments are posted on California time.

    Mr. Wightman has blogged numerous times how he does not even go out to clubs because he goes to bed early. He would never use the word dumbass. I searched his blog and the word only appears once, and it was made by your buddy Charlie Atkinson.

    Unlike you, Mr. Wightman took care to not release the names of your children. You had no problem releasing the names of your children. Also Mr. Wightman on his blog complained how you did nothing to protect your children from their mother for two years. He complained that you continue have the children live with their mother part of the time. He knows the children and you do not live with their mother. He posted this on his blog.

    Shame on you for using your children as pawns in this mess. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Demonstrate to your children how a man takes responsibility for his actions. Take what ever money you have and move into an apartment. You need to get a real job before your children learn the truth about you. Hopefully you keep them away from the blogs and papers.

    Mr. Wightman's readers know him and know he would never make children pawns or make such a statement involving children. You on the other hand lie about everything and never produce evidence to support anything you say.

  45. In Quintanilla's world the words RESPECT and LOVE do not exist. He is so far gone, to the point of using his inocent children as pawns.
    If in fact he allowed the other parent to abuse them while he stood idle by, one can only hope CPS looks into this very, very soon.

  46. (November 27, 2011 12:40 PM )

    Come out, come out where you are Bobby.

  47. 12:40pm FYI wightman identified himself in the blog as BWC and his trademark is carlito. Quintanilla we hear spent the day decorating his home for Christmas and is enjoying life.

    There are so many problems here in Brownsville like high unemployment, politicians who are corrupt and have their movidas crashing their cars and politicians who feed off public contracts. Let's put the same energy thet you use in attacking Quintanilla and use it to make Brownsville a place that isn't one of the poorest counties in Texas. Let's make Brownsville Proud.

  48. Ms Rey you should talk Anon at 1:12. The death penalty to murderers.

  49. Mr. Quintanilla you are beyond pathetic. You have declared that the people of Brownsville too stupid to check your no one reads blog, which is why you post here, and see there is no BWC anywhere in the offensive commment. This is just another one of your endless lies.

    Wightman said it best. Leaders lead, and con men and morons distract. I will be the person in the back of the courtroom tomorrow. I will see you there.

  50. (November 27, 2011 5:05 PM )

    Sign your name Bobby. No matter how hard you try. You are still a public person. Go ahead. Sign your name.

  51. Am I the only one who does a doubletake only to find out Quintanilla isn't playing the role of "Hitler" in the Broadway hit The Producers?

  52. Quintanilla, you "poor soul" did the Board majority abandon you? I guess you resulted too much of a liability. Hu?

  53. "There are so many problems here in Brownsville like high unemployment, politicians who are corrupt and have their movidas crashing their cars and politicians who feed off public contracts. Let's put the same energy thet you use in attacking Quintanilla and use it to make Brownsville a place that isn't one of the poorest counties in Texas. Let's make Brownsville Proud."

    Brownsville will be proud the day you take your sorry con artist ass back to Dallas. We're proud to have stopped your Fly Frontera con and we will stop your BISD con. No payday again for the flim flam man. lol!

  54. Unlike Quintanilla, who uses his own (very young)children as pawns to cover up his bad conduct, Mary Rey FIGHTS for hers, like a Lioness protecting her cubs.....THAT IS WHAT PARENTS DO!! Obviously not him.
    BTW Bobby does not use foul language on his posts, nor does Jim Barton....Not even when they address him.

  55. Bobby has been known to throw around foul language like teabagger. What about you Jim? Do you call the tea party a bunch of teabaggers too? Or is it because you are one of them that you won't call them teabaggers?

  56. And what would the penalty be for The Members of the Board who got entangled with a convicted R.I.C.O. felon way before and after election? Shall we look into it, then decide what penalty they (and he) deverve?

  57. That's what I thought!!

  58. "Bobby has been known to throw around foul language like teabagger. What about you Jim? Do you call the tea party a bunch of teabaggers too? Or is it because you are one of them that you won't call them teabaggers?"

    Carlos. I know you're full of racist vitriol. Much of it you don't understand yourself. You just throw it out there to distract and divide.

    Let's get back to basics. Stay the hell away from our kids. We do not need a con artist sniffing around BISD. I don't care about your arrearage, your liens, your cons. Just leave BISD the hell alone.

    Yes, we have easily corruptible trustees. You noticed that all the way from Dallas. Some may have fallen for your lame calabaza promises. One phony faked a doctorate. But, you Carlos are a total fake, phony. As I told you earlier, I do not believe pedophiles and con artists rehabilate or reform. They just move on to another victim or mark.

    Leave Brownsville now Carlos!


  59. (Leave Brownsville now Carlos!)

    He's not in Brownsville right now for him to leave it, Jim. Is that an implied threat against the civil rights activist? It sure sounds like that to me.

  60. Civil rights activist? Yeah, right, Carlos. You use civil rights, feeding kids as part of your con. You are a con artist, a convicted RICO racketeer. You are a total fraud. We're going to do everything to stop your payday at BISD, just as we did with Fly Frontera.


  61. Can't keep a wife, doesn't pay child support, doesn't pay insurance for his kids, doesn't pay his house, will lose his house, has numerous judgements against him, owes his soul to the IRS,single handely was the cause of Fly Frontera failure, hated by majority of Hispanics, shunned by legit activist organizations, helped elect worst board members in history of BISD, pathelogical liar, convicted felon... Prime candidate for loser of the year!

  62. I will second that......"LEAVE BROWNSVILLE NOW !!"

  63. (Civil rights activist? Yeah, right, Carlos. You use civil rights, feeding kids as part of your con. You are a con artist, a convicted RICO racketeer. You are a total fraud. We're going to do everything to stop your payday at BISD, just as we did with Fly Frontera.


    November 27, 2011 11:25 PM )

    Mr. Quintanilla follows the non-violent footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, and Dolores Huerta. I did not read a denial that there was an implied threat towards the civil rights leader. In fact you went further and stated, "We're going to do everything to stop your payday at BISD." Everything? Have you no decency man?

  64. "We are going to do every thing to stop your payday at BISD"

    I second that, this is not a threat, (only cowards threat) this is a PROMISE . Uy uy uy .

  65. I just got in from court. In court today the judge gave Quintanilla 2 weeks to get his evidence in order. She issued a TRO for this purpose only. He had to post a $1,000 bond to get the TRO. This is a continuance TRO, to allow the court more time to hear the evidence. The court could not hear the evidence in 30 minutes so it will continue the hearing on December 12, 2011. She appears to have signed the TRO prepared by Quintanilla. She crossed out some parts while writing in additional information. The TRO has to say that she heard the evidence and believes a TRO is needed to preserve the rights of Quintanilla. In the end this means nothing. It had to be done this way to give him the 2 week continuance to get his evidence in order.

  66. Distracting people again Carlos? Getting off the issue? It will not work, not now, not ever. We are on to you and your cohorts.

  67. Mrs Arjelia Miller was used by Quintailla BUT remember she has had opportu ity to come clean and chooses not too!!! I think she is one of the bad guys!!! Those who keep quiet are just as guilty. I have figured out that Mrs Miller likes going out for coffee and lunch. SOOOO SAD!!!

  68. Miller has no honor, she's still waiting for quitanla to plece her in a seat... Miller, Harlow used you!

  69. THANKS to Mary Rey, BISD should be able to prevail in the BISD v HEALTHSMART 14 MILLION lawsuit. Also, thanks to this lady, ACE Ins. will take a look at the settlement Art Rendon was awarded $50,000.00 of which were/are to be paid by BISD. (more than enough to hire a new teacher for a full year)

    BOARD MAJORITY: Are you sure it was/is all about the children???....I THINK NOT.

  70. I believe Argelia Miller was used as a "cheap mule" by Quintanilla, Catalina and Luci, Christina, and Escobedo, however, she's had the opportunity to come clean, and chooses not to do it...Maybe they are pressuring her that if she speaks the truth she would loose her job?

    You have to remember Carlos Quintanilla has threaten Jerry McHale too! And let's not forget the threat Mary Rey is under.

    This only re-inforces what Mary Rey says in her deposition "It's like Hitler, if any one at BISD says anything against these Board members, they fear for their job"

    This leads me to the next questions:
    Who is this guy?
    Why is he threatening BISD employees implying they will lose their jobs?
    Were Cata, Lucy, Christina, and Enrique dealing with him before and after the election?

    This is something to make an entire community go up to the DA and demand an investigation be conducted immediately!!

  71. Whay is it that NONE of the four trustees is answering to these questions? And do they have an answer?? I don't think so

  72. Pobres estupidos! creen que lo pueden todo...vamos a ver!



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...