Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fabulous Cuisine At Yolanda Begum Event Hosted by Juan Carlos Torre


by Jim Barton on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 4:53pm

     After a couple of weeks of being taunted, chided and chastised on my blog by comments from Erin Hernandez Garcia or someone with identical syntax to the County Commissioner's young daughter to the effect that I only attended political events for the food and drinks, I did some serious soul searching.  It's not easy looking at the man in the mirror, admitting to weakness, acknowledging that inner yearning to consume and imbibe.  Temptation surfaced once again Wednesday night,  as Nena and I faced our demons head on, entering the Carino's Day Care for a Yolanda Begum Meet and Greet sponsored by Juan Carlos Torre.
     Greeted and kissed at the door by the elegant Beba Gutierrez, we were shown our seats.  It was difficult not to notice the well-stocked bar, staffed by a beautiful bartender, mixologist and a waiter at the ready.  Chivas Regal, Patron, Bacardi, Buchanan, Seagrams's 7 and other similar liquors were displayed on a front table with Budweiser, Bud Light, Diet Coke and Coca Cola available from a large ice chest behind.  The huge buffet of chicken and beef fajitas, arroz, frijoles refritos, teriaki, various salsas and picos de gallo was constantly being refurbished.  Yes, we succumbed.  More than once.
     We could barely get close enough to Juan Montoya of "El Rrun Rrun" to say "hi".  He was surrounded by a crowd wanting insight into the local political scene and history of our region.   But we were quickly found by Arge Miller, then joined by Evelon Dale and Letty Perez Garzoria, all three engaging conversationalists with youthful outlooks and deep concerns for our city.   "What do you think of the job Tony Martinez is doing as mayor" was one simple question.  One of the ladies said he had confided in her that the job was more than he had expected.  In three hours we covered the usual Brownsville topics:  downtown revitalization, entrenched politicians, calabaza, etc.
     Such a good time with great friends, even though all we really came for was the food and drink.
ps:  Yolanda.  You know we're just kidding.  We had a wonderful time


  1. Jim...there are lots of us whom think you are crap and completely bought by's funny automatically assume its Erin....what an idiot...

  2. jajjajajaja you'll never amount to Juan Montoya or McHale! You're blog is sooo going to lose hits once Maclovio O Malley is open on November 1st. You'll be at the bottom bracket! You have some nerve talking shit about were at her candidacy party! I was there too, but unlike you.....I wasn't there to freeload like you do to the rest of the candidates. Shame on you Jim!

  3. "Jim...there are lots of us whom think you are crap and completely bought by's funny automatically assume its Erin....what an idiot..."

    Yes, Erin. Yolanda had me at tortillas and beans. The simple fact is that I want honest people who will work for our city, not seek public office to enrich themselves.


  4. "jajjajajaja you'll never amount to Juan Montoya or McHale! You're blog is sooo going to lose hits once Maclovio O Malley is open on November 1st. You'll be at the bottom bracket! You have some nerve talking shit about were at her candidacy party! I was there too, but unlike you.....I wasn't there to freeload like you do to the rest of the candidates. Shame on you Jim!"

    November 1? I would mark my calendar if I had one. Does Ernie sell calendars?

  5. I'l say once again, the "if I am bad, she is worst" will not get you votes, go and campaign on your merits. and keep in mind, what you are doing is exactly what Ernie and Norma are known for, and this is exactly why people are so turned off by the Hernandez family.

  6. Jim, there are other candidates vying for the JP position other than Begum and Erin. When can we expect some articles on Lopez, Covarrubias and Javier Hernandez?

  7. Jim its hilarious that you think I am Erin....I don't even live in Brownsville!! Ha ha ha ha...but I do live in the valley ;)

  8. "Jim, there are other candidates vying for the JP position other than Begum and Erin. When can we expect some articles on Lopez, Covarrubias and Javier Hernandez?"

    I definitely want to cover the other candidates. I try to stay alert to any events by any of the candidates.


  9. "Jim its hilarious that you think I am Erin....I don't even live in Brownsville!! Ha ha ha ha...but I do live in the valley ;)"

    Yes, Erin. Hilarious.


  10. It's funny how much calabaza you ate... and how much you continue to swallow.

  11. You're a fucking hack, Barton. November 1 you are irrelevant!

  12. Jim, you give a whole new meaning to the term "boob job".

  13. this is endless fun watching the pathetic Hernandezes losing to Begum!!!!!! And losing their cool on your Blog Jim!!!! Every huge crowd at Begum events makes the Hernandez more and more jealousssssss. Eveyone loves Yolanda BEGUM cant wait for Ernie's expression Election night when Erin loses!!!!!!! watcha

  14. "I definitely want to cover the other candidates. I try to stay alert to any events by any of the candidates."

    If they serve food, you will be there.

  15. Anon 10:26 and 10:30 AM (Evelon), everyone knows Erin is the front runner in this race. Begum can't even speak English. Erin Garcia will lead the next, up and coming generation of politicians. Erin is devoted to public service, Begum just wants to stack her son's appointment book. If they could prove Commissioner Hernandez did any wrong doing they would have taken action, they have not. That means Hernandez is innocent. When it comes to food and drinks, Barton's not only a whore but a cheap whore at that. We will see who wins this one, Evelon.


  16. Yolanda's supported by Marge Miller who's good for 250 votes... for the other side. Marge Miller has fucked up every race she been involved in, even her own.

  17. Arge being good for 250 votes....what a joke...I think mrs. Begums first calculated mistake is the associations that she is making with certain people...but ohh well to each their own...

  18. Hey Jim...I get don't like the hernandezs and you obviously either love or are bought by Alex Begum...because we all know he wants mommy to all costs....but seriously you are killing the little credibility that you have... She could barely read through a prepared speech at her announcement party...and yes I was there...but am NOT supporting her..not because I don't like her....I just don't think she is qualified....after some poking around I come to find out that she has NO EDUCATION!! I mean come on Jim....NONE..another tidbit is that she doesn't vote...and you want us to buy into this lady who wants us to believe in the democratic process....SHE HAS VOTED TWICE in the last 10 years!!! Just check her record....the more I dig the more I find....

  19. "Hey Jim...I get don't like the hernandezs and you obviously either love or are bought by Alex Begum...because we all know he wants mommy to all costs....but seriously you are killing the little credibility that you have... She could barely read through a prepared speech at her announcement party...and yes I was there...but am NOT supporting her..not because I don't like her....I just don't think she is qualified....after some poking around I come to find out that she has NO EDUCATION!! I mean come on Jim....NONE..another tidbit is that she doesn't vote...and you want us to buy into this lady who wants us to believe in the democratic process....SHE HAS VOTED TWICE in the last 10 years!!! Just check her record....the more I dig the more I find...."

    Erin, You've softened your approach a bit, but you're still so very transparent. If you wish to be truly effective in these anonymous posts, you have to be careful not to give away your point of view BEFORE laying down some innuendo.


  20. Jim, first of all you automatically assume that any and every negative post about ms. Begum is Erin. I assure you I am not Erin, and you clearly did not respond to my points of lack of education and voting record. What is your position on my statements?

  21. Jim doesn't know any defense except for ad hominem attacks. Afraid to debate the issues, Jim? If Begum is so great you shouldn't have any problems.

    Not Erin

  22. Can you set the record straight Jim, is Juan Carlos Torre a politiquero or not?

  23. Jim answer the ?????????????sssssssss

  24. Erin, your uncle and daddy may be indicted soon. Who are you going to represent? Oh wait, you want on the county payroll as well. You feel left out? Your family are all getting weekly county checks (for now) you want one too? Oh wait, you are getting paid by the own a vending machine company that has the county contract!

  25. Juan Carlos has more than 2000 providers with husbands and family that vote, no need to focus on mail in votes

  26. Let's stop the bickering and resolve the issue of who is the best qualified candidate for the JP position. Arrange for a debate forum at a public location and let the voting public hear the candidates debate. Then and only then can we can decide which candidate is the most appealing in every aspect. Ya basta!

  27. "Juan Carlos has more than 2000 providers with husbands and family that vote, no need to focus on mail in votes"

    So he is a politiquero? Politiqueros are not limited to mail-in ballots.

  28. Puro Pedo los Hernandez, and Garcia Hernandez and you too Norma.

  29. Posted in the rrun rrun:

    I have been reading the posts and attacks on this post and felt obligated to call a few of Mrs. Begum's family members for some kind of comment. I happen to know Yolanda Begum's brother a medical doctor. I asked him about his family's upbringing and education. His response was impressive. So much so, that i felt compelled to write down a few things to share. This is what he told me:
    Yolanda's Father was the chief operating officer of one of the largest Mexican corporations in Mexico when Yolanda was born. He believed strongly in education and demanded that all his 7 children achieve higher education.

    Dr. Teran (Yolanda' brother)--medical doctor
    Armanda Teran (Yolanda's brother)--Licenciado/atty
    Yoanda Teran--high school and bachlor of arts in art history
    Graciela Teran (Yolanda's sister)--Chemical engineering degree
    Laura Teran (Yolanda's sister)--Bachlor of science in engineering and design
    Carla Teran (Yolanda's sister)--Masters of business
    Lily Teran--(Yolanda's sister)-Bachlor degree in business

    To say this family is or was not educated is an outright lie that is being spread by mean spirited and desperate Hernandez family members.

    Moreover, look at what is going on in Brownsville with all the educated "Lawyers and Judges" who are being indicted. Look at Ernie Hernandez (who knows what degree he has) skating the ethical line his entire career and more recently making headlines for potential corruption. Does being a lawyer make you better suited for a political position? Based on what is going on in our County,.....the answer is no.

  30. Erin, in this election for JP any of your opponents has a better chance than you, because of your family values, so don't go crazy about Begum, she just has as much of a chance as the other opponents, it's YOU people don't want, I like you too much to see you go through this.
    Your only salvation is if you stayed out of politics for a-while.
    a good friend

  31. This is an excerpt from another Dr. Scully:

    It's these kinds of observations that inspire the anonymous and less articulate voices to provide the cacophony to Paz-Martinez's euphony. "Ernie is the most hated man in Brownsville," submits a regular. "And his daughter is sure unattractive. Poor child. The Hernandezes have no shame. They are damn scoundrels. They lick dicks for kicks. Hernandez and his family are nothing more than crooks." Brownsville bloggers don't often agree, but Hernandez is the common enemy who unites the critics. Hernandez couldn't hide his cynical smile after finagling the commissioner's seat through his trusted politiqueras, but he may have cheated himself into incompetence.

    This is the issue.....The JP race is usually ignored. The polarizing issue in this election is another "Hernandez" running for office. The city and the people are tired of the "Herndandez" family and their unethical shinanigans. I agree with the poster above, Erin Hernandez could be running against Daffy Duck and still lose. This is not about Begum or about this little JP race. It is about keeping the hernandez's out of office.

  32. "Dr. Teran (Yolanda' brother)--medical doctor
    Armanda Teran (Yolanda's brother)--Licenciado/atty
    Yoanda Teran--high school and bachlor of arts in art history......."

    Yolanda Begum--?????????(probably zero, none)




Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...