Friday, October 21, 2011

Republicans Hold Obama Bash At Country Club


by Jim Barton on Friday, October 21, 2011 at 1:39pm

      It was a decidedly older, more anglo crowd than a representative cross-section of Cameron County voters.  Perhaps that's why the Republicans have an Hispanic Outreach Program and have anointed Chris Davis as Young Republicans chairperson.  The Rancho Viejo Convention Center was decked out nicely in red, white and blue balloons and ribbons, but the always bellicose Dagoberto Barrera was the convention's eager living symbol of patriotism.  He belted out the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas state pledge without electronic voice enhancement, then repeated every introduced guests name as if he were hollering across the resaca.  No one seemed annoyed as groups always tolerate their loyal eccentrics.

    As I moseyed among the tables, Republican activist Roman Perez accused me of coming only for the free food.  Actually, I came for the punch and iced tea as no Bud Light or sangria was served.  Pastor Brad, who regularly petitions the Lord for the city commission was thrilled that a church ensemble provided background music.  I threatened to take his picture and show it to Mayor Martinez.  Brad simply said "You would."  A teaparty neighbor lady said she was happy to see me there.  I told her I was more observer, less disciple.  Chuck Mattingly allowed a picture after I told him I was a friend of Adela Garza.  Letty Perez Garzoria was finely dressed and gracious as always.
     Wood elephant sculptures were handed out to award-winning volunteers and lifetime achievers before Steve Munisteri, Republican Party Chairman was introduced as the featured speaker.  He was introduced first with trumpet blare, then a mention of his 10 hour drive from Austin which would be followed by a 10 hour return trip.  My cynical mind had visions of Munisteri making the long trek on his knees, then quickly flashed to the $109 Southwest Airlines Austin-Harlingen flight.  The party chairman eschewed both extremes, settling for the long car ride instead.

     Munisteri's speech stayed on theme:  "Obama Is the Worst President in the History of the United States".  Nena videotaped 15 minutes of it.  When we had sort of gotten the gist of it, we quietly departed.  Of course, billions of dollars were thrown at the banks and financial institutions and other government bail outees, only to have the American people sucker punched by many of those same ungrateful entities.  But extremely partisan fervor is not our thing.

If another segment of this speech is of interest:  meanmrbrownsville on YouTube

Addendum with corrections:
  Rather than try to edit both the Facebook and Google blog versions of this story, I will simply add this addendum to clarify, apologize and elaborate on my cover of this meeting.  First of all, Blake Farenthold was not there.  The large, affable man I mistook for Mr. Farenthold was Chuck Mattingly, a candidate for District Attorney.  I've seen neither in closeup, only Blake from afar at the UTB/TSC Forum on Border Security and Chuck's pic on Facebook.  It was Chuck that I asked for a photograph.  He was somewhat hesitant, but I mentioned that I was a friend of Adela's and he cooperated.  Adela Garza was upset that I used her name in the account, but it was honestly part of the story.  The overall tone of my rendition I can't apologize for because it's simply my view, no more no less.
     Roman Perez was upset that I shared his observation that I had come to the affair just for  the food.  Actually, his assertion was very offensive.  I cover events.  White bread half sandwiches, broccoli crowns, cantaloupe wedges, and meatballs have little appeal.  I respect Roman's local political knowledge but his comment sort of set the tone of the event for me.
     As for my assessment of the overall event, it stands.  Adela asked me:  "What did you expect?"  I took that to mean that any party event would obviously be self-promoting and denigrating to the opposition.  As she correctly observed, the democrats do the same thing.  True enough.  Five minutes with Gilberto Hinojosa would probably be more than I could stomach. 


  1. stupid, Blake Farenthold wasn't even there.

  2. "stupid, Blake Farenthold wasn't even there."

    Yes, I am stupid. I corrected this in my addendum to the article. The large, affable man I photographed was Chuck Mattingly, not Blake Farenthold.


  3. should not you know the difference considering your age and experience?

  4. Well done. Thanks. Mikal Fisher

  5. "should not you know the difference considering your age and experience?"

    Yes, that was an arrogant phrase. That's why Nena suggested to me I wait until morning to add clarifications, corrections, but I didn't listen and did them after the Dali event.


  6. Jim you don't know where you are. You thought you were in Rio Fucking Viejo. Since when does Rio Viejo have a convention center? I want to know where it is. Is it in Juliet Garcia's backyard? Adela's absolutely right what did you expect? It's a partisan poltical meeting. It's supposed to have a partisan appeal. For God's sake the state party chairman was speaking to the Cameron County REPUBLICAN Party Executive Committee. They are the backbone of the party. Did you expect a fucking rendition of Kumbaya, My Lord? And if you show up to another Republican gathering, I'm sure you will not like it. So don't bother going. It's not like people liked you there. You were there to gossip and Republican folks don't like gossipers.

  7. "Jim you don't know where you are. You thought you were in Rio Fucking Viejo. Since when does Rio Viejo have a convention center? I want to know where it is. Is it in Juliet Garcia's backyard? Adela's absolutely right what did you expect? It's a partisan poltical meeting. It's supposed to have a partisan appeal. For God's sake the state party chairman was speaking to the Cameron County REPUBLICAN Party Executive Committee. They are the backbone of the party. Did you expect a fucking rendition of Kumbaya, My Lord? And if you show up to another Republican gathering, I'm sure you will not like it. So don't bother going. It's not like people liked you there. You were there to gossip and Republican folks don't like gossipers."

    Ok, Roman, Rancho Viejo. I simply wrote my impression of the gathering. Included in that overall impression was your little insult. You can write a sanitized, political ad if you wish to do so. The blog reflects my viewpoint which will not always be well received, but is done without profanity or sexual innuendo. I try to correct factual errors, misspellings, typos, etc., but I don't apologize for my perception of the event.


  8. Because your a joke. Do you honestly believe anyone takes you seriously? Everyone knows that the cheezmeh people paid your way in every restaurant and bar. Didn't Linda even supply you with groceries ?

    After you backstabbed them you had to align yourself with their haters in order to continue to get a bite to eat plus your beers paid for. Pathetic I would say.

    Mocking Linda, Erin and now the Republican Party doesn't make you a blogger, it makes you an ungrateful individual.

  9. *you're instead of your

  10. "Because your a joke. Do you honestly believe anyone takes you seriously? Everyone knows that the cheezmeh people paid your way in every restaurant and bar. Didn't Linda even supply you with groceries ?

    After you backstabbed them you had to align yourself with their haters in order to continue to get a bite to eat plus your beers paid for. Pathetic I would say.

    Mocking Linda, Erin and now the Republican Party doesn't make you a blogger, it makes you an ungrateful individual."


    We backstabbed no one. We were defriended by Erasmo Dragustinovis when we could not support the recall of Melissa Zamora, simple as that. The "love" from the principals at the social network group was conditional, based on our belief in what they were doing. When an issue came up we could not support, we were dropped.

    We've not aligned ourselves with anyone, haters or otherwise. We are not part of the sibling rivalry being acted out publicly. Erin, you have always been gracious. We simply do not support the use of politiqueras.

    As I explained before, a blogger is someone with a blog, not a status. There are some well-written blogs and some not-so-well written. The potential reader is free to make his or her selection.


  11. Mocking Linda, Erin and now the Republican Party doesn't make you a blogger, it makes you an ungrateful individual.

  12. "Mocking Linda, Erin and now the Republican Party doesn't make you a blogger, it makes you an ungrateful individual."

    Repeating an inaccurate statement over and over Erin doesn't make it true.


  13. Jim said, "...But extremely partisan fervor is not our thing..."



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...