Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ricardo Longoria Makes It Personal with the Firefighters

     When Ricardo Longoria speaks, he becomes his own worst enemy.  He is the defendant you never would put on the stand.  He is a public relations nightmare for Rick Longoria.   Even a casual reading of his long-winded, self-serving note to Juan Montoya, publisher of the  El Rrun Rrun blog shows that his vote to terminate the firefighter's contract is totally personal and political.   Of course many of us already knew this on or before August 9, when Commissioner Rick could barely contain his glee when he blurted out the words at the City Commission Meeting:  "I move to terminate. . . . . . . . ."  It was the most forcefully made statement he has made in my brief observation of his work on the commission,  even more forceful than his rapid-fire defense of the infamous Fly Frontera proposal on April 5.

    He tells Montoya:  "Let any of them come who want to deny my facts."  That's unfortunate phrasing.  There is no such thing as "my facts" or "my truth", only facts and truth.    Rick comes off as sort of an overgrown crybaby when he also says:  "They and they alone decided that they would not endorse me for their own reasons. They didn't even ask to speak to me."
    Add vindictive to the mix.  Here are more of Rick's words:  "I was re-elected.  Why should I have to give them the time of day?  Why should Tony?  They went against him too. They have gone to speak with Tony yet no one has called to speak to me. All of their actions and comments against me are because these employees know that I will not be bullied by them or their tactics." 
    Again, Rick's truth shows it's all about politic:  "This Juan is not about my not wanting to support them. I've supported them twice and when my re-election bid came up they don't even have the courtesy to invite me to speak before BUC. They came in and said the fire fighters are endorsing Roman Perez.  Wait a minute, I'm a Brownsville Educator, paid member of AOBE, and a BUC Member am I not one of their own. So what happened to supporting one of their own?"
     I don't know why Rick chooses to capitalize educator, but I think I understand why he made the motion and voted to terminate the firefighters' contract.


  1. Arrogance and making a big deal out of a little achievement,is a positive symptom of an over inflated ego,fortunately the fire fighters are still fighting for their rights and have the support of the people,the vindictive action from the commissioner and the mayor will come back against them in the next election, and when he states that the mayor voted against the fire fighter because they did not endorsed him, he is putting the mayor in a situation that the mayor does not need,with friends like that, you don't need enemies

  2. Exactly. I'm sure the mayor doesn't need or want Rick speaking for him.


  3. Jim, Mr.Longoria, is upset the fire personnel went against him. He won't admit, he forgets elections come every 4 years, and at the rate Brownsville is going, the fat lady might start singing.

  4. Jim, Sallie Gonzalez, the greedy JP who wanted a 30% raise, has stated she will not be appearing before the grievance committee to ask for the raise. It is in today's Valley Morning Star. If you have a chance read on it. Thanks!!

  5. Also Begum's web-site is running, she seems okay, although, we don't know if she is an attorney. Check it out, thanks.

  6. Yes. I noticed that Sallie had a change of heart after "conferring with family". lol. . .I will check out Yolanda Begum. She did not friend me on FB, plus her inbox does not accept messages. "sigh"


  7. Jim, I access her bio (Begums) through Montoya's blog.

  8. I simply typed Yolanda Begum in the bar above my Facebook page and found it. It's well done in many respects. It even has a download for a Voter Registration application. It seems she's taken some anger management and similar courses, possibly through P.A.L.


  9. of course, she is advertising in El Rrun Rrun.

  10. She seems like a good candidate, single mom, from what we read. Good luck, Ms. Begum.

  11. Since Mr. Longoria brought up the fact that he is an educator, then maybe the voters should look into his background as an educator. Does he have the grades or is he another Rick Perry? Does he have the talent? or is he another George W. Bush? (Sorry, wrong political party.) HE made de decision to go into politics. He has every right to disagree with the firefighters or policemen or whoever he decides to hit next; BUT, that same right belongs to the people who criticize him or bring something to his attention and he takes it personal and brings up personal attacks as he does with the people that speak in city comission meetings and ARE within their rights to do so.

    *Mr. Barton please write an article about how some city streets have been paved more than once in the last 10 yrs. and other streets have not been touched in ages; does anybody know where Texas Southmost College will set house once the separation of UTB and TSC takes place?<. Is BISD filling the vacancies left by retirees or people that took the 10 grand or are they "saving" that money by overcrowding classes at Hanna, Porter, Pace, Rivera and Lopez? Veterans is not a four yr. HS yet. Sothing to look into.

  12. Ask him if he knows what BUC stands for and then ask him if he understands what RECALL in November means.

  13. Anony, ask who if he knows what BUC stands?? Are speaking about recalling Ricardo Longoria Jr. He sounds kind of arrogant, if you ask me.

  14. By Ricardo Longoria Jr. City Commissioner District 1
    How can I be against unions if I am a union member myself? My union and BUC (Brownsville Unity Council) at the decision of theFiremen's Union voted not to endorse me. Hell they didn't even invite me to the forum. They and they alone decided that they would not endorse me for their own reasons. They didn't even ask to speak to me.

    In his own words as posted in Juan Montoya's ,"El Runn Runn",
    BUC as he wrote stands for Brownsville Unity Council. As someone in another
    blog stated," a TRUE UNION MAN would know that BUC stands for Brownsville
    Union Coalition. He is ARROGANT, remember the "Fly Frontera Scam"? I DO!
    RECALL Rick Longoria November 2011.

  15. Jim, this is getting serious, Mr. Longoria forgets, once elected, he represents the interest of Brownsville, in it's entirety, whether you voted for him or not, this sounds more like retaliation by him and the Mayor.
    Who is kind of a dissapointment.

  16. Yes, that's why I consider it a public relations problem. Rick doesn't have a clue as to how to present himself. I mean it's good to know that he is vindictive and petty, but a skilled politician would never let that out. It would be very difficult for him to ever have credibility because we now know he makes decisions for the city on the basis of political support, nothing else.


  17. He might be the most clueless commissioner since Charlie Atkinson.

  18. He has foot in mouth disease.

  19. time to clean out the closet people,,,,,,



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...