Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brownsville Noise~Graphic Arts Imagery Influencing the Populace

  Following the legacy of the political cartoonists of the great newspapers now mostly gone, Brownsville Noise, an anonymous individual or group on Facebook, uses computer graphics to make Brownsville think.  Approaching local issues with caricature, humor and subtlety, Noise shapes public opinion in a way dry editorials cannot.  A graphic picture can evoke laughter, disdain, derision, anger and fear.  It combines reason with emotion, thus is more memorable than words on a page.
     Here are just a few selections from "Brownsville Noise's" body of work:
  This photo effectively Pinnochio's the features of Juliet V. Garcia, President of UTB.  What is Noise implying?
  This pic was featured during the infamous Fly Frontera proposal some on the Brownsville City Commission desperately wanted approved.  The start-up company was fronted by a convicted racketeer, had not been properly vetted by the city and was seeking a taxpayer supported deal which rewarded failure by requiring the city to pay for tickets NOT sold.
  Here is another pic which ran during the Charlie Atkinson campaign with an obvious implication.

More recently Brownville Noise made Brownville Cheezmeh a subject in this pic The watchdog group accepted donations from two political candidates and then "thanked" the candidates by running these political ads on its Facebook page.
     Speaking of imagery, legendary local blogger Jerry Mchale assigns nicknames that evoke images every time certain politicians are mentioned.  Just a few of these are:  Gilberto "Hooters" Hinojosa, David "Sperm Belly" Oliveira, Ernie "The Eel" Hernandez and "Boozin" Bill Hudson.  All of these are used with relentless repetition, almost forcing our neuron memory circuitry to record these descriptive images.
     As newspapers succumb financially and creatively, the internet takes an increasing role in shaping public opinion.  Words, cartoons, caricatures and graphic arts are now heavily represented in the mix.
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  1. They just throw rocks, but there is oh so much glass!

  2. "They just throw rocks, but there is oh so much glass!"

    This could be a very interesting comment with just a bit of elaboration.


  3. BN is a two faced jackass that's afraid to show his face.

  4. Brownsville Cheezmah is a joke. The puppet master thinks that the cult will vote for Hernandez family! First the cult goes after them and when they start pouring money on them they shut up. The same thing Bull Shit happened with Ed Camarillo last year. Linda D. and her band of rejects will be out there pushing the vote for the fools to follow just watch.

  5. "BN is a two faced jackass that's afraid to show his face."

    or faces if your assertion is correct.


  6. Look at Noise's posts he is such a Zavaletta family tool. As far as I'm concerned the Zavaletta clan is worse than Ernie H. So Jim, why all the good publicity for this irrelevant blogger.

  7. (BN is a two faced jackass that's afraid to show his face.)

    Hi Erasmo! Why do all the "E" names - Erasmo, Ernie, Erin, Etc. - stick together?

  8. please let me know if this is just going to be an anticheesmeh blog. if it is, I have better things to read than to read up on them. why don't you all get it through your stupid heads that all you are doing is making them all the more popular? they are a nothing group, let them fade away. stop bringing them into the spotlight!

  9. "Look at Noise's posts he is such a Zavaletta family tool. As far as I'm concerned the Zavaletta clan is worse than Ernie H. So Jim, why all the good publicity for this irrelevant blogger."

    This article was not about Noise's posts, but their body of work as graphic artists.


  10. it's lame Jim. I enjoyed reading your blog when it had to do with Brownsville, not when you are kissing whoever BN is. I also agree that the cheezme people aren't worth your time, fuck them. let go Jim. know that if kiss ass articles and more news on pathetic cheezme are what I will find here, you will lose another reader

  11. It was one picture that went after Cheezmeh. It was one paragraph on Cheezmeh. Right on cue two anonymous posters 15 minutes apart pull a Duran. No mas, no mas on Cheezmeh or you'll go. Well to quote Her Hotness Sofia Vergara, "What are you waiting for? Then GO!"

  12. "it's lame Jim. I enjoyed reading your blog when it had to do with Brownsville, not when you are kissing whoever BN is. I also agree that the cheezme people aren't worth your time, fuck them. let go Jim. know that if kiss ass articles and more news on pathetic cheezme are what I will find here, you will lose another reader"

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is lameness. I've appreciated your readership, however fleeting.


  13. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is lameness. I've appreciated your readership, however fleeting."

    to patronize is to think little of. it may not be important to you, but you have lost me as a reader and my respect for you has also faltered.

  14. "It was one picture that went after Cheezmeh. It was one paragraph on Cheezmeh. Right on cue two anonymous posters 15 minutes apart pull a Duran. No mas, no mas on Cheezmeh or you'll go. Well to quote Her Hotness Sofia Vergara, "What are you waiting for? Then GO!""


  15. No me amenaces, no me amenaces.

    Cuando estΓ©s decidida a buscar otra vida
    pues agarra tu rumbo y vete.

    Pero no me amenaces no me amenaces.

    Ya estas grandecita ya entiendes la vida
    ya sabes lo que haces.

    Porque estas que te vas y te vas y te vas
    y te vas y te vas y te vas y no te has ido.


    Ranchera de JosΓ© Alfredo JimΓ©nez

  16. @ gone

    Like my old boss used to tell me, "Don't tell me what you are going to do. Do it!"

  17. The puppet master thinks that the remaining cult will vote for Hernandez dirt bags….. Brownsville Cheezmah is done

  18. ("It was one picture that went after Cheezmeh. It was one paragraph on Cheezmeh. Right on cue two anonymous posters 15 minutes apart pull a Duran. No mas, no mas on Cheezmeh or you'll go. Well to quote Her Hotness Sofia Vergara, "What are you waiting for? Then GO!""


    *pop goes champagne bottle*

  19. Who is Rebecca Gomez, and why does she or anyone else think she is special?

  20. "Who is Rebecca Gomez, and why does she or anyone else think she is special?"

    A very interesting character. She claims to have been part of the Balli family, once owners of Padre Island. She ran for county judge a couple of years ago, then mayor in the last election until she found the job didn't pay anything.

    Then she aligned herself with Carlos Quintanilla and Pat Ahumada promoting the Fly Frontera deal, filling the internet with profanity and racial slurs in long run-on sentences.

