Friday, September 23, 2011

Can Yolanda Begum Defeat Erin Hernandez Garcia for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2-2?

     The headline above was my question to a close friend at the Yolanda Begum Fundraiser held at the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art September 22, 2011.  "Well, if she keeps getting turnouts like this, she could," my friend responded.  Master of ceremonies Evelon Dale orchestrated an entry worthy of royalty or maybe the late James Brown, putting special emphasis on Ms. Begum's middle name:  "Please rise for your next Justice of the Peace, Yolanda TERAN Begummmmmmmm!"   Ms. Begum entered from a side room to a mostly standing, roused crowd.  Evelon Dale repeated her name twice more with the same cadence and power.  Did I hear trumpets blare?   Ms. Begum approached but was not offered the microphone just yet.  That assignment fell to her son, attorney Alex Begum,  described by my friend as "likely her biggest financial contributor."

     Young Mr. Begum started his speech with a bit of melodrama, describing the Democratic Party as "under attack."  Aren't all political parties sort of under attack with politics being a war?  Begum then traced the party's development briefly, starting with Thomas Jefferson, finally ending in extreme south Texas, characterizing "our area as one of the last havens of the Democratic Party stronghold."  A couple sentences later, he delivered his best line:  "Candidates are supposed to be elected to give back. Since when did it become OK for candidates to be elected for personal gain? Where did we lose that?"
     Personal gain is, of course, what the Hernandez family is all about.  Ernie Hernandez, Jr., his wife Norma and now, kid Erin have used Brownsville and Cameron county as their personal ATM machine for years, tossing the ownership of various companies that do business with the city and county back and forth like hot potatoes, depending on who did nor did not hold office at the time.  Erin Hernandez Garcia has also declared for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2-2.
     So, back to my original question.  Yolanda Begum said the right things.  She wants to work closely with BISD to control truancy among other things.  She read her speech from a notebook, flipping the pages, responding to applause with a broad smile.  Her campaign is largely dedicated to her late husband, Mike Begum, a cancer victim, as were two sisters.  She herself battled cancer, but has been cancer free for 13 years.  Her business experience includes running the family's New Yorker clothing stores and a restaurant in San Antonio.  She used her talent for art to teach children in the colonias.  This is a good resume', but can she beat Erin?

     I got a bit more insight as I went for a beer and brushed by Juan Montoya, the writer of the El Rrun Rrun blog.  Juan said: "I see money here.  Everywhere I look, I see money."  Nena took a picture of Juan and I with Pete Avila, former firefighter.  Back from the beer line, I asked Laura Miniel my question of the night.  "All of these ladies are voters.  In fact, this looks like an entire room full of voters."  Ok, money, voters.  That's a good start.



  1. what about the other candidates for this position? do you have your head so far up Yolanda's ass that you forgot about them? fuck it, you are well known to go wherever they buy your drinks and pay for your meals and we all know that the only thing Yolanda has going for her is that she has bucks and no judicial experience.

  2. Mr. Begum said, "..."Candidates are supposed to be elected to give back. Since when did it become OK for candidates to be elected for personal gain? Where did we lose that?..." When the PROGRESSIVE/COMMUNIST/MARXIST WING IN THE democRAT PARTY TOOK OVER. This is what's plaguing the dems from Washington/obama to Cameron Co./hernandez-hinojosa OUT OF CONTROL CORRUPTION.
    For me this a powerful statement because Mr.Begum sounds like a TRUE DEMOCRAT, our parents PC (PRE-CORRUPTION) Democrat!!!!!
    Ex Dem
    FYI it's why I left.

  3. "what about the other candidates for this position? do you have your head so far up Yolanda's ass that you forgot about them? fuck it, you are well known to go wherever they buy your drinks and pay for your meals and we all know that the only thing Yolanda has going for her is that she has bucks and no judicial experience."

    Thanks. My story was incomplete with respect to this particular race as I was focused on the possibility of nipping future Hernandez family profiteering on our city and county. I will do a followup story.


  4. poor old fool, the only reason people had pity on you cause you were always tagging along like a sic puppy behind that cheesme whore, now your just a sic puppy. keep nm feeding on people's pity old fart

  5. are a pathetic are not a have let Jerry mchale pull you into his obsessed sick criticism of politics...that man Is a sick piece of shit...and no better than he is....and your little Mary Helen...she is Just a dumpy little bitch that likes to get beaten by her boyfriend....and oh.....yes that would also be little miss DWI and drug possession charge....yeah... REAL PILLAR of society.....what a joke....

  6. let's ask the cheesmosos why they dumped your backstabbing ass. Now you think your in the big leagues because pervert Jerry, and sell his grandmother for a beer Montoya applaud your pathetic writing skills? your a joke

  7. I enjoyed this piece and some of your others. Thanks for providing the videos and photos. I thought Alex sounded pretty good. Mikal Fisher

  8. Thanks Mr. Fisher. .

  9. let's ask the cheesmosos why they dumped your backstabbing ass. Now you think your in the big leagues because pervert Jerry, and sell his grandmother for a beer Montoya applaud your pathetic writing skills? your a joke

    Pathetic writing skills??? Anonymous from 3:20 pm, if anyone needs to improve their writing skills, it's you. You don't make any sense and by the way, it is 'you're a joke' not 'your a joke'.

    I applaud Mrs. Begum but have my reservations due to the absence of legal experience in her background. Mr. Jim, please write a piece about the other

  10. Hernandez family is done with the last stunt — they have not caught on that the internet will now turn them around and put them out on the pig farm. So see you pig face.

  11. You know one thing I just found out is that alex begum is hosting a fundraiser for Maria de ford. So mommy ...Yolanda begum has to hold fundraiser for herself and ask people for money yet Alex is HOSTING and PAYING for a fundraiser for de ford.....STUPID move de do you not only have all of your opponents against probably don't have any of the JP candidates in your corner anymore either...not a big loss though.....the DA race has lots of very well qualified candidates to choose from....Maria should have thought this one through a little bit better...

  12. Jim that is Pete Avila, on the picture with Juan Montoya, he is retired firefighter.

  13. Here Piggy. Piggy

  14. "Jim that is Pete Avila, on the picture with Juan Montoya, he is retired firefighter."

    If that is, I will edit the story. I probably heard it wrong.

    Thanks, Jim

  15. Its no secret that Alex wants to be county chair...he wanted it 4 years ago....and all of his so called BUDDIES backed him off....the man has never even stepped foot in a Cameron County Democratic Party Meeting here in Cameron County...why the fuck do these begums feel they are so entitled to positions? I'm sorry but...maybe the begums all need to PERMANENTLY relocate to San Antonio.

  16. answer your question....the headline of this article.....BEgum doesn't stand a chance in hell....but since you had to ask the question....I'm guessing that you already knew the answer.

  17. What happened to the problems with Lopez having to quite over the Hernandez's family plan of having the lady taking the test for the family guy at the bridge? I like to see that dumb ass Eddie Hernandez take the test.

  18. you all are so pathetic... all you want to use against Erin is what her father is accused of.. you really think people don't see past your stupidity?

  19. Last are very correct. And the fact of the matter is that I know Mr. Hernandez. He is "accused" of many things...but the fact of the matter is that that's exactly what they are...accusations... He has hit the ground running at the county. He is getting more things done now and fast...compared to what previous administrations have done. Don't take my word for it...go out and ask people for yourself...hes a proactive not reactive commisssioner. And his daughter...well as far as I know...she stands on her own two feet. She has done well for herself and is an extremely bright young lady. The fact that she has decided to step up and run for JP is a great thing for our county.

  20. What happened to the problems with Lopez having to quit over the Hernandez's family plan of having the lady taking the test for the family guy at the bridge?

  21. Robert Lopez is on Facebook. Perhaps, you could contact him.


  22. people can fight in the blogs all they want, but at the end of the day the voters will decide, just make sure the politiqueras don't decide the election



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...